Chapter 29: Mornings are...

... Ava's Point of View ...

As soon as I could, I left the room that Mr. Smith led me to last night. I can never really tell that this is my room... nor 'my place' now. It just feels so strange.

Every step I took on the stairs led me to the first floor, made me see the ways leading outside, the kitchen, and the dining hall.

At first, I always find a hole I can escape to, just to not end up here...

I can't help but clench my fist and stare down the floor. The exit is just in front of me, but I can not take a step to walk there.

Instead, my legs are having a mind of their own, leading me to the dining hall.... where I can wait for someone to say 'Good morning' to me, to ask me if did I sleep okay...

I barely slept last night... my body was not used to the big chilly room, soft mattress and the thick heavy blanket. And the bed was too spacious, it feels kind of lonely.