Chapter 30: Shocking...

Ryan stepped on it and the car moved to the gate. After the mansion's main gate... We have to travel in circles just to get to the front gate of the mansion.

It feels nice, this mansion is not too far from the East City, but there are no buildings near it, not even a house. It looks like a mini mountain, with a mansion on top.

I wonder if Mr. Smith owns the whole land.

It feels so... free.

After having a taste of the captivating green scenery, and the fresh kiss of the wind, I rolled up the window and took a glance at the rearview mirror. Shyn's still locking his crossed arms in that sulking position.

Looks like the game just turned upside down. Up until yesterday, he was doing all the teasing and smirking. It's kind of fun, being in his position.

The car's wheels screeched, while Ryan hit the brake! The seatbelt slapped a force onto my skin as something forcefully pulled me to the front!