Mental health vs Mental health

I want you all to know that your struggles are never invalidated, what you go through and fight through is significant to you and that can't be taken away. Just cause it's easy for you doesn't mean it's not hard on others. If you survived being struck by lightening, doesn't and shouldn't take away from someone that almost drowned. I want to commemorate all the people that survived their fights, and even more dedication to the people that didn't. It takes a lot to survive, and it takes a lot to not want to, please don't judge others because of their endurance, and don't feel bad because you may feel you didn't suffer as much as others, you still suffered and that's what's important, you can always go through worse. I also want to apologize for my bad story telling and pacing, if you heard me tell a story in real life you also probably heard 10 more stories that lead up to that event and honestly this actually wasn't even planned, I did want to create my own anime but it wasn't going to be about mental health, it was going to be based on my sense of humor lol, but I suddenly came up with the idea when I felt really down and it gave me more hope and inspiration.