V.1-C.46│Teacher II│

"Today we will be learning about..." Anakin was currently teaching to some students who were actually the same age as himself and in fact this lesson was done within the same session Barriss is to attend.

"Excuse me sir, but how old are you?" One the prepubescent teens asked Anakin.

"I am of the same age as the rest of you." Not everyone within the temple knew exactly what Anakin looked like, so of course there would be some people who do not know about him.

"You are the same age as us?"


"Its true, Anakin is my friend and is currently a padawan." Barriss speaks up at this moment deciding to back up and validate Anakin's claims.

The classroom explodes at the confirmation and simultaneously surprised that their teacher is a padawan while being their age. 'Well, I am one year older then this group but it doesn't matter.'

"That is enough. I think we should get back to the lesson."

Throughout the rest of the day Anakin went around going to his newly assigned classes and ones he has gone to before to continue where he had left of or is going to begin. 'You would think children would be discontent with those who do better then them.'

It is true that when very young people are more prone to being very emotional whether they know it or not, they would act on their emotions. The Jedi, or in particular younglings are very capable in withholding their emotions making it all the more easier for an individual to teach.

"Today I will tell you guys about what midi-chlorians are exactly."

"We know, they are some kind of symbiotic thing that lives with us. Inside of all of us."

"Yes, but there is much more to them then that. That aren't as simple as they seem." Anakin then continued. "A simple way to look at them is through the lens of communication, for example if I have 10 devices and Barriss over there only has 5 my voice within through the devices is stronger."

"I have more leeway and will be more easily heard compared to her."

Anakin walks around the classroom pacing here and there as he continues. "Now just because I have more that does not mean I am necessarily more powerful because it also means I need more control over the devices."

"I need to make sure they are synchronized together otherwise what I am trying to communicate wont be as clear and I would say the same thing over and over without it being clear within the transmission."

"On the others hand with 5 devices it would be twice as easier even if she does not have the power advantage it would be quicker for her to take control and may even overpower my voice with her own."

"So you are telling us that midi-chlorians is like communication?" Someone asked.

"Yes, midi-chlorians do act like that, where they transmit your will, your desires to the energy-field that makes up the Force." Anakin then said. "That is why not everyone is Force-sensitive because they do not have enough midi-chlorians to be able to use the energy-field."

"Their voices are just not loud enough because they lack the necessary tools." He pauses before he continued. "But there are ways for even someone without an abundance of midi-chlorians to use the Force even though limited."

Some of the children become interested at this subject. "But I dont think I will go into these details for now but what you should know, is that no matter the amount of midi-chlorians you have you dont have to worry about it."

"Others may have more talent then you but you could always beat them simply because of that very difference in synchronization. The control of oneself and their manipulation of the energy-field of the Force."

Barriss ever the curious girl decided to ask a question she had on her mind as soon as the topic of the lesson came up. Raising her voice she calls out loud. "How many midi-chlorians do you have?"

The others within the class get curious as well eagerly awaiting the answer. "Well, I am not sure of the amount because no device that we have access to can count the amount."

"Is it that low?" Someone in the class jests and the rest laugh at the joke.

"No it is not but in fact when tested by one of my own Masters at the time, my results came over 20000 per cell."

Another exclaims. "That is higher then Master Yoda!"

Barriss of course already knows that his record states he has over 20000 but she does not know the exact amount and feels that Anakin does know but was unwilling to tell.

How did she know this?

Her womanly intuition was starting to kick in.

"Settle down now." Anakin started to calm down the class.

For the rest of the lesson nothing much else had happened and most of the students he had throughout the day he had taught the same.

The reason for his introduction on what exactly midi-chlorians was were because he wanted to test the waters as he would like to spread the ideology based on separating the Living and Cosmic Force.

Qui-Gon was quite right when it came to there being two 'versions' of the Force not just when it comes to the energy types like darkness and light but also based on the aspects and states of form.

Anakin went on to explain after getting confirmation that everyone within his lessons were willing to listen to his information that he would like to pass down. He also here and there started to make sure that they were not as against their feelings.

Especially since they were still mentally children and the suppression of such things can be explosive, he knows as it had happened to the original and many other Force-sensitive's before him.

'A few years teaching would not be enough to completely change the Order but it would be enough time for me to plant the seeds of doubt further increasing the likelihood that these people survive.'

'To join my own Order I will create they would need to be unprogrammed from their brainwashing done by the Jedi. I do not want mindless subordinates in the future because they would be limited and I, in fact already have droids to complete that check.'

"Ok, now that everyone knows about how midi-chlorians work, I can introduce to you the concepts of the Living and Cosmic Force." Anakin paused to create a dramatic effect. "This will change the very way you view yourself and your view on the Force."


The Jamaane coup.

Let the record show that Anakin had a vested interest in what the Yuuzhan Vong were doing and so had had created a way for him to view what they were doing.

The in and outs of their species, their biological technologies that had stemmed from their very culture and religious belief that metals were evil in some way.

Their special biology that makes it impossible to truly sense them using the energy-field known as the Force even when some historical records were kept that their species were at one point very Force-sensitive.

Now they had become as they are.

A civil war had started within this grand group, large, massive in population species. This lead to the ascension of Shimrra. The Jamaane coup was a coup against Supreme Overlord Quoreal by Domain Jamaane which made Shimrra Jamaane the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong.

Shimrra, Domain Jamaane's leader and a candidate for the Overlordship, insisted that the Yuuzhan Vong invade the galaxy immediately, believing they could win a war easily.

He had come to realize that Vong society was falling apart, and that a unifying cause was needed for them to rally behind.

Shimrra, gathering loyal warrior domains, including Domains Choka, Lah, Shai, and the Praetorite Vong, along with the warriors of Domain Jamaane, launched a sudden attack on Quoreal's warriors.

Quoreal was then killed, along with priests loyal to him, and any other so called Quorealists. Shimrra thus became Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong, and ordered the Warriors to prepare for the invasion.

When Grievous had captured one of their species, Anakin had created a device not only for himself but for them to see exactly how many midi-chlorians they have. For himself as well to determine the amount he actually had.

Testing out the new device on the being, Anakin had discovered the presence of midi-chlorians just that they were in such small amount per cell. So few that it surprised him that there were any Force-sensitive Yuuzhan Vong at all, but there were.

If an average human had about 2500 per cell, then this one in particular, if taken as the average has 250 per cell. A very stark difference in their connection in the Force, but that in on itself would not be enough to mask their presence within the Force.

No, there was something special about them, and Anakin intended to take this ability for himself but this would require him to create or recreate something he remembers.

Another thing he had taken account of was his own count. His current count per cell is 36900 per cell and if he were to reverse the process it would mean he was born with 27700 midi-chlorians per cell.

'That water of life was one hell of a drug.' He remarked to himself mentally referring to one of the core ingredients used for the Nightsisters ritual.


Ahsoka was a happy little girl.

Well, as happy as a small child could be. A Togruta from the planet Shili, Ahsoka Tano was discovered by Jedi Master Plo Koon at the age of three while he was on a mission to Shili, and was raised in the Jedi Temple.

She was three years of age and it had been three years since she had come to the Jedi temple where she had made her new home.

At first she was scared just as any child would be but had grand dreams and desires and emboldened by what the future could bring she had set off from Shili. Not that she would remember much of her home planet anyway.

"Youngling Ahsoka Tano, are you paying attention?" Someone had asked out to her.

She was currently sitting in class and was supposed to pay attention to her teacher as the lesson was about to start but she wasn't.

She had been prone to things like this, distracted alot about many things in fact.

"Yes! I am listening." She replied.

"That is good as today we have a very important guest that would be taking over todays lesson for as long as required of him."

"Someone else is going to teach us today?" One of the younglings asked the current teacher.

"Yes, someone else will not only do so for today but for a long while after today as well." The teacher replied.

Sounds of surprise are echoed around the room as Anakin makes his appearance. Most of the children here should not know much about Anakin but it would seem that Ahsoka had been bragging abit and if it was any indication she did seem embarrassed when looked at by Anakin.

'Children know no shame, they say.' Anakin thought to himself.

"Today, I would like to introduce to you all, Anakin Skywalker the current padawan to Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Jedi Master Mace Windu."

Again awe's could be heard echoed throughout at the teachers declaration and introduction, as this is quite the stunning list of masters to have considering just how infamous both Qui-Gon and Mace are within the order.

Qui-Gon being a very wise man that was widely known for disagreeing with the Jedi High Council, some of the more rebellious students looked up to. There were of course other Jedi who had disagreed with the Council before but none more so prominent than Qui-Gon.

This was especially after taking Anakin as his apprentice.

Next up was the other master, Jedi Master Mace Windu who is also widely known and looked up to because of his outstanding talent and contributions to the Order. Who could ignore his accomplishments?

"Alright younglings, settle down, settle down. From now on you will have to listen to padawan Skywalker from now on."

"Yes teacher." All the younglings reply in turn.

After everything had relatively settled down the teacher had left all responsibilities to Anakin and promptly got the hell out of dodge. 'Who would want to look after some snot nosed kids anyway?' The teacher, probably.

"Right, as you all know my name is Anakin, Anakin Skywalker. Most of you here can just refer to me as Anakin as we are all not that far from the same age as each other. I am only five years older then most of you."

If the children were surprised or even cared about that, known had let it shown. 'What a reaction.' Anakin thought to himself.

After pausing because of the lack of reaction he continued. "Today we will be discussing the Jedi code."

"The Jedi code?" Ahsoka the ever curious spoke up at this moment, especially excited that her new and most favorite person in the entirety of her world, at the moment was here.

The other students also seemed curious despite their very low attention spans due to their rather young age. "Yes, we will be going into the Jedi code. Its strengths, its weaknesses and everything in between."

"As Jedi prospective we are Force users united in our quest to understand the mysteries of the Force and to serve as guardians of peace and justice throughout the galaxy. We ground ourselves in a spiritual existence and give up individual attachments in order to focus entirely on greater concerns."

Of course being children most dont fully understand or comprehend what exactly becoming a Jedi entails. All they know is that it is hard work.

Ahsoka within her head was trying her hardest to mentally catalogue any and all information that came from out of Anakin's mouth. She had really could to idolize him and most of what he did, unfortunately for Anakin she had been showing some rather suspicious tendencies.

"There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force." Anakin paused before continuing. "Many things could go wrong if you were all to follow this indiscriminately with no critical thinking."

Again unfortunately most had not been paying any proper attention which would not keep their attention to focus in on what he is saying. 'Not that they would understand, this was pointless. I should do something else.'

"I guess since no one is really paying attention, I could change this into a practical session." Anakin pulls out a practice lightsaber and directs the children to bring out their very own. "Where the fun begins, this is." Anakin then said in a mock voice to make sure they were entertained.

'Are you not entertained?' Anakin mentally thinks to himself. 'Well it was for my own amusement more then anything.'

Ahsoka pulled out her training lightsaber and began the attack, the rest of the class followed her lead. "Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?"