
"I can't beat you without getting closer." Ahsoka exclaimed as everyone that was part of her class, her clan was motivated to join her in her approach towards Anakin.


The Outbound Flight Project.

There were many things to keep an eye out for while the galaxy goes to shite, but there were some things that were more important to Anakin then what others may go for.

Anakin needed to divide his attention and concentration spread throughout a multitude of things, many in number and thankfully he was starting to increase the potential of the Force techniques he had created.

When it came to the mind, Anakin was always searching for ways to increase the mental fortitude, intelligence and other mental faculties to increase his strength.

Three things he had identified that would be useful in attributes related to the mind. The first was the mental capacity, memories, emotions, organization and perfect memorization of everything he senses through every capacity.

Physical or otherwise.

The second to keep a close eye on was the increase in the thoughts he could have, parallel thinking came into play increase the amount of things he could split his mind on and had been slowly increasing over the years. Now he would be able to split his mind three ways and with every major increase it was getting harder and harder.

Capacity, recall and the quantity weren't the only things that mattered as there was the problem of increasing the 'speed' of such thought processes.

The faster his cognitive functions were the slower he would perceive the world and the faster he could do things because he could process things faster.

All of these things together helped to create what he would call the perfect mental Force technique to encompass all facilities of a creature that has a brain. He knows that it would only work for those with a mind and not for the droids given they are limited to their physical functions.

'They are protected either way.'

Anakin mentally connected to one of his elite droids he had sent along with some others on an expeditionary project. 'How is the progress coming along on that next great adventure you are taking.'

'My Emperor, so far nothing major has occurred to report.' The droid replied.

Another weird thing was how Anakin had to start adapting to the way the droids were going back and forth between how they addressed him and currently they had taken a liking to the title emperor.

Outbound Flight was an expeditionary project, led mainly by Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth, that sent a mission of six Jedi Masters, twelve Jedi Knights, and 50,000 men, women, and children beyond the borders of the Galactic Republic into the Unknown Regions where they hoped to pierce the edge of the galaxy and seek out extragalactic life.

Still connected Anakin decides to question. 'Anything new with Jedi Master Jorus?'

'No, for now he has not done anything that would require a report.'

Outbound Flight was the brainchild of famed Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth. Conceived this year, it was planned as a massive expedition into the Unknown Regions and eventually beyond the Galactic Rim to another galaxy.

Families would be brought along in hopes of colonizing worlds in the Unknown Regions and beyond, extending the Galactic Republic's reach.

Officially, Outbound Flight was a proposal by the Jedi Council, but the forceful C'baoth assumed control over the project, becoming its main champion. It was C'baoth who convinced the Senate to support and fund the mission.

Though hyperspace travel to other galaxies was long thought impossible due to a hyperspace disturbance beyond the edge of the galaxy, C'baoth believed that the Jedi could use the Force to smooth it and allow the vessel to pass.

He demonstrated this technique in a turbulent area of space at the edge of the Unknown Regions, and then recommended that eighteen Jedi, including himself, be included in the mission.

Anakin had taken a liking to this technique himself and had usurped it, unknowingly so he would teach his living droids in the future when he decides to extend his small but growing empire beyond.

'Remember to be careful as I expect an ambush to occur.' Anakin told the living droid on the other side of his mental connection.

'Yes, Emperor!' The droid near shouts mentally.

Other then everything that was just recapped there were other things to keep an eye out for that would require Anakin's attention onboard as he does not want people to die due to a very stupid Jedi Master.

Before breaking the connection the droid speaks up, informing him that it does have something to report. 'Emperor, before I forget, with your permission.'

'Go on.'

'During the expedition, Jorus C'baoth took over the ship from Captain Pakmillu. Currently he is extremely strict and unfair to every non-Force-sensitive people. He stole children in the night to train, would not permit decoration, and punished people severely for accidents.' The droid finishes.

Not all Jedi were as great as they would seem and some took the Jedi teachings too far, not that the teachers were not far enough already. Extremes are not healthy or good for either side or point of contention.

They would both in the end inevitably become each other, blinded that their respective side is in the right.

'There are also talks of a rebellion brewing from within.' The elite droid continued telepathically communicating. 'C'baoth's former Padawan Lorana Jinzler, who disagreed with her master's efforts, tried to appease the disgruntled passengers.'

'Interesting, I could use her in the future. I have become acquainted with her and I hope to safely get everyone there back to Coruscant alive.'

'Another thing, my Emperor.' Again the droid awaits permission to speak.

'You may continue.' Anakin mentally sighed at how the living droids had been treating him, he was not a prideful person after all and did not feel great from the chosen title.

'Obi-Wan Kenobi, your Jedi Masters former apprentice came aboard the expedition.'

'He had advocated leniency and the ability for parents to choose whether or not to join the aboard training facility, but C'Baoth would not listen.' The droid paused collecting its own thoughts before continuing. 'Kenobi departed at Roxuli, and it would seem C'Baoth was very much pleased at Obi-Wan's decision.'

'Makes sense to me. For now just make sure everyone survives.' Anakin had sent more then one living droid before its departure and had even stealthily escaped the temple to use Mechu-Deru on the ships everyone was travelling on.

'Cant leave everything to chance, and I would like to not leave anything to chance at all.'


Anakin knew it wouldn't be long before Sidious had decided enough was enough and sent someone to deal with the matter that was interfering with his plans. The creation of droids for the separatists droid armies to be led by Dooku, to be known at this point as Darth Tyranus.

There was not much he could do to put a stop to the full takeover of the droid factories on Geonosis, but Anakin had hoped he had delayed Sidious to prevent any further deaths in the future.

He knows of the great catastrophe on Geonosis and it would be prudent to make sure he could do something about it. Knowing the Jedi he may not be able to convince them or change their minds but with less droids there could be less deaths by the time events start to kick off.

A battle cry pierces the air as a saber swing is swung down aiming to land on Anakin's head. He narrowly dodges out of the way as his attacker comes to light. "Stop your thinking and fight me. Your distracted state is only making me upset."

"Upset? I thought the Jedi are meant to control their emotions Aayla." Anakin replies in a mocking but joking tone.

Aayla responds to his tone by aggressively attacking him once again as they both engage in a lightsaber duel, of course using training sabers.

She swings downwards, but Anakin parries. 'Who does that work anyway? How does a blade made of light have the physical capacity to parry.' Anakin mentally thinks to himself as Aayla goes in for another swing to his side.

Easily dodging he moves out of the way as yet another saber comes from behind him at the same time, this saber coming from one of his training droids that was now helping Aayla.

Swiftly moving around the training room many other training droids make themselves known and start attacking Anakin as Aayla also resumes her own pursuit after him.

"Getting tired are we?" Anakin continuously taunts as everything is incapable of touching him, including the now much more skilled Aayla after practicing with Anakin.

Nearly out of breath Aayla leaps one last time trying something new to catch him off guard.

... Only to fail at the last second as Anakin spins around, disarms and catches her within his arms. The droids deactivate and retreat after the success of Anakin overcoming Aayla has occurred.

"You really are not that good at handling a saber, now are you?" Blushing quite a bit Anakin sees it is quite visible to the eye but decides to not mention anything about it.

"I thought I had you there, but it seems your talents in replicating what Master Windu has, has given you the ability to see any and all of my actions." Aayla replies sounding a little butt hurt considering she had been at this for an entire month now.

"True." Anakin states simply.

Aayla and Anakin had grown close, very close but due to many things nothing had really happened between the two. Considering that Aayla doesn't seem to take into account Anakin's actual age he would say this is progress.

"I have a few flaws I need to work on, dont I?" Aayla questions in a knowing tone.

"Yes, feedback is important for growth after all. Stagnation will hinder your progress into becoming better or improving."

Aayla sighs. "Great."

After the events that had happened the year prior Aayla had been trying to recuperate and recover from the events that took place on a mission she had gotten passionate about.

This led to her brief influence under the dark side of the Force, and she had come back to the Jedi not long after. She had gotten all the guidance she could but had been inevitably drawn to someone special.

At least, someone special to her but she knows he was special to others as well. She could see it in the eyes of her master, Quinlan Vos whenever she mentioned Anakin.

Lost for a while now, she had been stuck within the Jedi temple doing nothing and lazing around then that crazy but inconsequential droid attack happened which led to her meeting with Skywalker.

"You should have some rest for now before we continue. It would seem i have exhausted you." Anakin said to Aayla whom was in her thoughts.

"W-what?" Aayla says before registering what he said. "Oh, well, yes. I think I will."

She had felt something weird growing from within, a feeling she had not had before and it was exhilarating, anxiety inducing and strangely warm. This all happened when she was near Anakin.

These feelings only increased but she tried to suppress it despite Anakin influencing her to not follow the Jedi code blindly, she was still quite blinded but had been only recently opened up to the dangers of the world.

She did not want to go to anyone about this as for some reason she had felt embarrassed but that did not mean she didn't want to identify these emotions.

What was even stranger still was the weird occurrences that would happen every so often. A special connection had been unknowingly made between the two all by accident and she had been subject to the effects.

But because of the specialness of Anakin, it was taken to an even stranger degree.

She was able to see and feel what many people were feeling, well at least to her what she considered many beings. First was Anakin.

She could view through his eyes, hear though his ears, feel what he touched. Everything. When nearby to each other she could distinctly feel his thoughts and emotions but it was strange as if there was some sort of barrier erected that was keeping her out.

As time progressed it got stronger until eventually she was able to know what Anakin felt, his emotions and all. It was a strange experience and she had considered going to someone for this but as for now she would take some time to see more before wanting some guidance.

'Especially since the guidance Master Yoda gave me was so helpful.' She rolled her eyes at the thought.

Strangely enough she could sense what Anakin was going to do as well, instinctively she had strong desire to be protective of him and had noticed their synergy together was extremely powerful.

That was not the only experiences she had as she also saw through the eyes of another, droids. As if she was in control of the droids, directing their actions. She wasn't able to glean any information by doing this though.

It was chaotic and she unable to gain any from this strange perspective.

Again unknowingly another effect of being unknowingly bonded to Anakin. All of these symptoms she was experiencing was the result of a special bond, a special connection that is so rare and unheard of but just so happened to appear here.

Anakin had noticed these effects on himself but had not had the intense reactions Aayla had and if he were to connect the dots, if Aayla told him what she was experiencing he would know what it was.

A Force Dyad.

A Force dyad, also known as a dyad in the Force, was a rare type of Force-bond that paired two Force-sensitive beings and made them one in the Force. The power of a dyad was as strong as life itself, and the individuals who formed a dyad shared a connection that spanned across space and time.

The only thing was how did this happen?

For now, Anakin would not find out about this and about how a dyad had formed between himself and Aayla until the future, which would lead to some interesting results.

'I think it may be best to keep this to myself for a while. At least until I figure this thing out some more.' Aayla thought to herself before some more selfish thoughts entered her mind. 'Maybe I should just keep this to myself. It is something between Anakin and I after all...'