V.1-C.56│The First Mission I│


Within the Jedi training cruiser, the Crucible, the initiates were still in the process of creating their lightsabers but have not left the the planet of Ilum yet, but would be doing so soon because it had been a few days since their stay.

Master Yoda and Master Windu had already gone back to Coruscant seemingly on important business, while Anakin had been left behind along with Shaak Ti. Here to guide the rest after they had finished constructing their lightsabers.

Yoda and Mace had been picked up from another transport ship.

"To think the last to come out of the caves would be the first to complete their saber..." Ti had become quite attached to Anakin, and if he had to guess why, it was because she was a rather lonely person.

"Yes, who would have thought that the supposed 'Chosen One' would be capable enough." Anakin replied in a self deprecating tone.

"Right... Some people are convinced that you are to uphold this supposed prophecy. Among them there has even been a wave, an increase of people who believe so." Ti continued.

Raising an eyebrow, Anakin questions. "Some people have started to believe in that prophecy? No, you said there were more people that are believing in it?"

"Yes. Among the Masters, there were at first many people who doubted that what Qui-Gon had said was correct but now much more of us believe in it."

"Do you?"

"I am not one to place all responsibilities on a child, but I can see the progress you have made and can say that it is certainly extraordinary."

"So you believe it then."

"No, I simply believe that you are much more than what the prophecy gives credit for." Ti keeps a straight face while giving this clear answer.

Anakin stays silent not having anything to say.

"The students are nearly done here. We will be heading back to Coruscant today if they are fast enough and even if they aren't, we will still head back."

"How kind of you."

"Very." Ti left for another area, presumably the room she was temporarily staying in.



After the initiates were done constructing their lightsaber on Ilum, Shaak Ti, Anakin and the initiates had gone back to Coruscant.

"We are finally back." Anakin says as he exits the spacecraft.

Ti was directing the initiates. "Alright, now that everyone has made their lightsaber we will be going back to the temple for your next trials to commence."

Everyone gets onto some speeders to get back to the temple.

"Right, go on. Everyone back to their daily routines." Anakin said out loud to the initiates and they listened going about their business.

Anakin had taken on a role within the trials, but he wasn't a guide just there because he was there for himself but that did not mean he couldn't help out the others.

He had been so kind to even help out the future apprentice of Depa Billaba in the construction of her saber.

"I should be going now, I was informed of some important matters that I should attend to." Ti directed to Anakin as they were alone now.

"May the Force be with you." Anakin used the usual words when Force-sensitives part ways.

"And may the Force be with you, but I dont think it would ever really be apart now would it. Considering on record it was said you were conceived of midi-chlorians."

"Very funny." Anakin deadpanned but continued with some jest. "But that would mean, the Force is sort of like a parent to me."

"Isn't it to everyone?" Ti finishes and then starts to leave. "Bye."

"See you later." Anakin responded.

Running down the hallways of the Jedi temple was an older young adult Twi'lek going at a very rapid pace.

"Ani!" The Jedi Padawan Aayla calls out to Anakin using the nickname assigned to him from numerous people.

Confused, Anakin starts thinking mentally. 'How the hell did she know I had come back?'

Coming to a halt the Aayla was just about ready to pounce on top of Anakin, but restrained and controlled herself remembering the Jedi code and that it would be embarrassing to do so even if she were not a Jedi.

"Welcome back." She says hiding her shyness.

"Thanks." Anakin smiles at her, which if one payed close attention enough they would find her response to be to blush if only a bit.

"Well?" Aayla says in a questioning tone.

"What?" Anakin decides to play up some ignorance of what she wants.

Glaring a bit, she looks him up and down. "Wait... Did you grow taller? I could have swore that you were around 10 centimeters shorter."


Knowing she wouldn't get a proper answer she decides to move back to her original topic. "Show me your lightsaber."

"Woah! Calm down, we may be friends here but I don't think that we should be moving so fast. Take me on a date first." Anakin replies in jest.

Not one to be bothered by the joke intently stares at him. Anakin sighs and reluctantly takes out his dual-bladed lightsaber. "Here you go then, I do not think it is anything special but have a look."

Now holding the saber, Aayla looks the design over. 'This is very Ani.'

"Well, it is certainly BIG." Not one to take a challenge lying down, Aayla says this towards Anakin only because there is no one else around.

Raising an eyebrow Anakin says to Aayla. "Wait until you ignite the blade."

Doing so, Aayla takes care in activating the lightsaber and what comes out on one end was the blue colored blade on one end. "Blue?"


Aayla then activates the other side and it ignites another blue blade. "And blue again..."

Anakin had made sure to include a switch that hide the red blade just in case. 'Don't want the Jedi to freak out now.' He had done this little trick by interring with the process and using the Force to control the flow of energy.

He could minimize either color and overwrite a good portion of the crystals with each other, meaning that while they will retain their original colors, it could be controlled to seem as if he had either two red blades or two blue blades.

"Yes, but there is always more to it." Before Aayla could admire his handiwork anymore he used telekinesis to take it out of her hands and deactivated the blades. "It can be detached from each other as well so as to make sure I dont have to constantly use the dual-blade feature."

"Why is yours so much better than mine?"

"I actually put effort in? Or I could just be more talented... Who know?" Anakin continues to joke with her. "Maybe you just dont know how to work a blade."

'Insert lenny face here.' One of Anakin's thought processes stops what it was doing just to mentally think this.

Aayla faltered here and pouted a bit before asking Anakin a question. "I guess this means you have officially become a Padawan."

"Always has been."

"I know that, what I mean is that you could finally be taken on missions by one of your Masters." Aayla sighed in annoyance.

"There is that too."

"That would also mean that I would be unable to... I mean we, myself, Barriss and even Ahsoka would not be able to see you as often." Aayla catches herself before fully exposing herself but at this point Anakin would be blind to not see what is going on.

"You make it sound like I will never be around." Anakin continues to have slight smile that may be mistaken for a smirk.

"Whatever." Aayla throws this subject to the back of her mind before continuing. "Lets head over to the practice rooms, I want to test out your new lightsaber."

"Sure, testing my saber are we?" Anakin again says in a joking tone.

Aayla doesn't respond and starts to walk towards the direction of the training rooms that Anakin and Aayla had been using. It also conveniently is quite a handy storage place for Anakin's droids as well.

Not that he would need it now considering his underground base beneath the Jedi temple.


Within the Jedi High Council's meeting room.

"A mission, we have. Your apprentice, Padawan Skywalker go with you he must." Yoda spoke towards Qui-Gon who was standing in the middle of the room.

Not all of the Masters were present but Yoda, Mace, Yaddle and Ki-Adi-Mundi were there as of now.

"May I know what this mission is about?" Qui-Gon questions.

"A diplomatic one." Mace speaks here.

Qui-Gon sighs mentally. 'Not a diplomatic mission.' Mentally complaining he then continues. "And where may tell does this take place? What exactly is going on that it would need both me and Anakin to go to?"

"The Republic has grown interested in the events happening on the planet of Tatooine, they have refused becoming apart of the Republic for unknown reasons after the change in leadership." Mace explains.

"Skywalker Industries is also another big part of this decision that the Republic go there and help out, so it was made that we the Jedi were to intervene as well." Mace continues. "A situation has occurred that could lead to a war between the new leadership of Tatooine and the Hutt's."

"From what we know and most others know, that is public knowledge is that the our young Padawan has apparently been ascended to the position of a prince there."

"For obvious reasons we want you and him to go there and mediate. This is a very fragile situation considering that the Republic wants to get involved themselves." Mace then mutters under his breath. "Stupid wealth hoarders."

"The Republic sees great benefit in continuing a healthy relationship with Tatooine and wishes to continue to do so."

Mace pauses to take a breath.

"Go with Anakin to his homeworld to sort out the situation."

"Is it wise to send us there with Padawan Skywalker? He is inexperienced when it comes to any mission, taking on such a huge responsibility on his first would surely be detrimental." Ki-Adi-Mundi intervenes here.

"We believe that the situation here puts Anakin in the best position to do so, considering his mother is the current Queen..."

"Dangerous it is but trust in the apprentice we must." Yoda says.

Depa Billaba remains silent as she has nothing of importance to add except. "I believe that it would be fine to allow Skywalker on a trip back to his homeworld."

"Believe you do he is ready?" Yoda questions.

"Yes." Ti answers.

"Go now, take your apprentice then but I would advise you to be cautious, there is something about the situation and the sequence of events that do not put me at ease." Ki-Adi-Mundi cautions.

Qui-Gon bows before them and leaves the room.

"Care to explain your unease, Master Mundi?" Ti questions after Qui-Gon left.

"Something within the Force is telling me that what is happening on Tatooine was the result of an orchestrated plan."

"Obviously." Ti answers back with some sass.

"I am not referring to the rebellion by the slaves, I am referring to the Republic getting involved when they shouldn't. It is outside of our territories."

"Something else that appeared strange to me was the rejection from the leadership of Tatooine. Why would they not become under the Republic? The situation they are facing now could have been much more easily resolved by simply getting protection from the Republic."

"Know not the reasons." Yoda responds.

Humming, Mace then speaks. "It is definitely strange but everything should be answered once Jedi Master Qui-Gon and Padawan Skywalker complete their task."


Interested had Palpatine grown with the emergence of an empire within the Outer Rims that was started by the rebellion of slaves. In fact he had grown interested even more so because the current leadership there was not as simple as it seemed.

A monarchy along with a democracy, how quaint.

It would seem that one of his subjects of academic interest, the young Anakin Skywalker was also somewhat involved, how much so he did not know.

What he did know though was that Skywalker Industries started up by the young Jedi's mother had become rich and integral to many people within higher office.

In fact the very same creator of the company was now the Queen of her own homeworld. 'A slave elevated to a position of unsubstantial power. It should be me.'

Palpatine had tried oh so hard to make sure Tatooine and its leadership capitulated to the Republic. This would help him immensely but it would seem the current elected leaders were against this, even the Queen herself refused the Republics proposal.

'The slave is smarter than what would be suggested.'

He had concocted a plan to make them subservient to him, and the success all depends on the Hutt's who were pressuring them from one side while he sends the Jedi to mediate.

He had specifically set things up to make sure the young Skywalker returned to his homeworld to convince his mother to join the Republic.

'How could the boy refuse? He has basically become apart of the Republic and has been captivated to its beauty. No matter his appearance he is after all but a child.'

Sidious' thinks everything will go his way, what he doesn't know is that Anakin is far from a simple child.

It doesn't matter either way of what happens, Palpatine would either succeed in bringing Tatooine under his future empire or he would destroy the beginnings of something that could get in his way. He had felt that it would, the Force had reinforced this fact.

He couldn't let things hinder his plans.