V.1-C.57│The First Mission II│

At the entrance to Anakin's room he opens the door to see Qui-Gon waiting just outside the door.

"It has been decided, we have a mission to get too." Qui-Gon says to Anakin.

"A mission? Where to?" Anakin questions back thinking that it may be similar to the originals.

"Tatooine, your homeworld." Qui-Gon answers.

"The reason?" Anakin questions further already knowing about the on Tatooine through his constant monitoring and the reports he gets from the droids there.

"It would seem that a war is brewing back on your homeworld and your position to the people there would help immensely in allowing us an audience there." Qui-Gon then continues. "We will go there to settle the brewing conflict between the Hutt's and the leadership of Tatooine. Hopefully it doesn't go like my last mission."

"I hope so too." Anakin replied.

"Pack your things than, we need to leave immediately." Qui-Gon states.

"I don't need to bring anything extra."

Qui-Gon says in slight surprise at the start then continues. "Really? Alright then, lets get going."

"Right behind you."

Anakin follows behind Qui-Gon.

A lot of things had happened on Tatooine and most if not everything that had occurred were a result of Anakin's planning.

The Hutt's wanting to go to war to get their system back, his doing of course but it would have happened either way with him funding and leading the rebellion.

What Anakin had to be mindful of though was Palpatine trying to have a hand in play, even though he should be focused on other things it would seem his interest in anything to do about himself had increased substantially.

While Anakin and Qui-Gon were using the Force to move across the hallways of the Jedi temple, someone saw them going at those fast speeds.

Barriss was walking herself to her next lesson when she saw the two of them dashing to go somewhere. "Ana-" Before she could let her words finished he had moved past her.

Pouting Barriss doesn't put too much thought into being ignored and continues thinking it must be something important.


The Scimitar.

"This vessel was originally designed as a hunter-killer, with many unique capabilities. It is a very special ship. It has had very special owners." Anakin said to Qui-Gon as they boarded.

Anakin had decided it would be best to use this ship and he didn't mind exposing his ownership over it considering he had used Mechu-Deru to completely take over everything within.

"Quite the vessel." Qui-Gon stated.

The Scimitar, also known as the Sith Infiltrator, was a heavily modified Star Courier and the personal starship of Darth Maul. On Tatooine Anakin had decided that it does not belong to Maul anymore and would be his compensation for him saving his life.

Of course he had taken the ship before he saved Maul's life, but he still did it in the end.

"Set coordinates for Tatooine." Anakin's command made the ship come alive.

The Sith Infiltrator featured folding wings around its spherical cockpit, and was secretly modified from a Star Courier manufactured by Republic Sienar Systems.

The craft featured six laser cannons, a proton torpedo launcher and a minelayer. Along with its deadly armament, the Scimitar was equipped with a cloaking device, powered by rare stygium crystals from the planet Aeten II, that allowed it to disappear from view and any pursuing ship's sensors.

Owing to the craft's experimental ion engines, radiator fins on the ship's wings were required to be open during flight in order to expel excess heat.

The ship carried three DRK-1 Dark Eye probe droids and the Bloodfin, a Sith speeder utilized by Darth Maul during his mission on Tatooine but transformed to Anakin's liking. The Scimitar was capable of tracking a ship's signature through hyperspace, something considered impossible for other ships.

'Quite an advanced piece of technology.' Anakin then spoke aloud. "This ship should have an easier time helping us on future missions."

Nothing stopped a Jedi from owning a ship, it certainly didn't stop Anakin and did not stop others as well, it was just that Anakin's craft was very special.

"I can see that."

The ship automatically lifts itself into the atmosphere of Coruscant and leaves so it could enter a hyperspace lane.

Anakin had let Sienar help Palpatine create specialized ships as he knew it would only help himself, so he had only taken back his rightful property. If Palpatine ever saw the ship in his hands he would be unable to even know that it was his.

The design and capabilities were nearly all the same but he had changed things enough to make it seem like it was brand new.

Given that he had reinvented everything on the ship however it would be impossible for Palpatine to find out either way.

"Entering hyperspace. Don't worry Master I have upgraded this ship so it was capable of automatic flight, it would not need the aid of a pilot."

"What a brilliant contraption, it was no wonder Skywalker Industries was so successful." Qui-Gon replied in wonder.

'Well, I am in control of the ship and it is not really automatic, but it is better to tell a lie here given the nature of my control is considered apart of the dark side.'

Entering a hyperspace lane that would get them in the direction of Tatooine, the two set off.

"Say, my young apprentice when would you have had the time to create something like this?"

"If you were thinking I did this while I was supposed to be locked up within the temple, I will have you know I had done making this before that happened."

"Really now?" Qui-Gon stared at Anakin expecting him to falter.

But Anakin does not because he has been training for far to long and has had much experience when it comes to hiding or masking his face with no expression. "Yes."

"Alright then. How long until we get there."

"Previously I would have said it would not take too long, but now it wont take long times ten."


"We will get there extremely fast, much faster than any transport ship we Jedi normally would use."

"That is good then, time is of the essence."

It really is something when the Jedi, not one had asked Anakin whether he would be ok with going back to Tatooine, especially when his mother was there. It was obvious they would fear this decision but only kept that fear to themselves and did not voice this out loud.

Anakin doesn't mind this too much given that this is how they are, what he does mind however is that they were quite unfeeling, too much like droids.

'How the hell were you suppose to have compassion if you weren't allowed to feel at all.' Anakin was having some mental processes create an argument that would lead no where because it was only within his head.


Above Tatooine.

"We have arrived." Anakin walked towards the room Qui-Gon was in and directed towards him.

Some time had passed by and the two just started to meditate given that there wasn't much else to do.

Qui-Gon got up to take a look outside the cockpit, to see exactly how much Tatooine had changed from what he had remembered.

Around the planet there were some ships, vessels both large and small that housed some of the droids Anakin had manufactured and had taken control of.

There was even the Trade Federations droid control ship but it had obviously been remodeled, repaired and upgraded to better assist Anakin, the droids and the inhabitants onboard.

"Quite the view."

Tatooine itself still looked quite dry, at least from above but weirdly enough if one looked closely enough at certain points throughout the planet the landscape was very slowly starting to change, where once there were sandy dunes there were now small splotches of green.

The cities itself had been constructed really fast but that doesn't mean that they did not get the necessary upgrades that they needed.

"Well take us to the main flagship here, I doubt that they would let us into the capital without being checked first." Qui-Gon said.

"Ok, you got it."

Anakin turning towards the communications device onboard started to ping the 'supposed' flagship. "Calling Tatooine's flagship."

Someone shows up on the monitor while also transmitting both Anakin and Qui-Gon to the person on the other side.

It was Grievous. He had been prepared because he knew that Anakin would be arriving here with another, one of his current Jedi Masters.

"The negotiators?" Grievous' voice comes through.

"That would be us. Hello, my name is Qui-Gon Jinn and I am a Jedi sent here from the Republic along with my young apprentice, Anakin Skywalker but I am sure you know of him already." Qui-Gon replies.

"Yes, I am aware of the not so little prince." Grievous immediately notices Anakin had grown again since they had last seen each other.

"That is great, we would like to request an audience with the Queen." Qui-Gon continues as Anakin stays silent because everything was meant to be cared for by Qui-Gon as the Master but also the primary of the mission.

"Of course, anything for the prince." Grievous replies.

Anakin does not do anything to correct the terms of address.

Qui-Gon and Anakin are given leeway to land on Tatooine and their destination is the remodeled capital of the sandy wastes. Mos Espa.

Going towards the capital Anakin and Qui-Gon do not need to land on any outskirts but there is a specific area to land at and they are meet there by the current sit-in general, Grievous. "This way, please."

It had not taken too long to demolish the old and than rebuild with the new, and the city itself had been transformed from a shady port to the beginnings of a beautiful utopian civilization.

Given that the atmosphere had low reserves of breathable air and that the species here were only subsisting on that, the first thing to do was to stabilize the living conditions of those who were living there. Second would be the creation of jobs and many new local establishments had been made.

'People seem to be happy at least.' Anakin thought to himself.

He had after all put alot of his time, effort and energy into creating a safe and livable environment here on Tatooine. Obviously it was not perfect but the attention to detail because of his massive brainpower, processes and all was he able to succeed where others would fail.

Anakin had taken trees not native to the planet and implanted it within the cities and had created artificial bio-spheres meant to maintain and provide a stable environment for the people here.

Of course everything was semi-artificial meaning that some technology was used to create this, and of course he had used Mechu-Deru on said technology to make improvements and work around the flaws by either finding a way to make up for them or outright fixing them.

"Quite the accomplishment dont you think, Ani?" Qui-Gon asked him as they walked the newly restructured streets of Mos Espa.

"Yes, it could be much better though." Anakin said the first part out loud but said the second been quietly to himself.

Anakin was never satisfied with his work, but that is what happens. Everyone is unsatisfied with the end product even when others praise it for the beauty or grandness they show.

"Mos Espa wasn't the only place that had been restructured, there had also been a massive development within the other communities spread throughout Tatooine." Grievous interjected here.

"Really? Do tell." Qui-Gon was curious.

"We have decided to start terraforming this planet back into the beautiful scenery told from ancient history and legends." Grievous stated.

"That is interesting, do tell me of how you are capable of this."

"It was all thanks to the Prince and the Queen for their technology they created to better the society here."

"It would seem that your creative abilities are quite the marvel, Anakin." Qui-Gon spoke.

"It would seem so."

"Of course, there are the workers, the employees and many others that helped in the development process but most of it could be attributed towards these two people." Grievous then continued. "There are also the droids here that could do most if not all of the hard laborious work that normal fleshy beings would be hard pressed to do."

"That would be a problem." Qui-Gon said.

"Thankfully it is not." Grievous replied as they have now come to their destination completely protected by droids.

An entrance to a grand constructed building that use to be the living district for the Skywalker residence, also being the residence of freed and runaway slaves.

In its place stood a grand structure that had Skywalker etymology written across and drawn into the pillars holding and supporting the palace created.

'A palace for a king, no an emperor.' Anakin thought to himself. 'It would seem my droids went a little overboard.'

"This is quite something."

Grievous having known Anakin long enough smirks internally at his surprise even though it does not show on his face.

Everything within was a great story, a retelling of what had happened and the subsequent elevation of Anakin Skywalker from slave to Prince and of course it detailed his mother, other people but sculpted into the wars basically told a story like a long lost legend.

The devotion the droids had towards Anakin was bordering on the extreme if it wasn't already.

"This palace was built in honor of the Queen and the Prince but other dignitaries and those who are elected officials by the people sometimes gather here to discuss important matters." Grievous says before continuing. "But the main conference room would be in the main hall where the monarchs throne is."