V.1-C.87│Developments II│

Darth Plagueis, remembered as Darth Plagueis the Wise, was a male Muun Dark Lord of the Sith and heir to the lineage of Darth Bane.

Trained by Darth Tenebrous, Plagueis mastered the art and science of midi-chlorian manipulation. Obsessed with eternal life, he experimented with ways to cheat death and create new life from the midi-chlorians.

In his public guise as Magister Hego Damask II of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, Darth Plagueis backed the rise and fall of certain star systems, businesses, and crime lords, earning him many enemies and putting the Galactic Republic into turmoil.

One of Plagueis greatest contributions to the history of the galaxy was training Darth Sidious in the ways of the Sith and the dark side of the Force, whom he incited to take control of the galaxy and bring about a new age of the Sith.

For decades, he had helped Sidious, known publicly as Palpatine from Naboo, rise to the position of Senator and played a hand in his apprentice's election as the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.

Together, they instigated the Yinchorri Uprising, the Invasion of Naboo, and the war that would destroy the Jedi Order and the Republic in years to come. They were even unwittingly responsible for the procreation of Anakin Skywalker, the 'Chosen One.'

Plagueis planned to be appointed Co-Chancellor of the Republic so that he might advise Sidious from the dark and devote himself to his own research. But his apprentice had other plans.

Sidious, convinced that his master had outlived his usefulness, killed the Muun in his sleep the night before his election and eventually rose to become ruler of the Galactic Empire.

This would be the end of Plagueis' story, his rise to power and inevitable fall from grace as he was blinded by his trust in his apprentice.

"Where could you be..." Anakin said out loud as if he was on the look out for something.

He had tasked many droids he had at his disposal to search, stealthily within the areas he believed he could find Plagueis. Why? Because he could transfer Plagueis consciousness and soul into something else trapping him to his will.

This would allow him to learn from Plagueis while also enforcing absolute loyalty to him.

'He was killed within his sleep, if that is how Sidious had still done it, meaning his body may have already been taken away.' He thought to himself. 'To where? He doesn't know.'

Anakin was after the body of the Sith Lord because there is a possibility he is still alive, still conscious enough because of the technique created by Darth Tenebrous known as maxi-chlorians.

Maxi-chlorians were a creation of Darth Tenebrous as a way to achieve a form of eternal life. During his lifetime, Tenebrous injected himself with a retrovirus that infected some of his midi-chlorians, turning them into maxi-chlorians at the loss of his precognition abilities.

These maxi-chlorians were long lived midi-chlorians that would linger after Tenebrous died, instead of migrating back into The Force.

Unfortunately while Plagueis was used as an experiment for his own Master incase in the event he died but it didn't matter in the end. Tenebrous was locked in an eternal hell created by himself and Plagueis was the successor of this mastermind.

If Anakin could find his body he would be able to isolate the maxi-chlorians that contained his consciousness and then bind it to this object. What object would he be using? The Sith holocron that he had discovered underneath the Jedi temple which had become a talisman.

In fact he had the talisman with him in case he encountered the decaying body of Plagueis.

After many months however of retracing the steps of Palpatine and the possible locations his body may be, he had received valuable information of where his body could be buried.

Which is why he was, along with his droids searching a gravesite that was not on Coruscant and in fact was within the Valley of the Dark Lords.

'At least Palpatine had some decency, which is incredibly surprising he would even bury his body instead of just outright burning him and destroying the remains.' Anakin thought to himself while on this far out planet.

The Sith holocron had become useless to him anyway and he had gone ahead and taken out all of the information within only leaving an empty space for the consciousness and soul of Plagueis.

So what better usage was there other than become a storage device. An extremely powerful storage device but something for storage nonetheless, and he didn't have to worry about Plagueis making a comeback because this device enforces loyalty to him.

Deciding to use the Force to guide him to his objective he walks within a trance as the droids follow alongside him.

'Here.' There were many voices that could be heard throughout the valley as this place was quite infamous.

It was the burial site for many fallen Sith Lords.

'Here, come to me little boy.'

'Become one with the dark.'

'You were born because of the dark, because your destiny was to destroy us. To destroy the Sith and to destroy the Jedi.'

Anakin was being bombarded by many disembodied voices that tried to distract him but he only had one goal in mind.

'Bring balance to the Force, the only way to do so is to become a Sith, it is your destiny after all...'


The Valley of the Dark Lords was a massive rift in an outcropping of stone about three days walking distance to the city of Dreshdae. Wider at the mouth, the valley's stone walls were sheer and steep before opening into a lower valley with coarse outcroppings and rocky mountain ledges.

Overlooking the lower valley were six towering monoliths in the shape of humanoid men bowing their heads. Lining the upper valley's walls were the tombs of ancient Sith such as Naga Sadow's tomb and the Tomb of Ludo Kressh.

At the center of the upper valley was a three-story crypt containing the remains of Ajunta Pall.

The lower valley, once lined with temples and soaring edifices to falling Sith Lords was largely destroyed during Republic bombings and what tomb's remained were hidden behind sand and debris.

The lost tomb of Marka Ragnos was unearthed bit by bit by subsequent Sith regimes, but eventually lost once more after each defeat. At the mouth of the valley stood the reliquary of XoXaan, a sprawling temple complex upon the left most wall of the valley.

At the back wall of the Valley of the Dark Lords was the Sith Academy of Korriban. A pyramidal structure which towered over the tombs, the academy was rebuilt several times while another academy was built in Dreshdae by the Brotherhood of Darkness.

None of this mattered to Anakin however as he was lead to one tomb in particular, which would be his goal.

The burial place of the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis.

"Fan out and secure the area." Anakin verbally told his droids as they explored this relatively newly constructed manmade cavern.

There was a tomb, a coffin of sorts that contained the remains of Darth Plagueis and this was his chance to trap the corrupted soul.

Telepathically Anakin heard something, something so small and miniscule trying to call out in distress. 'Help me! I will not die! I will get my revenge!'

Anakin was cautious to connect himself to this and decided to do so but diverting this connection through the talisman he had brought along. There is no telling whether or not Plagueis would try and take over his body.

Something dark came from the coffin and was hastily advancing towards Anakin but it was sucked into the holocron as it glowed an eerie red light.

'You!' The disembodied form of Plagueis reveals itself after being caught within the holocron. "I wouldn't mistake something of my own doing." His voice became tangible within the real word, enough so that he didn't need to use telepathy.

"It would seem you recognize me." Anakin states as Plagueis was still struggling to escape.

"How could I not know about you, I wanted to see you but my cowardly apprentice stabbed me in the back before I could get to you." Plagueis said.

"I guess I should thank Sidious then." Anakin has a cocky smile on his face to further taunt the ghost. Why? Because he wanted to test the limits of whether or not it could hold Plagueis within so he would not be surprised in the future if it managed to fail him.

"Why have you come here?" Plagueis was quickly able to calm himself down after his initial outburst because he wasn't the overly emotional type. His was a much more calm and collected person.

"Well, it is not like you would be unable to resist my commands anymore. so what the hell." Anakin said to himself before directing towards Plagueis. "I have come here to take you under my control and get you to teach me about Sith alchemy and other things like your science within midi-chlorian manipulation."

"Never." Plagueis still doesn't fully comprehend the situation he is in.

"That is too bad because you will willingly give in to every command I say." He said to Plagueis.

"I will ne-I wi-I-Yes..." Plagueis was struggling. "I-I will follow your commands." If one looked closely they would notice Plagueis was very minutely making facial expressions that gave away he was in intense pain.

He had been trapped and Anakin was successful in his endeavor. "Don't worry, I will not mistreat you as long as you stay loyal."

"What may I call you?" Plagueis questioned.

"You may refer to me as Emperor." Anakin had grown used to this title because of his living droids.

"Yes, my Emperor." Plagueis does a mock bow.

Anakin just smiles as he starts to pack up and leave with his droids while deactivating the holocron, forcing Plagueis into temporary unconsciousness.


Back on Coruscant, Anakin had completed what he wanted to do and had fully extracted everything he wanted from Plagueis.

This increased his own knowledge within the dark side of the Force and allowed him a greater capacity of abilities. Core among them was maxi-chlorians and midi-chlorian manipulation.

While Anakin had minimal uses for maxi-chlorian, it would still help him immensely in the process of transferring the consciousness of his living droids into their future new bodies. This would advance him greatly and decrease the casualties within the future wars that would be fought.

He knows that he cant escape it, there is no way that Palpatine would leave him alone.

There is also no way that the Hutt's would leave him alone as well and the two within the future could create a coalition of sorts to be combative against him. Another thing to take into account are the future events that could happen.

Specifically with the Yuuzhan Vong whom would start an intergalactic war themselves way into the future.

Not to mention the smaller conflicts that would happen throughout.

Midi-chlorian manipulation was a form of Sith alchemy mastered by Darth Plagueis. Requiring immense knowledge of the dark side of the Force, it was the ability to create, maintain, or save life through the influencing of midi-chlorians to a certain degree.

Plagueis was able to use this ability to make creatures give birth without a second partner, referred to by his droid servant 11-4D as the Magister's 'pregnancies.' Plagueis was able to kill the comatose Darth Venamis and then bring him back to life several times, before the Bith's organs failed, and Plagueis granted him everlasting death.

In addition, he turned this power on himself, in order to heal his many injuries afforded to him by the Maladian assassins who almost killed him, and was confident that he would stop aging at all with this power. However, despite all this, Plagueis was still unable to keep himself from dying at the hands of his apprentice.

'How unfortunate for you.' Anakin thought as he stared at the deactivated holocron he had with him and decided to store underneath the Jedi temple for now as this was his base of operations for now.

Darth Plagueis stated that a child born of this power would be the embodiment of the Force. The Muun tried to impose his will on the Force into creating a Forceful being, but considered this a failure, as Anakin was created by the Force itself to bring an end to the Sith once and for all.

That didn't mean he wasn't an embodiment of the Force and in fact he was. A manifestation of its will to keep the balance, it was just that Plagueis didn't understand this concept all too well despite being the creator of the technique.

Anakin could link this ability to have similarities to the elixir of life from his previous life, which was said to grant the drinker eternal life and/or eternal youth, and create new life.

It had alot of the same capabilities and Anakin was going to make sure to use it to the best of his own abilities, but he wanted to do so in a way that cheats the system. The dark side of the Force is quite corrupting and even though he had become balanced himself that didn't mean he was completely immune if he overused such abilities.

So he had an idea, by combining science that missing Immortis Gland he had been working on, midi-chlorian manipulation and genetic manipulation he would create the final half of the implant.

He would make the midi-chlorians within the Immortis implant in particular forcefully work in a specific way but he would influence one side of the implant to be of the dark side while the other be of the light.

He would make the Magnificent implant become the dark side variation while he would make the other half become the light side variant. Doing so should eliminate the conflicting energies but this also means he would have to recreate midi-chlorians manipulation.

Recreate it as a light side ability.

He could do this by transforming the midi-chlorians and the genetic coding within these implants to better suit his needs.

Anakin would of course do this for himself only because he was greedy but that didn't mean he wanted immortality without someone to share it with. He always thought the greatest problem with living forever was the social aspect.

If Humans were not such social creatures by nature they would probably like the idea of immortality more because that is just how nature is.

Of course that may not be perfect logic but it was enough for him, so he would go ahead with his plan. Originally he was just going to use Art of the Small to steal the genetics and the way the midi-chlorians work for the Mortis gods for himself.

Thus giving him eternal youth, but this option, at least to him was much better.