V.1-C.88│Developments III│

The Infinity Gate on Dathomir was important to Anakin.

He had been researching how to recreate such a revolutionary technology for himself and was intending to create a gate on every planet under his control which would help himself and the development of his Empire greatly.

When it came to Dathomir, there were many reasons he would have been able to keep under his control. This is why he gave it away for free, and it was not like he invested all that much on the planet.

The only thing there that was useful for him, he had already gotten.

It is better to grant it independence then try and keep something he would obviously lose trying to keep control over either from the Nightsisters within or from people outside willing to use the planet to their advantage against him.

Why would he include that risk for himself?

He would be able to retake control of it in the future anyway when his militaristic might and power has expanded to such a degree it would allow him to do so.

Of course there is also the political and economic reasons for not wanting to stay as it would take too much time to completely bring such a dangerous planet under his complete control.

Back to the Infinity Gate.

It had two main capabilities that was above everything else and he was reverse engineering the gates for his own use.

Imagine not needing ships anymore, well, he would still need ships because the gates would be cool and all but they are unable, from what he has designed, to transport everything and, or everyone perfectly.

An example being he would need one gate on Tatooine and one on Andooweel to transfer things back and forth between them. This was what he intended to do.

The basic description of the Infinity Gates is that it was an ancient network of structures developed by the saurian Kwa species of Dathomir during the Pre-Republic era. They enabled instantaneous interstellar travel between far-flung locations and could also be used as a superweapon.

Through what the Kwa called the 'power of the cosmos,' the Infinity Gates were able to transport them across the galaxy or project devastating Infinity Waves. The Gates were accessed from a Star Chamber, within massive pyramidal structures known as the Star Temples.

The Star Temples and its associated buildings contained traps which protected the Chambers from intruders. Inside the Star Chamber was a 'realm of infinity,' a pocket dimension that housed the central control station which was used to control the 'power of infinity.'

From what Anakin was able to piece together, this pocket dimension was a space of which they created a specialized energy and stored it within.

It had no connection to the Force but it was an advanced form of energy they were somehow able to access or create.

Of course, Anakin was not only interested in the Infinity Gates because there was also a similar contraption built by the Gree, known as Hypergates. Hypergates were a form of faster-than-light transportation used by the ancient Gree civilization.

He had also discovered the blueprints to creating such a device as well and wanted to incorporate both civilizations unique designs, but he wanted to separate the superweapon part from the teleportation part.

He believes it is just a tad bit dangerous for both things to be held within the same thing.

A network of devices that created hyperspace wormholes, hypergates used an unknown technology to circumvent mass shadows, allowing near-instant travel through space and to other hypergates.

Hypergates had a variety of sizes and functionality with such shapes typically being freestanding accessways, gateways, or archways. Those that activated the technology and stepped through the threshold were instantly transported through hyperspace to a corresponding hypergate terminus at another location.

Such locations tended to vary as a receiving hypergate was capable of being located on the planet of origin or another world entirely with rumors of this latter fleet known of variant gates that were capable of sending entire starships across the galaxy.

Anakin had already begun construction of a merged form of both technologies because he wanted the very best and didn't want the flaws from both sides. Some flaws would still be present but he should be able to with his own design make use of the best of both worlds.

He had a habit of trying to balance things, just take the balance within the Force for example. It would seem it was within his nature to do so.


"Ani, you have grown so much. I am so proud of you." Shmi spoke to Anakin who had come to Tatooine on an unscheduled and unplanned visit to his mother.

Anakin approached her quite surprised she had recognized him because he looked quite different from when they had last seen each other. "Mother." He smiled as he scooped her up and embraced her within a hug.

He was quite large in comparison to her small frame.

"Ani, you have grown so much that I am inclined to believe the Jedi somehow were the reason behind this." Shmi said.

"That is untrue." Anakin stated.

Shmi may be let in on alot of Anakin's secrets by now but that didn't know she knew everything but when thinking about it for a small bit he believes that he should reveal to her what he has done to himself.

Not right now however. "What are you doing here anyway?" Shmi asked her son.

"Did you not want me here?" Anakin asked in a mock hurt tone.

"I didn't mean it in that way, what I meant is why are you here because aren't you not allowed to be here?" Shmi knew her son was sooner or later going to leave the Jedi.

She had raised him after all and could see things, many things in fact leading to her prediction being correct. She didn't need the Force to tell whether or not he was going to leave but the only reason she did have this suspicion was partially because Anakin trusted her.

After having embraced her, Anakin let her go. "Let me take a closer look at you." Shmi then started to check every inch of Anakin, right from his head to his toes.

Anakin towered over her at a height of 2.15 meters because thankfully the Magnificent implant didn't actually manage to further increase his height. His hair had been colored a nice dark blonde which further accentuated his somewhat handsome ethereal features.

Not to mention his once blue eyes had turned violet and now even let out a faint glow that if within the dark, people would be able to make out.

"You certainly look quite different, did you dye your hair? Or did you do something that I should know about..." Shmi looked at him as even though he was physically imposing that didn't mean she couldn't still be stern with him.

Chuckling a bit and rubbing the back of his head, Anakin answered. "No, this is all natural and a result of some other things that I can tell you about later."

She raised an eyebrow. "Really? I will remember that and will seek you out later about it then." She finished.

Anakin along with Shmi then headed towards Skywalker palace and it was still as magnificent as it had been first constructed. In fact it had been upgraded since the last time he had been within its halls.

The droids that happened to be within the palace saluted Anakin as the Emperor that he was. They quite loved him even if it was only their programming while there was no living droids within here and doing other things.

He had at this point stopped production of living droids because they were flawed and he was nearly ready with everything to hammer out the flaws within the synthetic bodies he was having the Kaminoans create for him.

They would be better than the living droids previous bodies and would include the upgrades that had been done to himself, not only that they would be able to experience life as a proper living being.

Their existence was quite tortured and Anakin had always felt a bit bad for them.

"So, Ani, why have you come exactly? You haven't answered my question yet." Shmi asked him as they were now within the safe and secure walls of the Skywalker palace.

"Well I came back for a few things but most of all I wanted to see you again." Anakin was quite the smooth talker.

"You flatter me Ani, but I know you didn't come here just for me." But Shmi knew her child so she was easily able to see through that excuse.

"What?" Anakin starts with mock exaggeration. "Of course I am here for you, why else would I come."

"Alright, alright. That's enough of that." Shmi chuckles a bit as they now had entered Anakin's room of the palace.

"Ok, I think first I want to get out of the way why I look so different, the reason for such a drastic difference and why I had been developing so fast throughout the years." Anakin at this point started to recount what had happened and what he had done.

It didn't give away everything but he did reveal why he had properly left as a child to Dathomir, the ritual he had done to become stronger. Of course this made her become worried for him after this but he had more to explain.

He then went on to explain about his genetic experimentation which had resulted in him looking like this. While Shmi was not against stuff like this, what she was against was her child now telling her about this and just going through with it.

While she knew he was much more of an adult now, the stuff he had done was when he was but a child, which only further worried her.

"Yeah, that is pretty much it." Anakin finished which then immediately had Shmi jump on him again and embrace him within a hug.

She near had tears within her eyes which near had Anakin having tears within his eyes as well. "I am sorry I didn't tell you these things earlier."

"No, it is my fault that I failed as a mother." Shmi said.

"Mother, you didn't fail me and have in fact raised me with the very best effort you could. It was I who had done some things behind your back, which leads me to another revelation I wish to reveal." Anakin said again.

"And what is that?" She had stopped her crying by now and was ready to once again hear from her son what he had done.

"Well... You know about Vader right?"

"Yes, of course I do." Shmi replied thinking back to the very strange existence of the man who had supposedly helped her and her son long ago.

"I have been doing things behind your back for an even longer while then you may expect." Anakin then continued. "I am Vader."

"What? Don't be ridiculous now. How could you possibl-" Shmi stops as she starts to put together the pieces of the puzzle.

"That is right." Anakin had a rather small smile on his face with hopes that she wouldn't be too upset with him.

Unsurprisingly she just embraces him again and doesn't say anything else anymore going on information overload. Anakin lulls her to sleep and she peacefully falls asleep on his bed where as he has some more stuff to do.

'Well, that went better than expected.' Anakin thought to himself as he once again left the palace but that didn't mean he was going to leave after dropping the bomb on his mother. He would stay and still be here when the morning came, no he has other places to be as well.

As while it would have been nice to just come here to see his mother, he still had to get to other places and to further build up his Empire.

The Empyrean.

Quite the ingenious name as it merges the word empire with the word sky. In what way does it get merged? The Empyrean is a synonym for the word sky, just like another synonym for this is heaven.

What better name than the Empyrean of which represents himself, his origins and what his domain has become.

What he wanted to do now was the creation of another currency that would be used exclusively within his own spatial borders. He would go o to create a bank that would of course be separate from the InterGalactic bank which would eventually fall under the control of Sidious.

It would be extremely dangerous to leave his assets and wealth under the control of him or others that would seek to weaponize this against him.

So what better solution then to create his own back, to create his own currency.

From polls taken from both the Tatoo and Andooweel systems Anakin was able to determine that they were in favor of this happening, especially if it was supported by his mother.

So, just like all things he created, he would need to have a name ready for this new back and the name he has is of course again related to his now famous last name. It would be called Sky-Bank.

Anakin was rather lazy when it came to naming things but it was sufficient enough for everyone to see that it was under his control but that didn't mean he was going to extort his subjects. He may be in control but he does know that if he somehow messed with the people it would slowly start to rot his created systems from within.

Equality was quite a high standard to live up to and was hard enough when taking into account many factors and situations across the two star systems he has control over.

Right after the creation of Sky-Bank he had to create the name for his currency, and just like with alot of rulers, monarchs or better of great importance he would create the currency by naming it after himself.

Sky-Coin or Sky-Coins, simplified as SC would become the standard currency used throughout his worlds and star systems as he slowly expands across the Outer Rims.

He already had the design ready and everything, but it would be a virtual type system using his special matrix underneath Tatooine. It would have to become the most protected place, but it already was.

He wanted to protect his mother and as a result Skywalker palace became a place of great importance, so he just had the internal networks and systems created on Tatooine. It was quite the good idea.

Tatooine did become the planet that started to produce energy and technology as its most standard export while it still had to export food and water but the food and water came from Andooweel while Andooweel exported food and water but imported energy and tech.

Anakin had made sure there were such systems put in place to ensure the stability of his developing empire.

'All this work just so society wont crumble.' Anakin thought to himself as he headed in another direction, specifically the research and medicine department here on Tatooine.