V.2-C.72│Hostilities I│

After the whole debacle with the Jedi and the Galactic Republic, things were starting to heat up.

Only mildly however, and it wasn't anything to do with the fight between the Republic and Confederacy, but instead some small battles were starting to take place between the Empyrean and the Hutts.

There was some other things to get out of the way first, so we would start there as Anakin needed to recount what he was going after. There were some star systems that he could start expanding to, as he was now getting extra materials from the Republic and this would allow him to speed up the process of takeover.

He would be taking most of the start systems within his sector, the immediate part of his sector anyway.

Then, now that Naboo had been integrated into the Empyrean as well, as per the deal, the Republic had to let them go. Not that the Naboo and Gungans within that star system even needed to listen to the commands to the Republic.

If possible, he would have also made an ultimatum against the Republic, if they hadn't let Naboo go. He knew that Palpatine was probably seething right now.

It kind of brought a smile to his face, the sadistic bastard that he was, reveled in Sidious' demise.

With two new points, or planets and star systems that he could start expanding from, Anakin would start to be able to take over even more areas. Hopefully they would also have some things of importance as he was investing Stargates into both Dathomir and Naboo.

One had already been constructed on Dathomir, but now he needed to make one on Naboo as well.

First Anakin would start off from his home territories, and then explain what planets he would quietly take over, in the surrounding systems of Naboo and Dathomir.

The first thing of note here, was the planet of Tarnoonga. An ocean world, with some mountains that pierced through the wars and created small caves and grottos. It wasn't really worth it, but from what Anakin could understand there would always be something of worth within something.

For now, he would turn it into a world where mainly aquatic species within his empire can live. There was really nothing else to add, other then its potential to increase trade with the intentions of fishing.

Second there was, Cirus II, that came after Tarnoonga. The Cirus system would further expand his mineral and ore deposits, specifically as a mining world for syntonium.

Then there was Khubeaie, an industrial world that was located within the Arkanis sector of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories region. The planet lay on the hyperlanes called the Old Corellian Run and the Vaschean Way, and it was better known as a stopover for spice smugglers.

This place would just become another place to make use of spice trade and industrial activities. It would be somewhere that would give his people something to do, as people who are bored can create problems for themselves.

He knew all too well about the consequences of not keeping his people entertained, through any means necessary.

The problem came back to Issor, but Anakin had foreseen the problems with this planet, as the Republic had it under his control. He had also asked for Issor, as it was a key point in stopping his expansion outwards.

It was just a simple, but powerful industrial planet and system. In taking it, again it would give people a purpose.

Piroket, a trading planet, located within the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim, that was controlled by a Bothan shipping company. That was until Anakin had offered them a deal they couldn't refuse, a deal that was just money, wealth, etc...

They didn't want anything else as they were a business, a business that was currently looking to have other ventures, which just so happened to allow Anakin to expand into another part of the Arkanis sector.

If Anakin wanted to, there really wasn't much for the Republic to stop him from taking over planets that were under their control from them. Especially now, but that would start to lead to him needing to face off against the rest of the galaxy.

Something that while he alone didn't mind, but he had to think about his subjects, his people. There was no way he was about to put everyone at risk because he wanted to control just one more planet, and instead would expand slowly, where some might say he was doing so insidiously.

So Milirian was off limits. It was unfortunate, but there wasn't really anything else in-between the next system and after it.

So it was an acceptable loss, and some might be wondering why he didn't try and ask the Republic for this system.

It was because if he expanded too close to the center of the Republic, they might start to get paranoid. Paranoid enough to question Anakin's intentions as he would be encroaching on their territory more and more.

It was at this point that Anakin could consider himself the overlord of the Arkanis sector and most of the galaxy would recognize this as well. It was completely under the control of the Empyrean as nearly all of the planets, or at least 70% of them were under him. Under the Empyrean.

Now onto the systems surrounding Naboo.

Well, there was really only one planet and system of interest within the sector Naboo resided in. It was just a vast space of, well, empty... space.

How unfortunate for them.

However Naboo did have something that Anakin would most certainly like to start mass producing. Plasma. All Naboo seemed to import for themselves was food, processed food and technology.

Which is something that the Empyrean and the planets connected to the Empyrean have an abundant amount of. Meaning, that they wouldn't have to worry about their biggest concerns, which were food and tech.

Anakin would like them to focus more on plasma and there was the Millaflower, which had a calming affect. This would be best used for agents, whether it be for themselves or on berserking synths.

It could also be used on people they would interrogate, as it could be used to mess with someone's mind.

The rest of the things they can make, which were cultural items, wine and grains were things that were relatively unneeded, but it would definitely start to increase the sense of luxury those within the empire would feel.

Finally, we end on Dathomir, or the Quelii sector, where there is also again nothing of too much importance to note. However, Anakin did take over Amorris, Quelii and Drackmar, worlds of which there was nothing of importance.

Maybe some historical importance, but Anakin decided because of how bad they were, he would give this sector control over to the Nightsisters.

You see, he was in control of the entire empire at this point and was reaching a certain limit due to the problem of physical distance. He would be unable to continuously keep taking and increasing his own demesne size.

So, now that Talzin was a 'Queen' of her own, he would give some planets to his vassal, even when they were not as good as the developed places within the main Empyrean homelands, that didn't mean the Nightsisters would be unable to thrive in that sector.

They had been doing so under the harsh conditions they lived in, so Anakin decided that while he keep an eye on what they were doing, it would be best to delegate. He didn't want to have to do all of the work.

Delegation should be at the top of a leaders skill list after all.


"Ok men. This mission is important. We are here to scout out the area and not come into contact with any of those that would be considered a part of this heretical empire." A massive soldier, a synth with the distinct look, armor and markings of the Empyrean was speaking to his men.

"Yes sir!" Many people exclaimed back, making sure not to cause too much noise as they were here as a recon mission for the Emperor.

"For the God-Emperor!" The captain of the mission exclaimed which got a response.

"For the God-Emperor!" A response from multiple of the men there as they were considered fanatics for the Emperor.

Or, that is what they would at least be called, because of their behavior.

They were on Unagin, a minor trade planet. It was located within the Unagin system of the Al'Nasrl sector, a part of the Slice portion of the Outer Rim Territories. The planet lay on the hyperlane called the Hollastin Run, which connected it to the worlds of Tsyk and Syvris.

A smaller hyperspace route also connected Unagin to the planet Riileb. Due to Unagin's location near Hutt Space, starships that prepared to enter or leave that region frequently stopped at the planet.

They were here because Anakin has had enough waiting and instead wanted to make sure and scout out what the Hutts might have.

Not only has Anakin had enough time waiting, but so has those within his army, as even though they are more so meant for defense, that doesn't mean that they couldn't get aggressive. While this may seem detrimental, it is probably the best and easiest time for the Empyrean to not expand, but to declare a war.

A war that would force the Hutts into signing a contract with the Empyrean, that they would do as he says.

One might wonder what Anakin wants the Hutts to do, and that is quite simple. Since he wants to go to war with them they must have something valuable to him that he wants, and that is to make them free all of their slaves.

He thinks that if he waits any longer, the suffering of the people that haven't had a chance to yet come to Empyrean will continue to suffer. Of course, he wouldn't openly declare why he is going to war with the Hutts, as that could give them a reason to hold the slaves as hostages.

He needed to make it seem he wanted to go after them for another reason, and that he was only retaliating while the treaty that would force them to outlaw slavery would only be secondary.

Politics is a scary thing and giving your potential enemies your weakness would make it easier for them to do what they wanted. It would also be harder for Anakin or anyone from within the Empyrean to act because they were not perfect.

Of course, he could always go after their leader but like always, the Hutts would just grow another head.

Their were many, many of their species and many, many families that could easily take over the leadership position from within the Hutts. So, Anakin needed to make sure they were alive and that their leaders stayed the same, at least for now.

"We must move in slowly. Because the Hutts dont have control of this planet and it is not considered a part of their space, we will make this choke point ours." The captain said to all of the men as their new mission was to secure this planet.

They would have to do this by destroying and getting all of the rats and heathens to come out. The smugglers that have set up here.

The criminals.

"Where do we strike first, sir?" One of the soldiers questioned as they needed or more like wanted to get into the action already.

"Here, here and here. Teams beta and delta are already at this two hideouts. We, team alpha are going to get the main spot. Once this is taken, we will then start the plan for what needs to happen next."

"I heard that the God-Emperor is intending to go to war with the heathen Hutts? Is this correct?" Not everyone within the army is always told of what was going on, as good soldiers follow orders.

"You are correct. Now, focus on the mission at hand. We must nor fail the God-Emperor!" The captain redirected the conversation to what was going on, their task at hand.


We rejoin this troop of soldiers, with all of their newfound power, gifted by the Emperor himself that he would even sacrifice himself. To torture himself and give them pieces, small as they may be for them to have these new and extremely powerful bodies.

When one worded it like that, it was no wonder these men, the living droids that had now become these modified synths, were so loyal, devoted and whatever word could be used to describe how they were.

"Go in."

"Yes, sir."

Entering the bar, that doubled as the main hideout as their was an entire underground bunker hidden just underneath, they were quite imposing.

The rowdy noise from within the bar stops as those people within look to see huge, armored men within power armor. They were incredibly tall compared to all of them, and it was lucky enough that their heads didn't touch the ceiling.

It was only three meters off of the ground after all and these men were all around 2.4 meters tall.

"We are here for the heathens." The captain said, not realizing that no one here would know what he is talking about.

"Heathens? There are no heathens here-" A man tried to speak but, having identified that he was reaching for his weapon, the captain shot him down. Then and there.

"Any resistance to our orders, will be met with aggressive use of force." The captain wanted to do this as peacefully as possible.


If there was going to be any bloodshed, he had orders that it was completely fine as well, because most people that were here were either working with the heathen criminals or were the criminal heathens.

"Hey! You cant just do-" Another bites the dust.

"No! Frank!" Someone screamed as he went for his own gun.

"Mark, dont do it!" Someone else screamed towards the man to not do anything but it was too late.

"I'm gonna kill you all!" Mark was unfortunately gunned down.

Silence, and another one down, and another one down. Another one bites the dust. After this small silence everyone is tense, as the hulking and imposing Empyrean soldiers make their rounds around.

"Everything here seems clear, sir." A soldier said to the captain of team alpha.

"Good, lets go down, but before that..." The captain turned around to see everyone within this bar were unmoving, whether this be due to shock, or fear, or anything else. At this moment none made a move.

"DIE!" However, it would seem that everyone here, including the barmaids and other females were a part of the criminal group here.

Meaning that they should die for their insolence.

"Kill them." The captain told his men, as the shots from these criminals was absorbed easily by their armor. Armor upgraded to to withstand shots from blaster rounds, but of course it isn't perfect but it is more than enough to deal with low caliber weapons like these heathens have.


"Barbra! No! You killed my favorite whor-" And this man went down just like everyone was from within.

Someone that wasn't a part of the fight was the woman behind the bar, she pressed a button that sent out a signal to those underneath. The Empyrean soldiers will have a fight it would seem as they go downwards.