V.2-C.73│Hostilities II│

Having taken care of the heathens within the main bar, the front shop.

The synth marines decided that they should head in deeper, given that there is no speck of life or living creature within the bar. None but them alone.

"Sir, I do believe that there are none left alive." A soldier reported as he said this to his captain.

"Good, make use of the Force that them God-Emperor has given us. Using this you should be able to tell whether or not those within this place have been purged..." The captain replied as he looked around at the devastation.

There was no going back now, not how things have been before, as this planet would come under the control of the Empyrean. The Empyrean would not use this as a place for its citizens like all of the others and would instead make it a base with which would be used against the Hutts.

There would be no one to stop them and there would be no one to build a stargate here. Anakin wouldn't do so because it is only to be occupied for a short while. Long enough to where he could fabricate claims of the Hutts doing wrong to the Empyrean and then using these claims he would attack.

Force them into signing a treaty while him as the sole benefactor.

Going deeper into the base, the captain and the rest of team alpha easily breach the defenses that had been activated because of that woman alerting those underneath. Having not needing to think much about anything anymore, the captain and the men just go on a killing spree.

Slaughtering people left, right, center, down and above. None were left alive as they wanted to make this place clear as soon as possible.

Well, they didn't kill absolutely everyone as there was some slaves that needed to be freed. They were easily freed as those within had the capabilities to use Mechu-Deru, which deactivated the implanted bombs within them. They were subjected to unthinkable and thinkable horrors, where the criminals did things that were best left unsaid.

'To think that the heathens would do this...' The captain thought to himself as the soldiers were also trained in using healing based abilities through the Force. They started to repair and heal what they could, with some soldiers needing to leave as well.

There was no way all of them could stand the sight of it. Not because they thought of the slaves as below them or were disgusted by what had happened but instead they were like this because it made their blood boil over.

They didn't want their bloodlust activating over these things, so some of them needed to leave because they were both a danger to themselves and others.

"Right, I guess we are done here. Let's try and support teams beat and delta, if they need the help." The captain communicated with those other soldiers through his communication device.


"A, ok."

"Yes sir!"

Many voices replied with their own reply of confirmation.

"For the God-Emperor!"

"For the God-Emperor!"

They would chant this for a while, as their fervor and zealotry only increased as they were reaffirmed in their beliefs that Anakin was doing the right thing. Why, just look at the poor enslaved people that deserve freedom, justice and liberty.


Within the Hutt empire, the Hutts were completely unawares of what was happening on one of the planets that were not a part of their space.

There was an entire war, or mini skirmish happening just outside of their doorstep and they didn't seem to be none the wiser about the situation.

There was no panic, no hesitancy and no reaction to such an event taking place. No, instead they were too busy doing their own things within their own time. Whether that be takin and making money or using and abusing the slaves that they have created within their territories.

"Millennia ago, we were idolized by the younger species. We brought a golden age to a million worlds." The Hutts would say as they remembered their good old days.

The Hutt Empire was a large pre-Republic empire in the Outer Rim that arose to be a galactic power. The empire was founded and ruled by the Hutts using economic means as a way to control it population.

It rose to power after the fall of the Infinite Empire that was founded before the formation of the Republic that was once the dominant power in the galaxy.

But it power would fade, forcing it to adopt a new philosophy known as kajidic and to advocate indirect control through commerce and, as it developed, the criminal underworld, the Hutt Cartel, while the crime lords continued to maintaining their political base as means to an end.

The Hutt Cartel, also known in plural as the Hutt Cartels or alternatively as the Hutt Clan or Clans, was a powerful criminal family, or business alliance of Hutt families in the galaxy, making riches through smuggling and myriad illegal businesses across worlds. Aside from its criminal activity, the Hutt Cartel ruled over swathes of territories known as Hutt Space.

After the devastating civil war known as the Hutt Cataclysms, the Hutt Empire collapsed, the Hutts clans reestablished themselves the Hutt Cartel under the leadership of Budhila Hestilic Amura who adopted a new philosophy known as kajidic, a renunciation of war and conquest, instead advocating indirect control through commerce.

It was certainly the smart move, by taking control of the economy, especially within their own areas, it would make it near impossible for others within to rise up against them.

During the time of the Great Galactic War, the Hutt Cartel was displeased with the Sith Emperor because he did not include them in his plans and intrigues. However, due to the subterfuge of Imperial Intelligence agents, the Republic was unsuccessful in gaining the Hutts' support against the Empire. The Cartel remained neutral in the war, like most others in the criminal underworld.

During the Cold War, the Hutt Cartel owned and ran the HoloNet in the Network Access division on Nar Shaddaa, which was operated by Kabbura.

Around 3600 years prior to now, the new Supreme Mogul, Toborro, led the Cartel's invasion of the planet Makeb, and Imperial and Republic forces began to arrive on the planet with their own agendas.

With their empire now a semi-Republic of their own, they could both be as open as they were and as quiet as they were with the things they do. This included the slave trade that was happening and frequented the Outer Rim Worlds.

Now, during the times of the Clone Wars, there was someone within that was stirring things up from within. Boorka the Hutt held considerable power in the Cartel. During the Clone Wars he co-operated with Sev'rance Tann during the early days of the War after he gathered information about the Decimator, a Republic superweapon which was still in development.

He was annoyed by the Galactic Republic's trade activity near his territory, and agreed to reveal their secret plan to the Separatists.

He would have also lost most of his forces, except for a few mercenaries, for turning against Jabba. Instead, he would be protected by the Separatists. As a reward, he would give them information about the Decimator, provided that someone destroyed the Republic Spaceport.

Boorka would then later be killed by Republic forces during the Second Battle of Tatooine. The Republic would be deeply encouraged to do so by Jabba the Hutt, after he offered them a 5,000 nova crystal bounty to kill him.

With all of this information at hand, Anakin could use this too his advantage as well, given that Boorka still wanted all of this to happen as well. Now that it was Anakin that was in control, Boorka would be unable to do the things he wanted.

He would have to try and set up some sort of deal with Anakin, and by doing this, Anakin would be able to leverage his position and Boorka's greed and anger to get him into Hutt space.

Boorka was a male Hutt crime lord with a masculine personality who operated on the planet Tatooine at this timeframe. Around the time of the outbreak of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Boorka received information from Bogeega Bu'Daay, an operative on the planet Eredenn Prime, about a new series of superweapons that the Republic was building known as the Decimators.

Unfortunately for both of the Hutt cartel and Boorka, they couldn't operate within Anakin's territories, the territories of the Empyrean. Neither could the Republic really, as well.

So instead of people trying to go after the Republic, specifically the Separatists to go after whatever spaceport that is under the control of the Republic, Boorka would go towards the Separatists to see if they could attack the Empyrean.

He would obviously fail in his negotiations, as the Separatists, specifically Dooku and Anakin had an agreement and some level of understanding with each other.

Anakin didn't contact Dooku all too often to tell him or get information from him, as that could be dangerous and instead decided to do so only on a very infrequent basis.

It would be something silly for him to do.

What interested Anakin however, was that if he crippled the Republic here, with their research into this battle ship known as Decimators, it would give him an easier time in the future. There is also the fact he had to consider what the Hutts would do with him taking over a planet so close to their territories.

The Decimator was a war machine developed by the Galactic Republic at the start of the Clone Wars. Equipped with shields and a long-range turbolaser that could target air and ground vehicles, the Decimator could engage and defeat craft as large as the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer.

They were also able to ferry infantry around the battlefield, protecting them within the confines of the Decimator, though the vehicle itself was slow.

Developed at a secret testing facility located on Eredenn Prime and constructed at Alaris Prime by Wookiees, the Decimator was considered one of the most powerful combat vehicles of its era.

However, before the Republic could use them, the Decimators were stolen by the Confederate General Sev'rance Tann. Tann used them to capture the energy-producing world Sarapin, striking fear into the inhabitants of the Core Worlds due to the ensuing blackouts.

Her campaign provoked the Republic to send Jedi Master Echuu Shen-Jon to hunt down Tann and her Decimators. Shen-Jon ultimately succeeded at the Battle of Krant, and the Decimators saw no further action in the Clone Wars.

Meaning that it was all up for the taking.

All ready to be swallowed whole by the Empyrean, to take and to redeveloped these special war machines for further and future use. Anakin wanted to be wholly prepared when he needed to start taking control over both the center of the galaxy and for when the Yuuzhan Vong came.

There is also this little, tiny, small thing known as the Hutt cartel standing in the way of total Galactic unification, but Anakin would wait for now.

If everything was going according to plan, then he should be able to completely defend himself and the Empyrean from any attackers. Whether they be from the broken and shattered Republic, the Hutts or even the Separatist in the future.

There is also the Yuuzhan Vong, but that threat was so far away for now that he wouldn't have to worry about it. That was what he thought of at least, because there was going to be massive things shaking up the timestream.

There was no way, for sure to known whether or not everything will stay the same.

Not with Anakin's influence and his indirect influence through touching others as well. If what he predicts will happen, it is also entirely possible that the Yuuzhan Vong could try and come early as well.

Back to the Decimators, as they would be added to the droid armies.

The characteristics were...

The Decimator's body was roughly rectangular in shape, save for a tower that rose from the rear of the vehicle along its midline. Just in front of the tower, in the center of the vehicle, was a large red orb that served a purpose in the firing mechanism.

Even when not firing, energy circulated through the orb in green waves. When the weapon was activated, the energy would coalesce, causing the orb to glow a brilliant green, before launching a single, focused green beam toward its target.

Decimators were described by historians as having 'giant turbolaser cannons' as their main weapons. Each Decimator was comparable in size, armor, and firepower to the largest Republic vehicles in service at the start of the Clone Wars, such as the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer.

It was also described as possessing tremendous destructive power. Besides their firepower, Decimators also possessed the ability to transport up to ten infantry and were sheathed in thick layers of armor, as well as protective deflector shields.

However, for all their firepower and armor, Decimators were restricted to operating from land and could not float over water or lava, nor could they directly cross over cliffs or thick forests, despite possessing repulsorlifts for propulsion.

Its role would be...

With its powerful shields, turbolaser, and thick armor, the Decimator was suited to front-line combat. It could easily defeat comparable vehicles in combat, relying on its shields to absorb damage.

The Decimator's weapon was limited to firing at just one target at a time and had to charge before it could fire again, which meant that getting off the first shot against comparable vehicles was not assured.

The unique weapon of the Decimator could traverse the beam itself electronically though without need to traverse the emitter to hit aircraft as well, though it still had to charge between discharges.

The slow speed of the Decimator and low firing rate meant that it was better equipped to combat other front-line assault vehicles rather than greater quantities of swifter adversaries. In particular, opponents that could close inside the firing arc of the Decimator's main weapon, such as Jedi or close-range assault troops, were able to avoid its significant firepower.

However, the ability to ferry ten additional infantry inside the Decimator meant that it could augment its defense by deploying these soldiers if the vehicle was threatened.

'Everything going according to plan...' Anakin thought to himself as he started to recieve a message, a message that would start off something amazing.

Terribly amazing.