V.2-C.74│Hostilities III│

'Everything going according to plan...' Anakin thought to himself as he started to recieve a message, a message that would start off something amazing.

Terribly amazing.


"So, do what do I owe the pleasure?" Anakin asked as the all so might Sith, but not Sith lady had come into his throne room and approached him.

"Pleasure? And who said I was here to give you any pleasure at all?" Zannah raised an eyebrow as she replied to Anakin.

"Are you thinking dirty thoughts? Why would I want you to quote on quote pleasure me?" Anakin said, as both he and she were well aware that they both shared a Dyad bond. At this point, Anakin had already explained to her the implications of what it meant, which in turn made her angry.

Who wouldn't be angry, as this was basically chaining herself to him. Through the way of the Sith, it would mean she is limiting herself, and of course Anakin though or saw this in a different light.

Sighing, Zannah decides to move on the subject as she knew that she wouldn't get anywhere. She had grown to know more about Anakin the more time she had spent here, and in fact she was wondering to herself more and more why she didn't leave.

It was entirely possible that her leaving has something to do with the Dyad, but she wasn't sure or was it really because she also believed that it was the correct decision.

"Well, I have come here because I want to talk about... that thing." Zannah says as she had a small blush come across her face.

"That thing?" Anakin asked her, not knowing what she was thinking.

"You know... that... thing!" Zannah seemed to also be getting annoyed at Anakin's inability to read her mind.

It wasn't like he wasn't able to, but at the same time he also wasn't going to just go into the minds of just anyone. Especially without their express permission... Of course he would still do so for some exemptions to that rule.

"I am afraid that I do not know what you are talking about." Anakin said in a nonchalant manner.

"Can't you just read my mind!?" Zannah really was seeming frustrated at this point and seemed to be paranoid that there were holes in the walls.

It wasn't like this place was insecure, and in fact was probably the most secure place in the world, as Anakin had made sure to keep it that way. First it was constructed for the safety of his mother, and now it was used to house his wives and friends, and lastly it would be used to house his budding family.

With a new addition on the way, Anakin was making sure to speed things up, to where he could have children in a relatively safe period of time.

"What is so embarrassing that you dont even want to say it aloud?" Anakin stated as he had gotten permission, but because he was enjoying her self-torment, he would instead wait for her to blurt it out herself.

"..." Zannah has had enough and just stared at Anakin, making use of their bond and in doing so, increasing her own and Anakin's affection for each other. At the same time, she was stubborn enough to do this because she also wanted him to know of what she was talking about.

"Oh? You want to know more about that... Well, this..." Anakin was referring to the Dyad bond itself, as Zannah still seemed to either be confused, in denial or was a mixture of both.

"Let me explain it to you in terms that your barbarian mind will understand." Anakin wasn't attempting to speak down to her, but wanted to invigorate her emotions in a way that got a reaction.

Something was better than nothing, as that indicated that they had nothing between the two of them, and Anakin wanted to know just how much he could rile the dark side user up. She was very over reliant on the dark side, and Anakin wanted to show her that the path of the Sith was and is wrong.

Not to, uh... be biased or anything, but that Sith have done alot of shit stuff, even with whatever benefits they may happen to bring to the table.

The same could be said about the Jedi, but instead of indirect benefits, they caused indirect harm.

"Barbarian mind? I am not stupid, you are..." Zannah snapped back in quite the calm tone, as it would seem her anger wasn't the explosive kind, but it was instead much more focused.

"I apologize. I didn't mean to offend you. I just wanted to point out something that you seem to be overlooking from within yourself." Anakin said as a peace offering.

"And what could that be?" Zannah subconsciously knew her problem, but that didn't mean she was going to straight away openly address the matter. Anakin had two options available to him in this instance, where the first option is he forces her to work through her problems.

The second, is slow, but he would coax her into admitting herself that she is in the wrong, and that she is at fault or has some faults that originate from her Sith teachings.

"Well... I dont think we should go into it right now. Instead, why dont we get back to what you wanted to know of." Anakin the began to explain more about the Dyad bond to her, and how he is in fact connected to more than her.

Obviously this was both confusing and a bit hurtful to know that even when she found her 'chosen one,' she would have to share him amongst other things.

It wasn't the fact that she was connected that got to her, but the fact that it was Anakin of all people. Someone that she never would have had a chance to connect with, because what are the chances of him, coming across her in Hell.

It was all based on chance or luck, but she knew better than that and knew that this was probably all planned by the Force.

Free will? She knew that didn't exist with something like the Force around, but that didn't mean she was just about to give up and surrender herself to this power. It was also the reason behind why she was so against what a Dyad was, even when the origins of a Dyad existed within the Sith.

Way, way back when the Sith didn't even follow the rule of two.

Way back when the Sith were nothing more than a splinter group from the Je'daii who had become the Jedi.

"I dont like what this is or what it means, but I see that you, yourself and the rest of those girls you are connected to dont seem to mind..." Zannah finally said after Anakin in-depth explained the Dyad and his situation in relation to her and the others.

"Really? You would think that I enjoyed the idea of being connected with them? Despite the advantages, I have no control over the connection, they have no control over me or the connection as well. The Force interfered with my life, and it has done so to you as well." Anakin said.

He continued. "The reason why I am fine with this, is because of what I discovered."

"Yeah, yeah. Compatibility and all that..." Zannah said as she gazed into Anakin's eyes for a split second longer than she should of. It didn't help that Anakin was attractive to her, even without the bond she may have tried to get him to be her lover.

And it probably would have been more than a fake lover with that man she used ages ago.

"Yes, and it is the fact that I can love them. That I can love them all, and that themselves can also accept the situation. It isn't like polyamory or polygamy doesn't already exist out within the galaxy at large." Anakin said as he saw that Zannah seemed to have some embarrassment for looking at him too much.

Which was silly, but that was her problem, not his.

Anakin was of the opinion that while someone could be the cause of someone feeling a certain way, that didn't mean just because they were the cause, that they were at fault. If someone had an emotion that he didn't reciprocate, it wasn't that it was his fault but instead it was their emotions.

Not his.

He can read minds and sense emotions, but he doesn't do so often. At least, not when it comes to strangers and his family.

At that point he would just be in violation of their respective boundaries, whatever they may be.

"You sound stupid, and at the same time like some sort of hopeless romantic. Not everyone will see it your way, especially those that dislike relationships like the one you have..." Zannah said to Anakin.

"You mean someone like you?" Anakin gave her a pointed look, that indicated that she was self-projecting.

"No." Zannah shook her head, but internally she knew that it was a yes.

"I cant give up any of the girls for you. I wouldn't sacrifice myself for anyone else as well, just as those I love shouldn't sacrifice themselves for me. I wont give any of them up for one or the other, because that just isn't how I work." Anakin stated.

"There is sometimes more to things, and sometimes it is simple and basic. I just want them them, as I love them all in that manner, but because I am a hypocrite I also dont want to share them with anyone else and 'keep' them to myself..." Anakin continued.

"So you admit it yourself, huh." Zannah said as she then looked down, thinking about what he had just said.

"There is no need to go to in-depth with how it works, or why they haven't gotten overly jealous with each other... There are a few reasons and probably one of the best reasons I can give you, with me sounding narcistic here, is that I am able to love them all equally..." Anakin left off as he wanted Zannah to here what he was saying properly.

"Look at him when I am talking to you. I want you to know, because if I someone fail to portray my feelings through my actions, then you should hear them, listen to them through my words." Anakin stated and Zannah came out of her own thoughts.

"Ok, ok. I am listening." Zannah replied as she was now looking anywhere else but Anakin, as she most certainly didn't want to look into his eyes, or view his form at all. Instead she just focused on his forehead, as that made things easier.

"Well, not equally as that would indicate that I have reached the same level within a romantic relationship with all of them. I haven't as that is... not impossible but because of who I have started to love first, and when I had gotten into a relationship any of them, that was when my feelings and theirs could start to take off." Anakin continued.

"So what you're saying is... is that for you and I to have a relationship and start having proper emotions or feelings for each other, we would have to have a start something..." Zannah saying, if she really got the gist of everything.

"Yes." Anakin answered. "Technically, we could always try dating first, because eventually, both you and I know that we will be together in the end."

"You sound so sure of yourself..." Zannah left off.

"I am, because I have still not found a way to break a Dyad bond. I cannot manipulate it, destroy or create one." Anakin stated simply.

"You say that now, but in the future I am sure that if you had a way to create more, you would." Zannah said as she was now much more relaxed into their conversation.

"And how do you know that? What makes you so sure that I would just go upto anyone, any girl and make them mine out of nowhere?"

"I just have this vibe that you would try to do something like that." Zannah answered.

"You feeling is wrong here. I wouldn't just create a Dyad between myself and another simply because I wanted them. No, I would create a Dyad between myself and someone else because I both want them, love them in some capacity and have their express permission to do so." Anakin said before continuing.

"There are conditions that are also unseen as well..." Anakin finished.

"Yeah, I am sure..." Zannah didn't seem to believe that Anakin would act in a manner remotely similar to what he had just said.

"Do you take me to be some sort of man whore?" Anakin stated as Zannah didn't answer but instead had a small blush adorning her cheeks, because she had been assaulted by the physical and mental feelings through the bond a few times.

Whenever Anakin would go at it with one of his lovers, he mostly focuses on keeping those feelings from reaching Ahsoka, who is now connected through the bond. So every else who is connected to him through the bond would have to 'suffer' through the pleasure he feels and his current lover feels as well.

"Well... I guess that explains what you think of me." Anakin sighed as silence could act as an answer.

It is not that an action can explain things, but so to does inaction. This applied to words as well, where saying something may fill the silence, but that didn't mean it actually meant anything.

Instead, sometimes silence can speak more and give off feelings that are much more prominent if one had tried to speak.

"I do hope that you understand that I cant exactly block off the connection... right?" Anakin said in a tone that indicated that he didn't really like that she thought of him like that. Not because it wasn't true, but because wouldn't that mean the others might dislike it as well?

'I think I will have to ask them about it later on tonight...' He thought to himself as he waited for Zannah to answer him.

Zannah just glared at him, as while it was pleasurable, that didn't mean she wanted to experience such pleasure twenty-four seven. Not because she didn't want to but because a girls got to sleep sometime, right?

She isn't like Anakin, who somehow has the absolute stamina of a god, or of some divine entity.

"You know. A girls gotta sleep as well... I would appreciate it if you wouldn't do it all of the time, every, single, day... night." Zannah answered Anakin.

"I dont know about that... That seems..." Anakin could control himself, but that didn't mean it wasn't extremely hard and he is thankful that he had multiple women at the same time. If he didn't have many lovers, he doesn't think he would be able to be physically satisfied, not with his... energy.

Sighing, Zannah then says. "That was all I wanted to ask you about, and I guess..."

"You guess?" Anakin asked, seeing she left off.

"I-I guess... That I could try and do this dating thing that some of the girls within the academy seem to like or enjoy..."

"I wouldn't mind having a beautiful women on a date myself." Anakin replied as he smiled at her, which did manage to slightly charm her.

"R-Right, I got to go now!" She rushed off, feeling embarrassed, leaving Anakin.