V.2-C.75│Hostilities IV│

On the planet of Unagin, a planet that the Empyrean currently occupies, there was something of interest happening.

The Hutts had been getting reports from people that the Empyrean has now come knocking on their doorstep. Something that both frustrated and scared them, because while they were strong and were quite the overlords of their section of space, that didn't mean that didn't know of the power of the Empyrean.

They were very aware of the Empyrean's ability to fend off their insistence when they came looking for some answers.

So obviously they were cautious in trying to approach the situation, as they were kind of forced to investigate the planet the Empyrean had taken over.

The people, or more like the criminals that the Hutts had come to associate themselves with were putting in some complaints. The Empyrean was going to far in the eyes of the criminals and their other backers, because they were arresting anyone that went towards the Unagin system.

The Empyrean was doing this for the sole purpose of making sure that no one, no criminal would come through them.

Of course, outwardly it would seem as if the Empyrean was operating within the bounds of what they are politically allowed to do, but... Anakin was having the synth marines placed on Unagin and their ships cut off trade from that direction.

It wouldn't affect the Hutts too much, but the Empyrean was uncomfortably close to them now, and not only that, there was enmity between both of these factions. Anakin had made sure to create a spectacle all those years ago, because he knew that sooner or later he would need to start trying to fabricate reasons to go after the Hutts.

There was just no way he was going to start playing with the lives of people he didn't know of, where they were probably innocent.

Of course, not every common person or slave that was bogged down by the tyrannical Hutts were exactly innocent, but... would Anakin really let the Hutts go? Just because they could hold hostage a few innocent people?

He would say no.

He would probably go after the Hutts anyway, to make them an example of why you shouldn't allow slavery from within themselves. He has had enough with waiting, so he put this plan in motion to make sure the Hutts responded.

Whether that be by trying to retake and possibly expand their own space, or they would do so because they would want to get some revenge. It could also be a combination of both, but Anakin didn't care about that.

Instead what he cared about is whether or not they would try and take action. He knew that they were prone to using mercenaries when it came to most of their dealings, because of their wealth this would have worked for them.


The Empyrean would pay out the mercenaries involved, and would do so out of Anakin's pocket himself. He may kill any of whom would try and side with the Hutts, because they were unstable elements that needed to be put in check.

The Hutts were in fact making moves.

Moves that would place them directly within the sights of Anakin's scope.

The Hutts, from the reports and scouting of their activities were saying that they were hiring mercenaries to try and get involved. Anakin allowed this specifically, because he wanted to create more and more reasons to retaliate.

He both must make the main reason be something entirely separate from the actual reason of why he would attack them and at the same time make sure that it is completely hidden. Liberation was something he wanted to achieve, but he wanted to make it look like an afterthought to everyone.

He would even have to make sure those within his Empyrean are fooled into believing he didn't go to war with the Hutts over slaves, but instead because of other, maybe petty reasons.

This was all done in the name of the 'greater good.'

The Hutts were fast approaching now, with their mercenaries in tow and Anakin needed more evidence of their wrongdoing.

Once he liberates everyone and enforces the Hutts to outlaw slavery, he would be set and ready to turn his attention back towards the Republic and Separatists.


What were the kajidics of the Hutts thinking?

If one doesn't know what the kajidics are, then here is a simple explanation.

Kajidic was the name of the Hutt philosophy which guided most of Hutt daily life and politics. It was developed by the Hutt Budhila Hestilic Amura after the Hutts relocated to Nal Hutta, following the Hutt Cataclysms. The Huttese word for kajidic is said to literally mean "Somebody's got to have it. Why not us?"

Something that they would learn to regret as Anakin would also similarly adopt this mindset himself when taking into consideration the Hutts.

They have already started to turn their attention towards the planet Anakin, or the Empyrean has control over and they were getting greedy. One of the reasons the Hutts have never really expanded the amount of space control they have is the lack of reasons.

Specifically, they had grown kind of fat off of the backs of their ancestors and Jabba, the one that had went ahead and formed his own empire, was killed. Someone that could be considered to be ambitious and following or followed the idea of "Somebody's got to have it. Why not us?"

Kajidic was also a loose Hutt term for their clans, their 'business enterprises' and criminal syndicates, and for the archetypal super clan they believed was destined to eventually rule the galaxy.

Separate clans would usually run their own kajidic in competition with other clans'. The kajidics were governed by the Hutt Grand Council, which oversaw their operations, and each kajidic had an appointed leader, called a kajidii or lorda.

Using this broken mindset to his advantage, Anakin had made sure that they got greedy. He knows well enough about his own possessiveness and greed, which may have resulted in him 'accidentally' getting multiple wives and lovers for himself.

However, he has some temperance and control over that desire, simply because it would be impossible to have it all. No matter how much more powerful he gets, it would slow him down in a manner.

Unlike the usual crime syndicate that operated in secret, the Hutt clans operated out in the open, claiming leadership over dozens of worlds. The Kajidics employed those of all species as vassals, such as the Nikto and Gamorreans.

Though once being in constant conflict with each other, such as during the Hutt Cataclysms, the Hutt clans were kept in order by the Hutt Grand Council, the ruling body of the entire Hutt species, Hutt Space, and Hutt clans.

However some rivalries could not be contained, as was the case with the prominent Besadiis and Desilijics, who were bitter enemies, and the Nem'ro and Fa'athra clans, both of whom had members that were major rivals.

The Hutts were famous for their ruthlessness, and success in the underworld. Many Hutts would ransack ships for their load. As masters of the criminal underworld, they would steal, cheat, and murder without regret. They often hired smugglers to transport illegal spice.

They would often have a fortress of some kind, often on remote planets, such as Jabba's Palace on Tatooine, that was actually no more.

It was destroyed, because Anakin didn't like it. Of course there are other reasons as well, since it had slightly become a place of latent dark side energies as well. He liked the harmony he had created and was starting to create on Tatooine at the time, so he had to have destroyed it.

Hutt fortresses would usually be guarded by selected mercenaries or bounty hunters. Gamorreans and Weequay were common species to fulfill this duty. Leading an organization of crooks and scum meant competition.

The Hutts that got involved with criminal activity were often killed, or enslaved. Only the more cunning and clever Hutts, like Jabba, stayed at the top of the food chain.

Some Hutts, like Jabba, had such an influence that they actually controlled entire planets. However, there were a few Hutts who didn't follow the lifestyle of a crime lord and stick to their Kajidics' criminal activities, such as Juvard of the Illip clan, who became a droid engineer.

Hutt kingpins often had torture chambers to deal with failures and unwanted guests. Other Hutts had pets which they would watch in enjoyment as the victim was devoured.

There had been several Kajidics that produced some very successful Hutts, such as Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo, Jiliac Desilijic Tiron, and Jabba Desilijic Tiure, all from clan Desilijic that proved to be very successful crime lords. Also, clan Besadii also produced some successful crime lords, such as Gardulla the Elder, Aruk Besadii Aora and Durga Besadii Tai.

Clan Anjiliac produced some successful crime lords itself, such as Mika Anjiliac Chiera, a force-sensitive crime lord, and Kajidii Vedo Anjiliac Atirue. Also, the Illip clan produced the famous scientist, Dr. Juvard Illip Oggurobb.

Naming off and listing every single one of these Hutts lead Anakin to want and destroy their cartel even more. There were some that were absolutely disgusting, if not all of them and it kind of made Anakin's blood boil.

A problem that he knew was a part of his being, because he is the combination of his two self's. The original Anakin and him from his past life.

In the war to come, Anakin would be focusing on and capturing the leaders, the kajidics, because of their importance to the stability of the Hutt cartel.

It would only be appropriate that he went after them, even when alot of the Kajidic, or at least a few of them had been slain by Anakin while that whole rebellion happened years ago. Not only would he be focusing on taking the leaders, the kajidic, but he would also be focusing on taking the heirs to those clans as well.

Whether that be the children of the Hutts, or the kajidic and those that would be next in line. So that would mean close family members, and even their wives if he really wanted to go that far.

He needed to have as much leverage as he could and he needed to secure as many as he could to properly have everything destabilized. He would also be doing this to make sure he made the Hutts dislike and even hate him.

There was no way he was going to let go of such a chance.


The Hutts had sent some of their mercenaries over, but the Empyrean within the Unagin system had already either captured, bribed or killed them.

This lead to the Hutt Cartel needing to take even more action, action which included labor they were not used to.

They were not a species with the best endurance out there and it would be extremely hard for the Hutts to move themselves. It was built into their biology, making them extremely powerful and have a great defense, but that would be at the impact of speed.

Of course, there are always outliers within the bunch, but in general they were kind of sitting ducks.

Anakin would also be taking advantage of that, but he would do so in a manner after he finds a reason to go to war with them. Again, he could always just declare a casus belli that would have everyone be freed, but that would just be too dangerous.

If any of the slaves from within even thought about fighting back, then that would only lead to a disadvantageous outcome for them. Not for Anakin as that would provide him with many distractions, but was he really willing to just forgo all of the lives of these people?


That would just be silly.

Next on the list for what the Hutts would do and what they did, was have themselves buy as many droids as they could, even funnily enough, some droids that were a part of his own Skywalker Industries design and attack the Unagin system again.

They were unsuccessful in this attempt, and assumed to themselves that the Empyrean would not retaliate, especially for a planet like the one they had taken over.

They weren't stupid however, and wouldn't be spending any more money on trying to siege the Empyrean on Unagin. That was until Anakin had manufactured a plan to allure them into the planet.

There were messages and rumors about some big jackpot being found on Unagin and that was why the Empyrean was interested in taking it over before anyone else could find out.

This certainly pulled their attention again, and they just couldn't let up and tried to go in for it again and this time, while doing so, Anakin would take the chance to fully put on display their actions to everyone.

He would broadcast what they were doing and trying to do while having his soldiers there act by retreating themselves.

The Hutts were foolish enough to attack a third time, which gave Anakin all of the evidence he needed and through a broadcast sent out towards all of his own people and the people of the entire galaxy to see.

That Anakin will be going to war with the Hutts, because of their actions against him.