V.2-C.82│Tributary I│

He was here for more than his own sense of justice, and instead was here to help the enslaved people, the common folk but most importantly, to establish the Hutt space, and the Hutt Cartel as something under him.

As a tributary state.


The Grand Hutt Council, also known as the Hutt Grand Council and the Hutt Council, was the ruling body of the Hutt Clan, a collection of powerful Hutt crime clan-families, and was located on the Hutt home world of Nal Hutta and included a number of high profile and influential Hutt leaders.

Right now, at the current instance, there is only one leader. Marlo led the Hutt Council, as Jabba the Hutt was another leader but because of his current state was deemed unfit for duties. It would have been that during the war, the Grand Hutt Council would ally themselves with Maul and his Shadow Collective, assisting the organization with its takeover of Mandalore.

Now, that may or may not come true, according to Anakin's will that is.

There are two known clans and a lesser clan that Anakin knew more of because of their prominence within the Hutts leadership structure. The first two primary clans he knew of were the Desilijic and Besadii, while the lesser one he knew of is the Gnuda.

Most other Hutt families operate from within their territories, which means that Anakin didn't collect much information on them.

There are two other families that Anakin had to collect information on, as they were the lesser known ones, even more so then the Gnuda, who do have operations outside of their space.

These two other clans were the Nem'ro and Fa'athra.

The Nem'ro clan was a Hutt clan, or kajidic, of the Hutt Cartel. One of its members was the Hutt Suudaa, a crime lord on Nal Hutta.

The Fa'athra clan was a Hutt clan, or kajidic, of the Hutt Cartel. One of its members was the Hutt Voontara, a crime lord on Nal Hutta. The Fa'athra clan had members that had quarrels with those of the Nem'ro clan.

Gnuda was a Hutt kajidic. Long before the Galactic Civil War, the Gnudas owned a luxurious estate on Mataou, in the Anoat sector of the Outer Rim Territories. The Gnuda were among the Hutt patrons of the privateer Sidon Ithano.

Besadii was a Hutt kajidic, and one of the most powerful families of the Hutt Clan. Some of its members included Gardulla Besadii the Elder and Arok, the latter of whom had the symbol of the kajidic tattooed on his upper left arm. They were the bitter enemies of the Desilijic clan.

The more notorious Hutts of the Besadii clan were: Gardulla the Elder and Arok, the latter leading and representing the clan on the Hutt Ruling Council. Gardulla would often be seen as the mighty and more successful Jabba Desilijic Tiure's main rival, but would also be of service to him. That was until Anakin had taken care of Jabba.

Desilijic was a Hutt clan. Desilijic, also known as the Desilijic Tiure clan, or the Tiure family, was an influential Hutt kajidic. Jabba Desilijic Tiure, was the head of his crime family until his leadership was destroyed by Anakin and taken over by his nephew and niece known as the Twins.

It was bitter enemies with the Besadii clan. Members of the Desilijic clan were known for their appreciation of humanoid females, extravagant taste, hedonism and expensive palaces.

Some of them also had a mutation that resulted in hair. It can also be said that Desilijic was one of the first of the Hutt clans from Varl, since it could be represented on the Hutt Ruling Council.

This is all of the information on the Hutt families, the kajidics of the Hutt Cartel.

"Chuw wer shag Emperor. Uba wa jee-jee kachu. Kee chai chai koona bed tu gee jee-jee. (Well stupid slave Emperor. You have us now. What are you going to do with us?)" A Hutt clan leader said as they were held down through very painful restraints that would cause pain if they were to try and move.

Very efficient ways to imprison the Hutts, given that they were unable to move very fast in combination that Anakin needed to create something that would allow him to control them. He didn't want to kill his hostages.

He needed them alive for other things.

"I have you here now because I want to come to an agreement. An agreement that all will be unable to say no too and if you do not enforce the things or agree with my terms then you will die. I can always replace you leaders with another Hutt." Anakin replied through the use of his droid body, while Grievous stood by as Anakin talked to the Hutts.

"There are a few of you out there you know, and I imagine a normal Hutts shock at the chance of becoming one of the kajidic." Anakin continued.

"Uba charah! (You wouldn't!)" Many voices of descent was heard from within their cages.

"Oh? But I would..." Anakin answered as he stared at the Hutts, and it made them uncomfortable to look at him, or more specifically to look at the droid that is being controlled by Anakin. If Anakin was personally here and he looked at them with his eyes, they would most certainly not want into his eyes.

"Here are my terms..." Anakin started.

1. The Hutt Cartel now must concede as they will now be under the Empyrean as a tributary state. They would have to provide a large amount of their profits to the Empyrean, whether that be from the taxes they recieve from citizens within their republic and any and all other sources of revenue for the Hutts. The Empyrean will now be recognized as the Hutt Cartels suzerain.

2. The Hutt Cartel must now pass a law against slavery. Slavery will become illegal within Hutt space and they will stop deals with anyone that wishes to continue their slave trade. The Hutt Cartel will enforce this law as well, and if they are to not do so, consequences include change in leadership, execution in more severe cases and even more so is the dismantling of a clan at the failure of compliance with this condition.

3. Criminal activity will cease immediately and the Hutt Cartel will become the Hutt Republic, but their current will be kept. If any of the conditions or terms of agreement are violated, the Hutt leadership would also be charged for any criminal activity from within.

4. The Hutt Cartel, now will need to pay reparations to those that they have done wrong to. Of course, those that they indirectly harmed as well will be included if they cannot find and punish the ones that were a part of the slave trade. The payment to those harmed will be assessed by some officers that will stay here within a large ship that would be used as a base of operations for the Empyrean to allow safe passage and shelter to the abused of the Hutts and any of whom were related.

5. The allies of the Hutts, meaning the criminal organizations will now be outlawed and will be forced to dissolve on the orders of the Empyrean. The Hutts will enforce these orders with no complaints and if they are to resist, the Hutts will be punished for failure to comply with terms and conditions.

6. Any companies that have been found here within the records kept by the Hutts that had participated in any devious acts will be forced to also comply with the Empyrean's orders. If they dont do so, they will be forced off of both the Empyrean, if they have any market set up within the Empyrean's economy and will also be forced out of the Hutts territories. The Hutts will enforce this order, and failure to comply will result in the change of leadership within the tributary state that will be known as the Hutt Republic.

7. The Empyrean, as suzerain of the Hutt Cartel, to be known as the Hutt Republic, and tributary to the Empyrean will provide monetary and trade goods with the Empyrean. Failure to comply might result in any or all previously stated punishments in breach of this contract.

8. The Hutt Cartel, to be known as the Hutt Republic will transfer any and all current military assets, whether they be droids and ships to the Empyrean. They will surrender all militaristic power and in exchange, the Empyrean will provide protection against any foreign enemies.

9. In control of the military, the Hutts will allow the Empyrean to make use of their various trade routes, hyperlanes and give full complete militaristic control to the Empyrean. This will only be like this for the next 100 years, to ensure the Hutts would not try anything against the Empyrean. Failure to comply and hand over any and all military based assets will result in the arrest and immediate execution for the one in charge.

10. The Empyrean is allowed to do any missionary work, whether that be the conversion of cultural, religious and ideologies from the Empyrean. This is in an attempt to continue and develop a proper relationship between the Hutt Cartel, to be known as the Hutt Republic and the Empyrean.

There were some more things, but this was the basic gist of it.

The Hutt kajidics would have to sign over all of their power, and even give up large sums of wealth to not only the Empyrean, but also to those that they have wronged. Anakin couldn't just take all of the spoils for himself and his own citizens, now could he?

Now, one might be asking themselves what a tributary state was? A state subordinate to a more powerful neighboring state. The tributary state usually sent a regular gift or tribute to the superior state as a token of submission.

This token often took the form of a substantial transfer of wealth, such as the delivery of gold, produce or slaves, so that tribute might best be seen as the payment of protection money. Or it might be more symbolic, where sometimes it amounted to no more than the delivery of a mark of submission.

Here Anakin didn't want to take the path of least resistance and decided to go all the way.

He was doing more than what a normal tributary-suzerain relationship would be like and decided that he would even take control of their military as well. So, it couldn't really be called tributary when it was the Empyrean that was kind of the ruler of them through military and economic means.

This was a way to ensure that they would have no troops to try and rise up against the Empyrean or Anakin's demands and ensure that they had no money to hire anyone to also do so as well. At least no money in large quantities that is.

So it was better to start calling the Hutt Cartel, no, the Hutt Republic a puppet state.

A puppet state, puppet régime or puppet government or dummy government is a state that is de jure independent but de facto completely dependent upon an outside power and subject to its orders. Puppet states have nominal sovereignty, but a foreign power effectively exercises control through means such as financial interests, economic, or military support.

So, what Anakin has done by using this contract the Hutts were kind of forced to sign if they wanted to live and maintain their positions of leadership. No matter how harsh the conditions were, it wasn't like they would be unable to change.

If they didn't... they would probably be no more.

By leaving a local government in existence the outside Powers evade all responsibility, while at the same time successfully paralyzing the Government they tolerate.

Puppet states are distinguished from allies, which choose their actions on their own or in accordance with treaties they voluntarily entered. Puppet states are forced into providing legal endorsement for actions already taken by a foreign power.

By the time 100 years have passed, the Hutts may still be alive but they would have gotten used to the Empyreans rule over them. They may even allow the Empyrean to officially rule over them and annex themselves to Anakin or whoever is in charge at the time.

There was also the fact that the people within would change rapidly because of Anakin sending missionaries out to expand the Empyrean's influence. It would take a few years for Hutt space to be completely flushed of any criminal influence, but it would be well worth the wait.

"So, how do you guys like this deal? It is beneficial to you guys right? You will not have to worry anymore about any militaristic matters and would hardly have to worry about the economy as well. In fact..." Anakin in his droid body was still as imposing if he was within his normal form because he could control his presence within the Force so much that it would make them fear him.

He didn't need the Hutts respect as he would find reasons to replace them later. It was better to seem like a much more calm, peaceful and diplomatic person than he really is. "... I do believe that your trade routes and trade posts would improve with the Empyrean around."

Anakin looked at them all, all of those filthy slugs and contemplated killing them, that was until he remembered why he was keeping them alive in the first place. To fabricate claims and cause dissent within the Hutt Cartel.

They would have to cut ties with any criminal organizations and would even have to cut ties with corporations that were in the wrong, using them as a place to test things and develop either dangerous tech or medicine.

"Please, I would like your signatures, physical, and virtually on these documents. Then I would like a public statement from all of you to everyone else at your agreements, then I would also like a verbal statement right now as well." Anakin continued to pace around their cells with his droid body.

"Yes, that is good. Now please... I would also like to get your written consent, and verbal consent, plus a video documented evidence that you will state you were not under any duress at the time of signing these documents." They are obviously under duress, but it wasn't like that mattered to anyone much.

It was the diplomatic and bureaucracy part Anakin had to handle as he didn't want to give the Republic reasons to go against him right now. Given that they had entered trade agreements with him, which kind of made them reliant on the Empyrean to help them with the war, it seemed to be working out just fine.

Palpatine didn't seem to have any counter measures but that didn't mean he was going to continue using the Empyrean for his means. At this point, Anakin was kind of looking forward to what Palpatine would try and pull.

There was nothing he could do after all, or at least Anakin couldn't see anything that Palpatine could do, other than try and look for allies elsewhere.

If the Empyrean held a monopoly in this bet, then Sidious surely knew and probably had a bad feeling about continuing this deal. The Kaminoans weren't an option right now and he didn't exactly want to extend the war so far out until they new batch of clones were ready.