V.2-C.83│Tributary II│

They had did it.

The Empyrean had won out against the tyrannical Hutt Cartel and their continued abuse of their power and diligent negligence for their peoples well being. Sooner or later they were going to fall, but no one had expected that they would become a tributary state to the Empyrean.

Or, at least that was on paper as those in the know and even those that had some level of political experience could tell that the Hutts were nothing more than a puppet state.

The Empyrean didn't try to hide it either, but still kept up with the face that they were just a suzerain that would better control the Hutts from going out of control.

"Today, I address the people a part of the Hutt Cartel and those planets and systems under our control."

"I address the criminal... scum, along with the corporations that have taken and used the common folk, enslaved and those that were innocent in their bids to outcompete their competitors by resorting to horrid experiments."

It was one of the Hutt kajidics addressing everyone at large, the Galactic Republic, the Hutt Cartels affiliates and multiple other people that they were making a change.

"In accordance to the Empyreans treaty with the Hutts, we will be outlawing slavery and converting the Hutt Cartel into a Merchant Republic. Then we will also be creating laws, in accordance with the Empyreans wishes to outlaw certain activities to do with anything that would be considered criminal acts."

"Furthermore..." The Hutt looked at everyone and if people were good at reading Hutt expressions, they would be able to tell that this leader had some embarrassment on their face. "The Hutts will be handing over some monetary gifts to those the Hutts have previously harmed and those that took part in the slave trade within Hutt territories will also have to participate in this act."

"Names, organization and various people have already been identified and have been, in accordance to out new laws, either imprisoned or executed because they wouldn't follow our new rules within Hutt space."

"The Empyrean has also graciously decided to help better take under their wing our military and will be taking care of our external and internal problems that require such forces... We will also be providing..."

The Hutt would go on and on, as they were forced to have everyone know, publicly that they were under contract and the contract was also exposed to everyone so that they knew that the Hutts were going to follow this.

This worked two-fold, as if the Empyrean somehow did something wrong, not in accordance with the treaty, they would be in trouble and the galactic public at large would be upset. While the Empyreans would only care little, if they didn't care at all.

The Hutt Merchant Republic would also be forced into a position of following through with the Empyreans demands. If they didn't do this publicly, there was a chance that they would be able to somehow escape this deal but Anakin made sure that they did this because it would ensure their loyalty through fear.

They would be too panicked by this change, losing their money, and having no proper protection due to no standing armies or protection from paying people. Then there is also the fact that the Hutts would have to deal with the public repercussions being that they would exclaim at the top of their lungs that the Hutts were doing wrong by the treaty.

That is right.

Anakin had weaponized the people, through this one event.

"That is the end of my speech and update on the situation. I thank all those that have attended today and all of those that have been watching from their abodes, or anywhere else in the galaxy."

The Hutt finally ended their speech, while also being surprisingly much more polite and much more humble in their speech.

It was obvious that the Hutt leadership had chosen the best person for the job in diplomatic relations within their leadership. It was also because they needed a replacement for the Hutt that Anakin had decided needed to die and their replacement was someone else from their clan.

This did two things. Ensuring that they fear Anakin and the repercussions would be used to its full extent and it also assured them that if they did wrong, it would at least stay within the family clans.

Meaning that it would seem that Anakin could be trusted, as a man of his world. The Hutts would have some smidgen of respect at this prospect because it proved to them that he would keep to the treaty perfectly.

Of course he had killed one of them as well, but that was only par for the course as the one he had executed was because they were the one that was eating people.

They would have been surprised if he didn't kill him and then replace him.

The entire galaxy was ablaze with conversation about the very short lived war between the Hutt Cartel and the Empyrean. It would seem that when everyone wasn't paying any attention to the Empyrean at all and as they expanded, they had become strong enough to strong arm the Hutt Cartel.

Reports here and there spread out and the contract or treaty that had been signed was something that was officially shown to any and everyone. There were no claims of dispute over this treaty being wrong, especially when Anakin had also decided to keep their families hostage until they official spoke up to the galactic public at large.

Then there was the release of multiple and various information in regards to what had happened during the war. Any losses that had been recorded and losses that weren't mentioned at all as well.

Then there was the reports on how the Empyrean, or more precisely Anakin had come to Hutt space and had conquered. Conquered and then freed all of those enslaved, through clever tactics and planning.

The common folk, even bombarded by various sources of information, would see that Anakin has done something good. The Jedi most certainly couldn't complain about something like this, especially since it was a net gain for everyone.

The Republic, the Empyrean and the Separatists would all benefit from something like this.

It was obvious what the Empyrean would gain, but for the Separatists and Republic, they should be able to expand their own operations into the Hutt space. Of course they wouldn't be allowed to fight within this space because they would be going against the Empyrean.

An empire that had grown to a state that could decide the civil war of the Republic with some intervention from them.

Anakin planned to just start mass migrating people from the Hutts into his own developed planets as it was much better within the proper borders of the Empyrean. The Hutts couldn't exactly complain, and it wasn't like he was taking everyone they had.

All of their population or anything like that but was instead liberating them and the enslaved from the Hutts. It would surely cost some amount of upkeep to have them around and Anakin could make them be of better use within the Empyrean.

Not as enslaved people, but as free individuals.

It also gave Anakin a reason a reason to start expanding more and more within the Arkanis sector or the other sectors of Chommell and Quelii.

Admittedly there may not be much within Quelii and Chommell when in comparison to the Arkanis Sector, but Anakin was planning ahead of time for when he connected the spatial borders properly. There was also the fact that he may continue to expand the Chommell sector through the use of technology capable of creating entire planets made of mech.

He was already doing experiments, successfully that would enable him to build up entire fleets and planets that could travel. One such example being Tatooine and its transformation, but he wouldn't be turning it into something like Nar Shaddaa as he didn't want that.

It needed to be 'living,' and there was only one method he knew of to grant an entire mechanical based planet, made from advanced technologies, the status of 'life' within the Force.

Non-organic midi-chlorians and he needed a way to start mass producing these things because it was hard to create more of them. So he would be making ample use of the moon, Nar Shaddaa to bring it back to proper life.


Now that the problem of the Hutts was taken care of and the Empyrean was taking control of their military forces fully. Their droids and star ship placed all around the Hutt space to ensure that things get done properly.

Anakin had even sent out a few extra fleets packed to the brim with droids, given that they were now under his control. Empyrean space is safe for the most part because he decided to be alot more compact instead of spreading his forces thin throughout the sector or into other sectors.

He also now has enough forces to start taking over some other places, exactly because he could also send some of the synths to overseer operations within the Hutt space.

He is sure that they would do fine, especially since the ones chosen for semi-leadership positions were chosen exactly because of their compatibility with the jobs. Personality, character, training and other factors like their talents and education came into play.

He didn't only send synths as there are also capable statesman from the Empyrean who were but simple people. Anakin was starting to see some benefits being harvested from his implementation of his plan to give everyone that super serum.

He was able to delegate much better now.

Now Anakin and Empyrean turns its sights to conquering the rest of the Arkanis Sector.

There was only one side left, that side being a conglomeration of systems closest to the Arkanis system itself. Anakin would and has already started taking control of this places, such places being...

Heffrin was a planet located in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim. This mountainous world was a small mining colony maintained by no one at this point in time, meaning that it can come under the control of the Empyrean.

The planet held important ruins from a vanished civilization, including the Heffrin Aqueducts, which spanned Heffrin's continents, research during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire identified the Aqueducts' builders as early Ithorian explorers.

Heffrin would become another planet supplying the Empyrean with resources, even if minor in its output, it was still better because of the large projects he has planned.

The next planet and system is Mika, also known as Jellyfish Cove, that would of been an Imperial penal planetoid covered with oceans and barren deserts littered with humanoid statues which came to life at sunset.

It was an asteroid with which Anakin would be able to create yet another base of operations for one of the departments within the government. Or it could be used in a similar manner that the Galactic Empire would of used it as. A penal planetoid for prisoners, since Anakin didn't have a place like this but instead had a place on Tatooine for any and all prisoners.

It would be the perfect place to bring captured people and prisoners to, so Anakin decided it was a must. He disliked having those prisoners that were being redeemed stay on the same planet as the capital, so it would be done.

They were still beings, but sometimes those that needed some reformation and reintegration into society shouldn't be on the same planet as the capital, because he knew that failure to keep prisoners at bay was normal.

It could totally break down and allow for the prisoners a way to escape, which would allow them back into this place. It would be impossible for them to take a ship themselves, since everything was monitored by Anakin and Siri, however they could take someone hostage on Tatooine.

So it was best to send them to Mika.

Another system and planet is Najiba, the Najib homeworld. It was a remote world covered with wetlands and its surface was lashed with atmospheric electrical discharges and frequent rainstorms. Anakin could make use of its major exports of foodstuffs, low technology and minerals.

The Empyrean needed more and more minerals or ores for the project he was working on, and that Anakin wanted more and more droids to keep further expanded his domain of control as well.

Vasch was a planet located within the Vasch system of the Outer Rim Territories. An agriworld of lush green, rolling hills, it was the source of Vaschean rye.

Another planet and system to feed the Empyreans people. Another planet and system that would also allow for more jobs within the agriculture development to exist.

Last was the planet and system of Huldamun, an industrialized planet in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim. It was one of the Regency Worlds, which meant that it would allow Anakin to increase the trade value within the Empyrean as well as increase it outwards as well.

This left three more worlds and, or systems that were a part of the Arkanis Sector for his full and total control and domination over the Sector.

Arkanis, Sirpar, and Gorno.

The Empyrean would have to take Arkanis first to get to the other two, Sirpar and Gorno.

Thankfully, Arkanis is not currently under the control of anyone, and would only be under the control of the Galactic Empire in the future. So this meant that Anakin would be able to take this over, which would lead to massive changes.

Arkanis was the sector capital of the Arkanis sector. From Anakin could tell, it would just be another world where he could set up more homes for his people as there was nothing of too much importance on it, other than its very powerful and direct connection to a trade route.

So Anakin would make it a trade center.

Sirpar, a large planet with little natural resources, would be an Imperial high-gravity training center and the Eklaad homeworld. Anakin intended to also make it the same way the Galactic Empire would have.

A training center to allow those from the Empyrean to finally become a part of the army if they wanted to. He was starting to see more and more that there were people that wanted to join, civilians, because for the longest time he only used his synths and droids, not including some special additions, namely Grievous to the mix.

Sirpar would become a dual planet and system. A trade center and a military training center for the Empyrean.

Last is Gorno, a planet in the Outer Rim, along the Corellian Run near Tatooine. Like Sirpar, it wasn't of much use other than becoming a place where Anakin would decided to set up a proper research based planet.

Somewhere all of those scientists and intelligent people could call a home. An academy planet for the bright, brilliant and bold.

This is where developments would really start to increase more and more, amassing a large amount of research on any and everything.