V.2-C.95│Mortis V│

"UNO!" Ahsoka exclaimed.

"You wont get us this time. Girls, lets team up to defeat our opponent." Padme said as she glanced around the room, and they all would proceed to team up together, only for Ahsoka to still win in the end.

"It was inevitable... I am inevitable." Ahsoka said this smugly.

"Whatever. I give up. I am never going to play this game with you anymore." Barriss wasn't actually upset, but she was definitely frustrated as it seemed like Ahsoka would never lose when playing this game, and they had even told her to stop using her insight abilities.

It wasn't fair after all.

"Well. That is just how I am. I cant stop it when the Force obviously wants to help me win at these games." Ahsoka replied.

Sighs were heard and there was some exasperation within hose sighs as well. They were releasing that frustration through the sighs, as it was incredibly annoying to lose over and over again.

Who said when you fail, you learn from that experience? That learning experience is that they should never play with Ahsoka when it comes to games like UNO.

"I think we may have company." Zannah said, as she got up and moved over towards the windows where she could take a look outside.

"Who is it?" Aayla asked as she got up as well, followed alongside everyone else as they closed in on the person outside.

"It seems to be one of the people Ani talked about." Padme could sense that this person was of the dark side, as he appeared out of nowhere.

"I see that you have all decided to stay with your ship." The Son's voice was heard from outside and they all could tell that he was here to tell them of something, but they were unsure.

Getting Jabitha to allow them to be heard, Padme started to speak for the group. "Who are you?"

"I am Son."

"Why are you here?" Padme further questioned him.

"You were not supposed to be here. However, given that you ship seems to be living, I would suggest you all retreat into shelter. The nights here are deadly, and it is best that you do not remain within that ship." The Son didn't know that Jabitha had the ability to create a force field around herself to protect everyone within.

"We are fine within here." Padme stated being cautious, as her instincts told her not to trust the man before them all.

"So be it. It is your choice." There was another reason the Son was here, and that is to take a look at the companions the Chosen One had brought along. "Remember, I suggest you find shelter." The Son looked at the ship before turning around and then transforming into something else.

He was some sort of strange creature now, one that looked similar to a bat. It was like he was a combination between a bat and a man, giving birth to some sort of werebat, but that was obviously not what he was or is.

"..." No one said anything, but they were only semi speechless.

They had not seen anything like that before, being able to transform like that. In fact, there was probably a possibility that they had never seen a shapeshifting species before.

"Well... That was interesting..." Padme said as she glanced around at everyone else as they also seemed to be estranged from this event.

As they were all coming back from their amazement over that transformation, the world started to quake, not because it was an earthquake, but because of lightning.

"What was that?" Ahsoka questioned as they all felt the rumbling.

Another lightning strike hit the ground outside where Jabitha was, and then another. It was causing a real hassle as it then began to strike Jabitha herself, but not before her shielding came online and blocked the damage the strike could of caused.

"It would seem that what Ani said and... the person called the Son is correct. This planet does become dangerous once it is night time." Aayla said as she rebalanced herself.

"Its a good thing that we decided to listen to Ani then, right?" Padme asked, not feeling unsure but more like slightly trying to brighten the atmosphere within as they seemed to be a little downtrodden.

"When has listening to him ever gone wrong..." Barriss said as another rumbling was felt, causing all of them to focus on balancing themselves.

"Well, there was that time-" Shaak was cut off, as once again the lighting hit more than once.

"Jabitha, find us somewhere, where we dont have to deal with this." Padme told Jabitha.

'Jabitha has located a cave just behind us. Jabitha can just fit inside.' Jabitha could indeed just make it inside, given that it had enough room for an entire ship to go inside. There was also the fact that the girls wanted to go outside themselves as well, but at this point it was better to stay within whatever shelter they have.

"Ok. Jabitha, good job. Lets go." Padme commanded and Jabitha started up and moved within the cave.


Rejoining Anakin, we see that he is currently moving at a slow pace as he approaches the monastery. He is also very aware of his current stalker known as the Daughter, seemingly very invested or at the very least interested in watching over him.

He would dodge the lightning strikes everyone now and then, simply because this place was a conduit for that type of behavior. He was also aware of the dark side permeating the planet now, which was a result of how this place worked.

Night to day, then day to night. It was a cycle established because some sort of balance was being maintained within this place.

The landscape wasn't just red dying plants, but the ground had gone from a red to the blackest of colors, symbolizing death, or at the very least the dark side. Destruction.

There is also things that seemed to still be living despite the chaos, those things being glowing trees, and they seemed to actually be alive. They were corrupted in a sense by the dark side, not that they were in a bad spot, but instead they had embraced the dark side fully.

Black trees with engraved, symbol like patterns that glowed an ethereal cyan.

It was certainly a sight to behold, but Anakin wasn't going to stay here for to long since he had other places to be, more specifically within the Monastery here.

While the other side, during day may have represented the light side of the Force, or in other words life itself, the dark side had to represent the opposite. Despite being opposites however, these two things are supposed to work together.

Without one, then it would only cause disorder and chaos. Too much dark, then everything dies and there would simply be no more anything, with the end goal of the dark side being to not just be the embrace of ones emotions, but the complete and total destruction of everything.

When it came to the light side however, it would also similarly lead to destruction as well.

'The monastery.' Anakin thought to himself, as he finally got around to having a proper look of it instead of zooming past or moving away from it as he needed to play his role better.

The Monastery was a construct within the realm of Mortis, a place where the Force converged. The powerful Force wielder known as the Father resided inside the walls of the Monastery and presided over the lands.

The Monastery was a pyramid-like structure located atop a rocky spire. Temple-like in appearance, the soaring facade seemed to be made of stone, and a glowing crystal was embedded within the pinnacle, casting a dim light for kilometers in every direction.

The halls and rooms that made up its interior were random, and prone to shifting without reason.

Meditation rooms, sleeping chambers, and reading rooms opened onto cavernous halls. On the exterior was an arena, marked with symbols corresponding to the light and dark aspects of the Force, including a wolf, a snake, and a bird.

Anakin coming now closer was upon the steps to enter this gigantic building. Climbing up the steps, Anakin is finally able to properly enter inside the Monastery.

Walking down, Anakin could see that the Father was sitting in a posture that would seem uncomfortable, while also having his eyes closed.

Upon reaching the very precipice of where the Father was, Anakin decided to sit down as well, since there was nothing better to do. He wasn't rude enough to interrupt this guys sleep, or meditation. So he would just wait it out.

After what seemed to be a few seconds, the Father opened his eyes and his voice, the voice that sounded like many spoke to him. "Welcome my friend." It was certainly disconcerting, and Anakin could also make his voice like this as well.

If he truly wanted to do something like that, but he wouldn't be changing his voice or layering it and changing it just to sound like that. It was already hard enough for people to hear things, why would he make it harder to hear himself... or have others hear himself as well?

"Well. I can say that I have had a rather interesting welcoming." Anakin replied before continuing. "What is it that you want from me?" He knew exactly what he wanted, but he wanted to hear the guy say it himself.

"To see who you truly are." The Father was also feeling strange, as he could tell that there was something off about Anakin, but it wasn't the fact that he isn't the Chosen One. It had more to do with how the Force was interacting with Anakin.

Anakin was a vergence in the Force, much like the Father, or his children were, because that was just what Anakin was or is.

The Father continued. "One that maybe you have known all along." He had gotten up from his uncomfortable seated position, and Anakin decided to follow as well. "One you must believe, in order to fulfill your destiny."

'I do not remember the Chosen One having purple eyes?' These were the Father's inner thoughts as he regarded Anakin.

"Well... Why dont you just tell me already. The riddles certainly dont help much. I can tell that your daughter gets her ability to answer things from you." Anakin said to the Father, which only resulted in the Father raising an eyebrow.

"You see there is no where else left to go." The Father gestured with his hand while saying this, while keeping an old wise mans composure. "It is late. You will be my guest tonight." The Father said, as everything seemed to go according to plan.

They started to walk in another direction. A direction that was supposed somewhere Anakin would be able to sleep for the night.


Rejoining Anakin, we see that he is currently meditating, given that he is unable to do anything else as of this moment. Meditation may not be that fun and he hard time with it, but that didn't mean he was just going to run away from this activity as it could show him many things.

Whether these things are good or not didn't matter, as it allowed him to better plan for the future.

He couldn't control absolutely everything after all, he wasn't an actual god at this point no matter how much power he has. 'Well... Maybe one could compare me to the Gods of Olympus or something like that. Those Gods couldn't control everything and they were also able to still be killed in a sense...' Anakin thought to himself, comparing himself to those types of Gods.

It didn't exactly leave a bad taste in his mouth either, as he didn't have to fully compare himself with them because he is different in the end. He was only comparing their power level to himself and stuff like that.

A vision started to appear before Anakin. "My son, I must tell you a secret." A voice was heard, and Anakin knew that this was an illusion.

His mother Shmi had not come with him, and neither had she died like in the original as well, so there was absolutely no way he was going to fall for this. "You are not real. You cannot trick me, for my mother is not dead."

"What do you mean? You..." The fake Shmi then started to turn into the transformed Son. "You are not the Chosen One! You are a fake!" The Son exclaimed before leaving himself, leaving Anakin all alone again.

'It would seem that at least someone knows the difference...' Anakin thought to himself as he decided that it was probably soon time to confront the Father.