V.2-C.96│Mortis VI│


Gone like the wind, the Son was as he was unable to confirm to himself that the Chosen One was Anakin and now Anakin is left all alone, by himself.

'It should almost be day time... It should be time to meet with the Father.' Anakin thought to himself, seeing as everything was going as planned, or more like everything was going as it was meant to be going as.

Anakin went from his most humble accommodations, and arrived back within the great hallway or throne room where Anakin finds the Father is yet again still sitting there. Seemingly doing nothing, but he should be doing something... right?

Anakin arrived in front of the sitting man, and he spoke. "Cannot sleep?" He knew that Anakin was within his presence, but that was hardly something to talk about for Anakin wasn't even able to properly hide himself within the Force anymore.

His own energy field had become somewhat of a beacon and while he could reduce its size, he was unable to completely bring it under his 'control' in a sense. For it was not something that could be suppressed, but it was something that he could minimize, as seen when he was spying on the Father, the Daughter and the Son before leaving and then returning.

They were unable to sense his presence, simply because he was far away, but it was here that one would be able to easily sense Anakin within the Force. He may be unable to be totally sneaky anymore because of this, but that doesn't mean he is completely unable to utilize his set of skills to his advantage.

"Well... You could say that I dont really need sleep... So, yes." Anakin replied. "I do have a question however."

"Go ahead." The Father complied with Anakin's request.

"You are not a Jedi and you are not a Sith, so what would you call yourself?" Anakin questioned and just stood there awaiting an answer.

"You seem to have a very simple view of the universe. I am neither Sith, not Jedi." The Father stated before opening his eyes once again and staring at Anakin. "I am much more, and so are you."

"There is something strange going on here, and I would like to know more." Anakin said, given that there were really only three people here on this planet that would be willing to give him the information that he wants.

Standing up in a strange manner, the Father begins to speak. "Some call us Force-Wielders."

"I wont lie. I have heard of you guys before and the reason I am here is exactly because you three are here." Anakin added.

Humming, the Father continues. "Few even know of our existence."

"You see... Something tried to trick me while I was within that room over there. Care to explain?" Anakin asked.

"My Son, I suspect." The Father stroked his beard, as his eyes were cyan blue while his sclera were black. Eyes that were kind of rare within the galaxy at large, but given there are so many species with so many planets, Anakin had not seen it all, so of course if there was some other being with the same eyes, he would not know.

Well... maybe not know of, but at the very least he had not seen for himself.

"We can take many forms. The shapes we embody are merely a reflection of the lifeforce around us. You carry a sadness in your heart. No, wait. You used to carry a sadness within your heart but its seems to have been taken care of." The Father could sense something like this, or he either was allowed to because the Force allowed it.

Not that the Force was able to influence Anakin at this point anymore. It was getting harder and harder after all. "My children and I can manipulate the Force like no other. Therefore it was necessary to withdraw from the temporal world and live here as anchorites."

"I dont know, this place seems like a prison to me." Anakin said as he also felt that this place was a prison, a place that may need some 'freeing.'

"Then you would be correct in assuming that it is. For this place is more than just a place with which myself and my children reside. It is also a prison." The Father confirmed Anakin's thoughts. "You cannot imagine having such love for your children, and realize that they could tear the very fabric of our universe."

"So what you are saying is... You, and your children could destroy the universe... IF you or any one of them were to escape this place." Anakin said.

The Father was not simply staying still when saying all of this and had already moved himself, gesturing just vividly alot of the time as well, now standing further from his 'throne.' Now he was starting to talk to Anakin while not even looking at him and instead was doing so by looking out into the large hall that was this Monastery. "It is only here that I can control them. A family in balance. Light and the dark. Day and the night. Destruction, replaced by Creation."

"Then why reveal yourself." Anakin questioned.

"There are some that would like to exploit our power. The Sith are but one. To much dark or light would be the undoing of life as you understand it. When news reached me that the Chosen One had been found, I needed to see for myself." The Father seemed intensely interested when saying this and somewhat excited perhaps?

It was after all a sign for the Father that he could finally die peacefully, knowing that he could hand over his position of power to the One that would come after him.

"The Chosen One seems to be a myth to me." Anakin said this knowing full well that he was, but he isn't about to just say this because he also considers stuff like prophecies to kind of be self-fulfilling.

Especially the kind that the Jedi have seemingly wanted to propagate themselves.

"Is it? I should very much like to know." The Father had this smirk on his face as he said this. "Why dont we find out together. Pass one test and I shall know the truth. Then you and your friends may leave." The Father added, seemingly goading Anakin into playing his games.

Not that they were games but it would sure seem like it to some that were to be in Anakin's position as of this moment.


The girls back on the ship were all sleeping themselves as of this moment, for they didn't have much to do and they didn't exactly want to start exploring this planet when it was within its 'dangerous' state of being.

They would all be experiencing their own thoughts as of this moment, but we will only focus on a few as they were the most important to their growth within the Force or otherwise.

The first person is Ahsoka. She is having a dream, a Force vision so to speak of her older self appearing before herself.

'Are you happy child?' Ahsoka heard a voice and woke up, but not with a start and she was seemingly all alone with the ship.

"Jabitha? Was that you?" Ahsoka got up and looked around, but there was no one there. "Barriss? Aayla!?" She called out but there was no response. "Jabitha. Are you ok." She reached out her hand but there was no response from Jabitha and there was neither anyone else around her as well.

'Your Master. Does he treat you well? Does he even want you? Because from what I have seen, he doesn't seem all that interested...'

"Who is it!?" Ahsoka called out, and pushed away those words spoken by this other voice. She then spotted herself, but older looking over towards her from within the ship. "What concern of it is yours?"

"I am your future." The older Ahsoka said as she looked down upon her younger self. "Your potential. Or your would be potential, but it would seem that you are much greater than even I am now..." The older Ahsoka could admit that whatever was happening, it was certainly not going according to how she would have been.

"Is this a trick?" Ahsoka was not immediate to the trigger and instead she was cautious of the person before her.

"There is a wildness to you young one. It would seem that there are seeds of the dark side within you. Planted by your master and you dont even realize this..." Older Ahsoka looked at younger Ahsoka's eyes. "Or... you already know of this and have already accepted it."

"That may be so, but I dont know what you are trying to do here. Skyguy is most certainly not what you may be suggesting, but he is also not a Jedi as well." Ahsoka spoke with conviction. "He may be passionate and impulsive... Ok, maybe not as impulsive as myself, but still... I trust him with my life."

"There are many contradictions in you. In him... there are a few as well, but that is only natural, and it would seem you know of this as well. I can see it in your eyes Ahsoka, and that is discounting the fact that I am you, after all..." Older Ahsoka said as she seemed to be able to determine that Ahsoka knew far more than she should at this point.

Ahsoka didn't say anything else and awaited for what is too happen next as she felt that it was going to end soon enough. "Be warned. The path you walk down isn't one that many would dare. No, it is not you that walk down this path but you master instead and his path is not a path that is good."

"What do you mean?" Ahsoka wanted to know what her 'older self' was talking about.

"Answers will come in time. Reveal himself, Anakin Skywalker will. Your master may be someone you can love and he could love you back forever more, but be warned that you will have to wait. Be warned that he isn't what he always shows himself to be." Older Ahsoka said.

"Jokes on you, I already know about him being Vader." Ahsoka said, thinking she had 'won' against whatever this apparition was.

"Then it is as I thought. It is already too late." Older Ahsoka sighed, then vanished.

'What was that about-' Ahsoka was thinking to herself before she was pulled from the sleeping world and drawn out into the waking one.


Padme was within the ship, and she was sleeping but she was woken up by a noise. 'Revenge.'

"W-What?" Padme yawned before getting up, only to not see anyone around her. After exiting her room, she was unable to find anyone else as well, meaning that she had been left all alone but this was strange as they wouldn't just up and leave without her.

'Well... Maybe they would have.' It wasn't that she actually believed they didn't care about her, just that they may have left her because they didn't want to wake her or something like that. 'But that would just be silly.'

"Hello?" Padme called out.

'Revenge...' A whisper was heard on the wind, and Padme was slightly drawn to go outside of the ship, which exposed herself to the cave Jabitha had gotten them in. It was lit up by blue lights, which came out of the dead but not dead plants inside.

"Is anyone there?" Padme called out again, this time taking one step closer to her goal.

"Revenge is what you want right?" Another Padme appeared before herself.

"Who are you?" Padme asked, unsure of how to respond to there now being another her.

"What do you mean? I am you." This version of Padme had strange markings on her face and seemed to be pronounced within the dark side of the Force.

"You are not..." While Anakin had told Padme that both the light and dark were necessary for balance, that didn't mean she didn't have her own unconscious biases. Just like the rest of the girls that had their own origins, whether this be within the Jedi or the Sith.

"Oh? But I am. Do you not want to see who you truly are? You are the chosen of the Chosen One so to speak, and it is not just yourself but all of those other girls as well." Dark Padme said as she came one step closer to real Padme.

"Are you referring to Anakin?" Padme asked.

"Of course I am silly." Dark Padmé chuckled a little here before appearing behind Padme and spooking her. "Anakin is the only one of course. Whether this be for me, or for you." Dark Padme continued.

"Why are you here?" Padme asked.

"Do not fret. I am only here to show you that you are more in line with the dark side of the Force. Of course, Ani already knew of this but he didn't want to tell you. How sweet." Dark Padme had a very loving and somewhat obsessive smile as she said this.

"You... are wrong." Padme refuted but she had an inclination herself about her own alignment. She had done alot of selfish things, but at the same time she had also done alot of things that were for others.

This all relied on perspective however, as one doesn't know or they do about the benefits there are in helping others. For when you help someone, they are kind of indebted, even if they aren't and because of this, they would be more willing to help you out in certain things.

"Am I? Come now, Padme. Don't lie to yourself. You have already done so before when you told our beloved that you do not wish to have children with him then and there. Look where that got you..." Dark Padme pointed out to a blurry image of Aayla having a rather plump belly, due to pregnancy.

"I know that you are jealous. To not be the first one to have his children... It must make you frustrated, doesn't it." Dark Padme continued.

"I... I admit that it does, but that doesn't matter now that I have told him." Padme answered back.

"Well... at least there is that. But remember. Right now you should not lie to yourself most of all, if not to Ani, then most certainly not yourself as well." Dark Padme said as she looked into Padme's eyes. "You are who you are, and Anakin has already accepted this about you."

"You know this already..." Dark Padme started to vanish with Padme starting to feel weird, as if her world was starting to fall in on itself, before she was awoken to the waking world.