V.3-C.15│Negotiations III│

Coming to Tatooine or Empyrean territory in general wasn't that hard, since it expanded alot of Hutt space, and through that one is capable of heading towards the Empyrean. The Empyrean basically had control of the space in-between the Hutts and the Empyrean itself as well, even if it was not directly under anyone's control.

Lotho Minor, also known as the Junk World or simply Lotho, was a planet located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories that was the homeworld of the Junker species. Used as a dumping ground, its surface was covered with junk and trash amassed over a number of generations, which brought salvage operations to the planet to find junk that could still be used.

Following his defeat during the Battle of Naboo, the Sith Lord Darth Maul went into exile in the bowels of Lotho Minor, where he lost his mind until he was found by Count Dooku, nearly over a decade later.

Anakin sent a ship to Lotho Minor to pick up Dooku and Anakin supposed that he would also allow Maul to come along as well.

Anakin was of two minds when it came to Maul, as he didn't know whether or not he should be given a chance or not. However, he has given some people chances before and if Anakin could somehow sway Maul from wanting to deal with Obi-Wan, then it should make things better.

"Hello. It would seem that it took you two a while to get here..." Anakin was standing, waiting for someone and that someone was some someone's.

Specifically Count Dooku and Darth Maul, for the Count is to convene with the Jedi now and have a talk with them. When it comes to Maul, Anakin was going to heal him up first and then send him on his way to Dathomir.

Anakin knew that Maul would probably want some revenge and stuff like that, however it wasn't like Obi-Wan was in the wrong when they fought. If anything, Anakin would side with Obi-Wan and it was only because of Anakin's grace that Maul was able to live with his legs, albeit in pain as he is now.

"Yes. There was a bit of delay. It is finally good to see you in person once again." Dooku greeted Anakin in turn, whereas Maul was silent and seemed quite unstable, so of course Anakin wanted to take care of Maul's problem first.

"You must be Maul... I am not sure if you remember me, but I am Anakin Skywalker." Anakin greeted Maul given that he was probably in need of some care now.

"You..." Maul clutched his head as if assaulted by something.

"I think you should sleep for now." Anakin waved his hand and forcibly got Maul to be knocked unconscious. Anakin then proceeded to use the Force and catch Maul before he fell to the ground, and started to life him up and hand Maul off to someone else.

Specifically one of the medically trained, genetically modified, and created synths that Anakin had gotten the Kaminoans to create for him. Maul was going to be properly treated by them and they would outfit Maul with a proper cybernetic implant that would help him reconnect his lower half with his upper half without the pain he has.

All that was left now was to guide Dooku into the throne room where the Jedi High Council had gathered to speak with Dooku. Obviously, Anakin would be acting as an intermediary between the Jedi and Dooku.

"That was quick." Dooku said as he watched Maul get hauled off, presumably somewhere that would make sure they were not disturbed.

"Neither the Jedi, those within the Jedi and Maul would like to see each other. Specifically there is Obi-Wan and the there is Qui-Gon whom lost his hand to Maul. Of course one would also have to consider that there is Maul who had to suffer and lose his ability to use his legs without some help as well." Anakin explained that he wanted to keep a few people away from each other, as it wouldn't help him as of this moment.

Neither the Jedi or Sith would benefit from conflict as of this moment, at least not physical or violent acts that is. They would probably just destroy each other. Maul would want to kill Obi-Wan, and the Jedi in turn would want to kill Maul.

Hell, even Qui-Gon would probably want to kill Maul just because he is not only dangerous but would most likely go on to commit many more crimes himself.

"Come on then." Anakin pointed towards the palace, and Dooku followed in turn getting a strange feeling just from looking at Anakin. It wasn't THAT kind of feeling, but one within the Force that told him something was off.

Something was strange and most certainly not what it was supposed to be. In fact, if people tried to sense Anakin using the Force, absolutely any and everyone would feel strange due to the energies that Anakin projected.

It was an energy-field like the Force, but it wasn't the Force, despite it being near almost the same. The probable only difference is the source, as while the Force in on itself had no proper origin story and instead was just something that always existed, it felt as if the Force originated from Anakin.

It was the feeling most, if not all Force-sensitives felt when it came to Anakin.

Entering the palace, Dooku got another strange feeling as well. It was as if the palace in on itself was alive, which was extremely strange, weird and given that he has never been to Tatooine before he was unused to what one would sense here.

Many for everyone else that wasn't new to this place, they too would be having the same thoughts and it was true.

Another thing to take a note of was that there was both the strange sense from Anakin, but there was also something else. Something that kind of contradicted the feeling Dooku got within the Force.

He was reading that Anakin was both a Force-sensitive and not a Force-sensitive at the same time. This was due to Anakin's new integration with the Sands of Time, making him something even more controlled within the Force itself.

Of course Anakin had and has complete control over the Sands of Time for they were something he could manipulate and control either via the subsequent manipulation of the nanites within his body and or the secondary effects of the Force.

An example being his usage of air to separate the energy of the Force and the Sands of Time itself. When a grain of this sand touched the Force, it created a sort of no mans zone, where upon the Force would be unable to pass through a specific area. One could think of it as opposite gravity, where instead of the Force going into, it was more like the Force was being pushed outwards.

It was perfectly controlled by Anakin, easily so that it wouldn't damage or harm him and he was already working on ways to better utilize this material. Considering that he had brought it along with him from the now non-extinct place known as Mortis, it was very likely there would be no more of this stuff in production.

It is unlikely Anakin would be able to do the same to another planet and get the same results, because Mortis in on itself is an anomaly.

"Hello everyone." Anakin walked into the throne room and greeted everyone within, that being some representatives from the Empyrean, the Jedi Order's top, top people along with some others calling in through some video communication.

Anakin took his seat on his throne, followed by Padme coming up to sit next to him, given she was the most knowledgeable and useful in a diplomatic or political situation like this.

Dooku went over to find his own seat, whilst obviously looking at everyone here. Dooku nodded his head in the direction of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, for they were kind of supposed to have some sort of connection to him.

Even thought this was probably severed a little while ago with Dooku having killed off the Jedi, it was something he believed was necessary. That didn't make it right however, and this was something Dooku would have to live with for the rest of his life.

Greetings were exchanged and the many, many independent factions that split off from the Galactic Empire had also joined in on whatever this conversation was or is.

At first, this was something meant to be discussed between Dooku and the Jedi Order. However it would seem that somehow information had gotten out about this and decided to join in, especially since the Empyrean is involved.

Who wouldn't want some protection during these times? People were mostly here to request of the Empyreans protection, even if this would come at the price of having to give up whatever sovereignty they had.

"You cant be serious. We cant be-"

"Of course you can. Giving up this would allow us to take up arms and fight back against the now Galactic Republic, now turned Empire."

"You cant be serious. To go so far and to give up so much would be a detriment to our economy and would harm-"

Many, many voices were talking, speaking to everyone as they were discussing a variety of things. Anakin was starting to see that his throne room was becoming like the bloody Galactic Republic, the Senate with all of those Senators getting in his way.

Of course, his Empyrean was not some sort of place that he would allow people to come in the way of his rule. He also understands that everyone right now is under alot of stress, so of course he would be more lenient, especially because of the situation.

If people were not afraid of war before, they would most certainly be afraid now.

As the Republic grew more and more powerful, many of the bureaucrats and Senators that ran the government grew increasingly corrupt or complacent. The bureaucracy that had grown and festered over millennia choked any attempt at effective government.

Furthermore, patron politics and personal agendas also hampered effective governing, and due to the increasing collusion of decadent governmental agents and politicians with favored groups, corporations like the Trade Federation and Techno Union grew in power and even formed their own militaries. It is likely, given the eventual result of this decline, that it was nurtured and accelerated, and perhaps even started by the Sith during the centuries they spent in hiding after the Battle of Ruusan.

Everything lead to the downfall of the Republic, which in turn lead to the rise of the Galactic Empire under the control of Sidious. Of course, it wasn't or wouldn't really be as strong as it could have been due to Anakin's influence and would probably never reach that level.

Not that Anakin was just going to sit back and allow Palpatine leeway enough to gather more power, as that would be silly. No. Anakin instead was more concerned about other things, outside sources of conflict, most importantly the Yuuzhan Vong.

He had noticed some movement from them and wanted to keep a close eye of them while better protecting the Empyrean and its people. It complicates things that he would have to do this, meaning that it would be harder and harder to have any influence on what is going on with Sidious.

For even if the head of the snake is chopped off, the rest of its body could still move and cause some amount of damage. No matter how minimal it may seem, that was still risking the lives of millions, billions of people if not more.

In the end, everyone would seem to come to some sort of alliance like agreement. The Jedi, Dooku along with his remaining forces and influence within the Separatist movement, alongside any of the independent factions all spread throughout the Galactic Empire.

Arguments, agreements, none of this mattered right now and instead the common purpose was for everyone to focus on the Empire. When it came to Anakin, he would just say he would not be getting involved for two reasons, one he couldn't tell them, being the Yuuzhan Vong and the other being the Hutts and their space.

There was some rebellions, specifically formed by criminals within the Hutt space due to new Empyrean rules and laws. They didn't take it too nicely when Anakin said he didn't authorize slavery and criminal activities anymore, which lead to one of the Hutt houses being dismantled.

Not fully killed off, however one of their leaders was killed because he tried to rise up against the Empyrean and their enforcement. Anakin would usually be all for the freedom of the people and all that, but in this instance it was obvious they would only revert and go back to their previous ways of enslaving others.

Anakin gave people chances every now and then, and in fact there was this somebody living within some prisoner cells on Tatooine. It was the Viceroy known as Nute Gunray and he was still alive for one reason.

Because of Padme, and Anakin knew that she would be the one to decide this guys fate. He would most likely die either way, but Padme is supposed to be involved with this as Anakin saw that it would be an important turning point for her.

So Anakin kept Gunray alive. Padme probably had alot of anger against this being... Anakin would see what happens and plays out.