V.3-C.16│Yuuzhan Vong I│

"Look at them. All of those machine loving freaks go to war with each other." A voice said towards a group of people.

These people having strange alien looks that, while not uncommon within the galaxy, it was what they were wearing, their armaments and a variety of other things that would tell someone the strangeness of these people.

Tall, muscular, and humanlike, but their faces and bodies were horribly scarred and disfigured. They had no hair, and their noses was practically missing. They were a horrible to behold sight.

Sloping, almost ridge-like foreheads. Several pf them had pointed ears, while just as many had been seen without them. These could have been ritual mutilations, or a genetic variation. They also had short, stub-like noses, making their faces appear skull-like.

Some had black hair, though in lesser amounts on both the head and body than Humans, but often wore it much longer than them, where in many cases, they were also completely bald. Small blue sacks could be found under the eyes a few, and they were often considered a mark of beauty.

These eye sacks expanded and contracted to reflect a their mood, as the species did not use the facial expressions preferred by Humans. Through the blue sacks under their eyes, they were capable of telling if an individual was in delight or were suffering from rage.

The most common skin tone among this group of people was gray, with the second most common being yellow.

"They are rather pathetic. If we were to strike now, to begin our attack whilst they were so divided, it would make it all the more easier for ourselves."

"What if they would try to band together and then try and create many of those metal abominations."

"That would get in our way."

"We must strike now! We must not hold back and strike while they are in strife. From what we can tell, that Emperor or whatever he is, is in control of alot that is going on. His actions has caused the galaxy to go into chaos."

"Yes. I say that we go after them now. Why are we waiting?"

"The Empyrean..."


When the Yuuzhan Vong left their galaxy, how long their voyage took, or if they even knew what their destination would be, was unknown. At least one account spoke of their journey taking at least several millennia, however, within the next 40 years or so, one of the oldest worldships, old enough to be dying, and considered to be 'ancient,' would be less than 1000 years old.

It would appear that 4000 years before the current time, it was sometime after Exar Kun became the new Dark Lord of the Sith, the Praetorite Vong's slivilith probe creatures had arrived, and a few years after that, at least one scout had reached the Wild Space region of the known galaxy.

In that year, a group of Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders under the command of Canderous Ordo encountered what would later come to be known as a Yorik-stronha, disguised as an asteroid in the Crispin system, while chasing a group of pirates in the system's asteroid belt.

When Ordo used a thermal generator to melt the frozen methane covering the 'asteroid,' the Yorik-Stronha, in Ordo's words, 'woke up.' The asteroid began to spin quickly and then proceeded to fire plasma at the Mandalorians. The extragalactic weaponry was able to melt through the Mandalorian's armor 'like wax.'

The attack on the Mandalorians became the 'first contact' with the Known Galaxy. The probe fled soon after the brief battle with Ordo's Mandalorians. Ordo followed in hot pursuit, but was unable to keep up with the probe.

The Mandalorians were able to track the probe's hyperspace wake to the edge of the galaxy, where the Neo-Crusaders turned back, apparently thinking that the mysterious ship was going on a suicide run into the great void outside the galaxy.

Also in this general time frame, a female Shaper arrived in the galaxy in suspended animation, crashing on Lorrd and surviving there for several decades, interacting with locals who believed her to be a demon.

Between 200 to 90 years prior to now, the living planet Zonama Sekot, a seed of Yuuzhan'tar, arrived in the Gardaji Rift.

Then in the year just before the invasion of Naboo, a Yuuzhan Vong was captured and ended up in Cog Hive Seven, a prison colony wherein deadly gladiatorial matches regularly took place between inmates.

The Yuuzhan Vong, who had already killed two fellow inmates in transit to the colony, quickly emerged as the station's most recent champion. For six months, the warrior systematically defeated every opponent pitted against the Yuuzhan Vong, until the champion was matched with Sith Lord Darth Maul, who was on an undercover mission on Cog Hive Seven.

After a brutal fight, Maul killed the warrior. As the Yuuzhan Vong had only spoken in the species' native language, the colony's systems had failed to classify its species, point of origin, or even gender, although some of the guards suspected that the individual was a female.

After this, at the time of the Invasion of Naboo, an advance force of Yuuzhan Vong, termed 'Far Outsiders' by the planet's inhabitants, discovered Zonama, and noting the similarity to Yuuzhan'tar, though not drawing the connection, attempted to colonize it.

However, when the Yuuzhan Vong attempted to settle, Zonama Sekot's biosphere killed off the Yuuzhan Vong flora and fauna, provoking them. Although Sekot attempted to negotiate with them, they began an assault upon the planet.

After two years of costly fighting, the assault was called off with the arrival of the Jedi Knight Vergere, who convinced the Yuuzhan Vong to leave on the condition that she would travel with them.

This is where Anakin came in with Obi-Wan of the time and settled things there, but Anakin was of course the one to stay and help out with whatever happened there. Specifically with what happened to the company under Raith Sienar.

With their treachery out in the open, Anakin decided to swallow them whole under the Empyrean and Skywalker Industries. They were no more and more specifically, those that were involved were killed off.

Anakin didn't like that they went against him and while murder may seem extreme, their punishments were justified by what they did and would have done.

The Galactic Republic received only shadowy news at the attack; even after Obi-Wan and Anakin went to investigate Vergere's disappearance, all that they discovered was that an unknown race of biotech-based aliens from a distant place and armed with weapons that the planet's inhabitants had never seen before had attacked the world.

Of course, Anakin knew what they were...

Three years after this, after learning of Zonama Sekot, Supreme Overlord Quoreal's determination to invade began to waver. The Yuuzhan Vong soon learned that Zonama Sekot was no longer in its original system, and there was no evidence that it had been destroyed.

Worried about the threat presented by the powerful planetary entity, he announced to his people that it would be best to move on to another galaxy.

However, Shimrra Jamaane, under the influence of Onimi and with the support of some of the more aggressive domains, launched a coup, murdered Quoreal and took his place, ensuring that the invasion would go forth as planned. But it would still be some time before they were ready.

Information of Yuuzhan Vong activity within the galaxy for the next few decades is scarce. It is known that at the start of the Outbound Flight Project, Palpatine had somehow gained knowledge of the incoming Yuuzhan Vong fleet, though he planned to withhold it from the Republic until after his New Order could be instituted.

At least one of his subordinates, Kinman Doriana, was informed, however.

The distant threat of invasion was also part of the reason Palpatine ordered the destruction of Outbound Flight in order to prevent its occupants from falling into the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong, and also to eliminate six Jedi Masters and twelve Jedi Knights.

Palpatine had already been pushing out some news of all kinds in relation to this potential invading force. Palpatine had alot of worries himself, as he needed to prepare himself for the coming invasion.

Anakin may have saved the people from the ship and those on the outbound project, however Palpatine was still able to find things out. Not only that, he was able to keep things to himself as well.

Thankfully Anakin had been collecting as much information as he could and used the outbound project as another chance to see more into the Yuuzhan Vong.

One of Palpatine's official justifications for maintaining the Imperial Navy even after the war had ended was to ward off the threat of extra-galactic invasion. Of course, there was also the massive civil war happening right now but this fact that he would say this so openly and make sure it is known meant something.

Palpatine was preparing and afraid of this attack he would probably make mistakes.

It was also around this time that another small advance force of Yuuzhan Vong engaged the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force, on the edge of the Chiss Ascendancy.

Although the Chiss Admiral Ar'alani managed to defeat them, the Yuuzhan Vong fought much better than the Chiss had believed such a small fleet was capable of. The appearance of the Outbound Flight shortly afterwards led the CEDF high command to wonder for a short time if the invaders and the Republic were allies.

Sometime between the start of the clone wars and upto five years before, it was speculated by some Chiss that the Yuuzhan Vong had made a pact with the Vagaari against the Chiss.

Anakin had been keeping up with the galaxy at large and even had things connected to every inch of the galaxy. He may have very spread out products to act as his go in-between everything he would need and this is partially the reason he needed Siri to take some work off of him.

He was splitting his mind many places at once and it wasn't exactly helping that he wasn't increasing the amount of extra thought processors he had access to. He was still limited himself, no matter how many changes he has done to himself through the Force, or through genetic modification his body was still limited.

Everyday he is trying and testing to improve his brain if only by a small percentage of a percentage just so he could have that one extra thought processor.

'Information is power...' Anakin would think this to himself alot, for it is key that he knows of everything, or at least knows of everything pertaining to the state of the galaxy. Its politics, economies, laws, technological advancements, everything pertaining to what could affect the galaxy.

Not only for himself, but for the state of his own Empyrean because everything could affect everything, even the metaphorical flap of a butterflies wing that would cause a tornado on the other side of the world.

'In this case, wouldn't it be one small alien creatures flap of the wings on the other side of the galaxy would create a black hole on the opposite side...'

The last activity picked up by the Yuuzhan Vong is their scouts returned dozens of kidnapped sentients to the fleet from the galaxy. Among them were Humans, Verpine, and Talz. They were interrogated and experimented upon, with many dying and others being sacrificed.

Those who survived, such as Vergere, were awarded as familiars. Three years before the Clone Wars, the Yuuzhan Vong also established a small outpost on the planet Bimmiel.

That was about it for the history regarding the Yuuzhan Vong slowly making their appearance into the known galaxy. A galaxy that doesn't even notice their presence at all, for all but a few that are in the know of course.

In fact, Anakin knew of the fact that the Yuuzhan Vong scouts were very active during the Clone Wars and he knew that especially now they were starting to become very active.

This showed Anakin the potential of two things, one being that the Yuuzhan Vong were close to preparing themselves for war or they were starting to just take advantage of the chaos within the galaxy.

Anakin had made sure that his own Empyrean, his own people are protected against such things and this is also another reason why he is so focused inwards rather than trying to conquer everything. He knew that if he couldn't even defend his home, then what was the point in trying to bite off more than one could chew.

This is why he would only help the Jedi, the independent factions and Dooku along with the Separatists with only defense within his territories. There was only one way he would fight for them, and that was if they became his people, which was something all of them were against.

Not because he was bad or anything, but because they all had their own interests and desires, along with culture, religion and whatever else that got in the way. Anakin had made his position clear, and they all respected that, so Anakin would continue to monitor the Yuuzhan Vong and even if they started invading, he knew that sooner or later they would see him and probably hate him.

He is kind of a combination between the flesh and the machine himself, so of course they would hate him and by hating him they would also hate his empire as well...

'Only time will tell...'