V.3-C.31│50-50 I│

"Master Jedi... Come back to this planet you have." The Jedi had come to Coruscant, that is currently under a very strict lock and key.

The Jedi were here undercover, as most of the army brought here is not in fact here within the Coruscant system and is instead being hidden away.

"Yes. You have come here hidden, correct?" The one whom replied is Obi-Wan Kenobi, as he was sent here to speak with an agent that stayed here, hidden on Coruscant.

The Jedi had been able to go undercover, stay hidden and make sure they are not discovered by any of the forces within Palpatine's new Galactic Empire.

"Of course! Of course I did! I would not allow that Sith to discover myself and so too the others have gone into hiding as well." Not all of the Jedi had escaped after all, and some had to make due with their new situation.

Obi-Wan talking this one random hidden member of the Jedi Order, despite all of the new restrictions in place to seek and destroy Jedi in place by Palpatine is just another hinge in Palpatine's plans.

While Palpatine has completed his goal, his plans have not come to an end just yet. With the Jedi Order still in existence, even with smaller numbers, along with the Empyrean and now the independence war going on, Palpatine still has alot of things to deal with.

Again, another factor is the Yuuzhan Vong as well, which the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is just about to learn about from this Jedi informant he is speaking with.

"That is good." Obi-Wan sighed with some relief, knowing that some of the Jedi Orders members survived outside of the temple. "I need you to try and inform anyone and everyone possible that safe haven can be found with the Empyrean in the Outer Rim."

"The Outer Rim! The Empyrean! I never would have thought that the Jedi would go there... Did you guys ask for help from the Chosen One?" The informant asked.

"I dont know what or how things have gone, but one can assume that yes, the Empyrean's Emperor has decided to help the Jedi." Obi-Wan confirmed, not really knowing the political situation himself.

"That must mean that we are going to win then... Are we going to get any other assistance from the Empyrean?" The informant said the first part to themselves.

"No. You seem to have misunderstood something. From what I know the Empyrean will defend themselves, and defend those that take refuge within the Empyrean, but will not be taking any aggressive actions against anyone at this time." Obi-Wan replied.

"What?" The informant seemed a bit disappointed, for if they had the help of the Empyrean, they would surely be able to at least win this fight against Palpatine. "Anyway! There is some rather pressing and imminent news!"

"What is it?" Obi-Wan seemed to sense the seriousness of the situation.

"There are these creatures! An entirely new being foreign from the galaxy and have come to make some kind of talks with the Sith Lord. There are rumors going around about their people, culture and all sorts of other things as well." The informant said.

"There are some reports taking that they are vicious, unrelenting and extremely powerful. What is even more disturbing is the fact that some Jedi Order members have gone up to them, not exactly faced off, but at the very least seen them and they could not be sensed through the Force." The informant continued.

"What? Creatures that cant be sensed through the Force? How is that possible?" This is definitely a shock to Obi-Wan and he most certainly would be bringing this information back to the Jedi Council.

Hopefully this species wasn't about to ally themselves with Palpatine in some way, as this would mean things are about to become even more dangerous. Especially for Force-sensitives that rely on the Force to sense things.

"We dont know yet. However, it would seem that they are from outside of the known galaxy. Possibly even outside of the undocumented regions of space and from another outside galaxy themselves." The informant replied.

There is very little information on these creatures, their origins and what they want but they managed to gather some very basic information themselves. Soon enough, there may be a wave of information concerning these new beings and what they want.

'This is getting more complicated. I am not sure if we should continue our attack now...' Obi-Wan thought to himself for a moment as he started to assess the situation, and if Darth Sidious had not done much with them, they should still have a chance.

This all hinged on the fact that Palpatine has no idea that the Jedi are coming to him right here and now.

"Thank you for this information. The Council wants everyone else to escape from here if possible and to get the message around that everyone should take refuge within the Empyrean. There is where you and others will find safe haven." Obi-Wan reasserted that the Empyrean is where they must go.

"There are things to do here as well, but only the more powerful of Jedi should stay and meet up at the predetermined locations ahead of time. There we will be doing something that will hopefully put an end to this farce once and for all, and if not then it will at the very least hit Darth Sidious hard." Obi-Wan continued.

"Ok. I will tell everyone that. One last thing however is that this species has an army of their own. While exact numbers have not been seen, there have been some view of their strength at play alongside their numbers." The informer said their last words.

"They also dont go by and use normal conventional technology, instead using things that seem to be made out of entirely organic matter." The informant added.

"Interesting... Anyway. I will be on my way then. May the Force be with you." Obi-Wan replied, filing away all of the information given to him for later usage.

"And may the Force be with you as well, Master Kenobi." The informant replied in kind.


The Dark Side Cave, also known as the Cave of Evil, was a cave on Dagobah containing a powerful dark side manifestation of the force.

Made during a long time ago, around 700 years and if we are being exact about it, then this cave was made 678 years ago, nearly 679 years ago.

The Dark Jedi that had come to this planet eons ago, was a male Bpfasshi and the leader of a group of Dark Jedi during the Great Peace of the Republic.

Through some historical records, long since lost but Anakin having restored from the Jedi archives that have long since been decaying, he was able to discover more about Dagoba and this cave.

The group of Dark Jedi was pursued in all that time ago by a Jedi team. In a cave on Dagobah, he was confronted by Minch, who was eager to fight the humanoid and prove his mettle. The Bpfasshi mocked Minch, calling him a 'small child' and scolded him for his anger and weakness. Enraged, Minch defiantly replied 'Size Matters Not!' and attacked. The Dark Jedi quickly repulsed the attack and replied that size indeed mattered.

Apparently changing his form into hundreds of smaller incarnations of himself, the Dark Jedi enveloped Minch, who desperately lashed out with his lightsaber. When Minch recovered, the Dark Jedi was mortally injured, and told him he had potential as a Dark Jedi.

His blood seeped into the cave floor as he died, and was the cause of the many dark side energies and phenomena that would occur in the same location that became known as the Dark Side Cave many years later.

"You must know about the history of this cave, right Yoda?" Anakin did not call Yoda as master, and would not be calling anyone as master anymore. Teacher maybe, but master never.

"Some knowledge, I do have." Yoda replied, having trouble seeing through this dark passage.

"You must also know of the term Dark Jedi, right?" Anakin asked.

"I do." Yoda replied.

"A Dark Jedi, on the other hand, has much smaller ambitions. He, or she, thinks only of himself. He acts alone. The ultimate goal is not galactic conquest, but personal wealth and importance. Like a common thug or criminal, he revels in cruelty and selfishness. He preys upon the weak and vulnerable, spreading misery and suffering wherever he goes." Anakin said, reciting some lines about the nature of a Dark Jedi.

"Or at least that is how the Dark Jedi are seen as." Anakin added this finishing comment, as the eeriness of the cave started to stir some strange emotions within Yoda.

It is quite magical even, despite the dark, cold and quite frightening prospect of being unable to see just what is within the dark.

Dark Jedi, also known as 'Fallen' Jedi, were Force-sensitives, frequently former Jedi, who chose to deny the light side of the Force or follow the dark side. Although 'Dark Jedi' originally referred to a Jedi who had fallen to the dark side, it could also refer to uninitiated Force-sensitives who received no Jedi training but began their careers under another Dark Jedi.

Others were simply dark-side users who did not follow the teachings of the Sith or other dark side organizations. In some cases, Dark Jedi also included 'artificial' Force-sensitives who served the dark side, such as the Reborn and the Shadowtroopers.

The first Dark Jedi was believed to be Xendor, who was the first member of the Jedi Order to fall. Other forerunners included Ajunta Pall and others who, after the Hundred-Year Darkness, were exiled from Galactic Republic space and became the ancient progenitors of the Sith Lords.

Ultimately, the title became something of a blanket term for darksiders who could not be classified as belonging to any specific dark side organization.

Dark Jedi also became a term of note during the Great Sith War and the Jedi Civil War, where fallen Jedi served under the banners of Exar Kun and the duo of Darth Revan and Darth Malak, respectively.

Thousands of years later, Sith Lords such as Palpatine would resurrect the term, with agents serving under him bearing the title. Those whom the Miraluka Jerec controlled came to be known as the Seven Dark Jedi.

"Fallen Jedi they are. Lost to the dark side, but not Sith..." Yoda spoke in turn, going over his own beliefs of what the Dark Jedi are.

"Tell me Yoda... What do you think of the light side of the Force?" Anakin questioned, as he was currently the one doing the trial taking place. He is in complete control over the dark side energies here, slowly manipulating everything to explain things in a way that would push Yoda over an edge.

The light side of the Force, also commonly known as the Ashla by ancient Force-sensitives on Tython, or simply the Force by the Jedi, was a method of using the Force that entailed the devotion of oneself to the will of the Force and was aligned with honesty, compassion, selflessness, self-knowledge and enlightenment, healing, benevolence, mercy, and self-sacrifice.

"Obviously, path of the light, is the path of the right." Yoda said in jest, saying a joke to get off the negative emotions he may be feeling as of this moment.

"I see what you did there. I already mostly know about your view on this subject, but what I am really interested in is your view of the dark side of the Force..." Anakin replied, urging Yoda to continue laying out his thoughts.

The dark side of the Force, called Bogan or Boga by ancient Force-sensitives on Tython, was a method of using the Force. Those who used the dark side were known as either Darksiders, Dark Side Adepts, or Dark Jedi when unaffiliated with a dark side organization such as the Sith. Unlike the Jedi, who used the light side of the Force, darksiders drew power from raw emotions and feelings such as anger, hatred, greed, jealousy, fear, aggression, megalomania, and unrestrained passion.

"The dark side... those who used it, overridden an individual's character, consumed their souls is." Yoda responded.

"Interesting, but have you ever thought to stop and think about what the Force is as a whole and how the nature of both the light and the dark side similarities?" Anakin further questioned.

Anakin continued with this line, not waiting for Yoda's answer. "Submitting to the light side meant the death of the self and sacrificing for the Cosmic Force, an aspect of the Force that bound all things together and communicated its will to all life under the aspect known as the Living Force, the energy of all life."

"What if I said that the light and dark sides were the two methods of using the Force, whereas the Force itself is detrimental to individuals and thus should be removed from existence. Proponents of the light side rejected the dark side for its result of consuming life, where submission to either side the Force is a betrayal of the self." Anakin finished.