V.3-C.32│50-50 II│

Deep within herself, Ahsoka could be seen meditating but also being a sneaky person within the Jedi transport ship heading towards the Jedi Orders mission. 'What did that vision mean?' Ahsoka thought to herself.

She started to remember just what she was doing before she had gotten onboard and had sneakily gone around the Jedi's transport ship. In fact, there was many transport ships for the hundreds of Jedi that were ready to fight for their Order and Ahsoka had just gotten on the correct ship she needed to be through luck...

Or it is because of her acute sensitivity to the Force that allowed her to so innately and quickly choose the correct ship. She had done no prior research into this beforehand and had decided that this is her best course of action.

'Its for Anakin... Yes, for Skyguy...' Ahsoka thought to herself again, whilst also feeling some slight frustration that he wouldn't at least indulge her some more, for she was getting greedier.

While Ahsoka's Jedi training, that never even happened, was meant to bring out the good side of her personality, she was also plagued by several more aggressive tendencies. When in combat, she displayed determination to win, similar to how Anakin's disposition, as she would also occasionally sulk when things didn't go her way.

She was known to be quite aggressive in her postures and actions; willing to use terror and threats as a means to get information. Even though she obviously did not intend to follow through with any of these threats.

Ahsoka adored being with her Anakin and was proud of her position as his apprentice, even though she would also like to be something more, however saving those thoughts she also has this very strong capability within the Force.

Since Ahsoka had not had her way, and had also been subject to some rather strange and frightening visions about Anakin, she decided that she would investigate things herself.

Her first point of deduction needed to come from somewhere she wouldn't be allowed to go to and that is towards Palpatine. Right now, she had grown a bit of confidence within her abilities and believed that she would be able to at least have the power to face off against Sidious for a short while enabling her the ability to retreat if need be.

She isn't stupid and knows that despite being the apprentice of the Chosen One, there is no way the short amount of time she had been training could compare with Palpatine's strength. Let alone the fact that Anakin was special in his training and ability to move through the ranks so quickly and become powerful more quickly, there is near no way she would become that powerful that quickly.

So, she would only be coming along with the Jedi Order's transport ships so she could get the answers she wanted.

'Those visions...' Again, she thought back to the visions she had seen about some kind of future. 'Most of the time when I see these visions they are about some alternate version of myself and Anakin or anyone else for that matter...'

'This time it would seem that there is something more at stake then just looking into the hearts of others.' Ahsoka still in the cramped space that she is could meditate even if not in a good position.

Rifling through her memories, Ahsoka comes across the scene she saw during that vision.

There she was, sitting down and doing some basic, routine meditative exercises using the Force whilst also making sure to not trust the Force too much as well. No matter what she sees or hears, or whatever she senses she knows that the Force wont always be on her side.

Or maybe it is, as it is with Anakin because what she had seen was alot of good and bad inadvertently happening to Anakin because of alot of factors. Of course those factors seem to have been resisted by Anakin but in general, the overall progression of what is happening within this universe or timeline, or whatever it would be called is still following some general path.

Stars, space, and the great void known as nothingness is before her, with nothing but a weird spiraling thing at the center.

In her vision, it was hazy but she was able to make out the black dot at the center known as a black hole. The location of this black hole, she knows not but from her distance, or from what she assumed the distance was, the black hole is huge.

Probably one of the largest black holes in existence.

Light distorted around it, alongside anything else that was made up of matter becoming apart of the monstrous construct.

Even the Force itself seemed to bend around it, which was strange for there is only one other thing that the Force would bend itself around like that. That thing being Anakin.

Ahsoka didn't want to get closer, for she felt as if she would come to and end if she did. Even though it is a metaphorical dream, or vision coming from the Force itself, she had an innate fear for her existence if she ever went closer to that thing.

The distance away from it she is now seemed appropriate, where from that fear she tried to get away as well.

The scene changed, revealing something else other than the massive black hole at the center of everything.

There she was, surrounded by what seemed to be the death of the Jedi as they tried to go after Palpatine, and what was shown next is also the absolutely scale of the beings known as the Yuuzhan Vong.

Their ships, ready, prepared for battle and seemingly going after what seemed to be the planet of Tatooine. Next was the show of lights and colors resulting in the construction of the long lost technological marvel known as the Star Forge.

Going up in defense and producing things to go against the Yuuzhan Vong and fend off their attack against the Empyrean.

Finally, the last scene she had seen is that of a being made up of entirely black mass. It writhed, shifted and seemed to be alive with something appearing before Ahsoka as eyes and a mouth.

"You... Who are you?" The voice resembled that of a woman, and the black mass shifted, turning again into something else, revealing its true form. "Why have you come here?"

A humanoid and barely-female being with deeply-sunken black eye sockets and tiny silver eyes reminiscent of tiny stars at the bottom of a deep well. She had a long cascade of straw-like, honey-blond hair that reached to the ground and a large, full-lipped mouth that stretched from ear-to-ear and contained needle-like teeth.

Her arms were stubby, protruding no more than ten centimeters from her shoulders, with hands that had long, writhing tentacles for fingers with suction cup tips. Her body was rigid and straight, and as she walked or ran towards Ahsoka, her legs rippled forward more than they swung.

In addition, her body was enshrouded in mist, giving her an ethereal aspect to her already frightening appearance.

"You should not see me like this! I shall banish you!" The woman's voice said as she reached out towards Ahsoka, but it was all for naught as Ahsoka returned to the real world.

It was then that Ahsoka realized that there is something grand in scale going on that she needed to look into. She was told that the Force could not be trusted, at least not be trusted all of the time, but she had a feeling that resonated with her from the depths of her soul that this was something real.

All of it is very real and could potentially happen. 'I will protect Anakin! And show that I am ready!' What she was referring to, one could only guess.


"What in the name of the Emperor is this place..."

Men, five men to be exact were walking within a place that seemed to lack a presence within the Force, despite it also being a living creature as well.

They were a part of the Empyrean military forces, and had successfully boarded the Yuuzhan Vongs vessel. It was about time that they decide to send in some of the space marine synths to start wrecking havoc from within the ships.

Maybe even try to take control of the ships if they could, but there is no chance they would be able to. Even with the Force, the synths could not be compared to really any other being that was naturally born with the Force themselves, meaning that they needed to work together alot of the time to bring their Force abilities to their fullest.

The insides of the ships was actually a bit creepy, but it is not like these five men have not been on expedition to places like this before.

In fact, these five men, large and imposing as they are were one of the many squadrons that happened to be deployed to fight against the Hutts on their adoptive home planet.

"I dont know captain, but upon the orders we received I think that we should be careful. Who knows what kind of defense mechanisms are in place here." One of the men said.

"We also cant rely on the Force as well, remember?"

"That's right... Like the beings piloting this place, the ships as well are similarly made out of the same material."

"I remember hearing that the Yuuzhan Vong and their vessel do indeed actually have a connection to the Force, but it is in another way. A way that we cannot detect."

"That is true." The captain replied, as they went further into this ship, awaiting and being cautious for any potential attack on their beings.

These men are actually within what is known as a Koros-Strohna. Worldships in Galactic Basic Standard, were immensely large, organically created spacefaring vessels that housed entire communities of the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong, providing them with food and shelter. They also served as a staging ground for long battles.

Similar in function to the reborn Emperor Palpatine's Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyers, a worldship was a transport, battleship and a psychological weapon all in one.

Like all other Yuuzhan Vong vehicles and vessels, the Koros-Strohna, or worldship, was made of Yorik coral. The Yorik coral also formed symbiotic relationships with countless other organic materials to provide weapons, propulsion systems and defensive capabilities.

Maw luur served as a recycling system as well as provided valuable life support to the vessel. A worldship had more in common with a planet than a starship and, like most other Yuuzhan Vong bio-engineered vessels, it did not appear to be a starship at all.

Its main body was a disc-shaped bulk littered with hundreds of weapon projections and other protrusions. On the edges of the worldship were several large spiral arms, causing the ship to resemble a galaxy.

In areas where the gravitational pull was weak, including the region between galaxies, the Koros-Strohna extended membranous tendrils called outrider ganglia. Each tendril was anchored by hundreds of Coralskippers, which helped unfold the membrane. Once unfurled, the ganglia served as cosmic sails.

Worldships were protected by hundreds of yaret-kor emplacements that spat molten slag at enemy vessels. These ranged from starfighter-sized cannons to turbolaser-sized weapons similar to those used by the New Republic.

These magma weapons ranged from small openings, with the capability of blaster cannons, to large emitters, which could shoot flaming rocks the size of small starships over great distances.

The Koros-Strohna's weapons were spaced sporadically and recharged slowly as new magma was produced, though they proved fantastically accurate despite their unconventional technology.

Another weapon was the huge, tubular worm called the dread weapon, which extended from the bowels of the worldship. The dread weapon could be used to gather nutrients for the worldship to stay alive. The Gorros' Fen served a similar function.

There are no defenses within these ships, other than the inhabitants themselves, but these five men didn't know that. Nor did they know they this place that they had entered through is uninhabited by those that are in control.

Thus began their long search for someone or someone's as they try to complete their mission.

Whether this be through violent acts that would be the death of many of these lifeforms, or through some sort of peaceful negotiations, which obviously should be off the table at this point.

However, while Anakin decided that looking for peace all of the time wasn't the answer, he also didn't want to have this off of the table. So obviously, the military had also been trained when it comes to negotiations.

"Wait!" The captain hissed quietly as everyone started to conceal themselves as best they could, for a being came right around the corner.

Sloping, almost ridge-like forehead, pointed ears, short, stub-like noses, making their face appear skull-like. Small blue sacks could be found under the eyes, gray skin, dressed in a deep set black-blue armor that was not connected to anything related to technology of this galaxy.

This being stopped, as if sensing something and decided to look around but because the space marines were hidden, they remained unseen and undiscovered by the Yuuzhan Vong soldier.

"Ok, lets go..."