V.3-C.48│Sheev Palpatine VIII│

Things have clamed down, now leading to everyone still alive either being rounded up, captured and taking to Palpatine, or they have been in hiding.

Not all of the Jedi were killed down in the undercity, instead being brought back to Palpatine. Taken prisoner for some more nefarious purposes.

"Look at you all. Here before me, humbled and most certainly scared, are you all not?" Palpatine's voice travelled throughout the Jedi temple, as he gazed at his various disciples and Jedi prisoners.

Unfortunately for Palpatine, or fortunate to those of view that goes against him, again depending on perspective, there just so happened to be no one of great importance among the captives. No Jedi High Council members, or any of their special 'helpers,' that come from the Empyrean.

Laughing manically to himself, in full show to all of those captured within the Jedi temple, Palpatine couldn't help himself. What brings him the greatest of joys is different from the joys of others, even when he is supposedly not finished in his game plans right now.

"Your Jedi compatriots have no choice now but to willingly come here and surrender themselves." Said Palpatine, but obviously there is more to his plan then just capturing a few Jedi and then leading the rats out of their hidey hole.

The other Sith within also joined in Palpatine's humorous mood, laughing themselves, coughing and hacking up blood for not all of his creations are of actuality.

Unfortunately, not many of Darth Sidious' experiments would get to live very long, for many of them would die within either hours or days to come. Their sole purpose in life, to serve their dark lord, Darth Sidious and carry out his will and orders, even at the deterioration of their own life's.

"Now, we wait." Palpatine said, looking towards the Jedi, his subordinate units, and his apprentices.

A lot of his military forces have had to diverge from their current expeditions, upon noticing that their core planet of Coruscant is under siege by Dooku and a small fleet. Of course, Sidious didn't worry too much, especially when he has received news that the Yuuzhan Vong are also coming this way.

They are after all the key to his success in foiling, stopping and harming the military might of the Empyrean, whilst the Galactic Empire remains unharmed and ready to strike out against all those that go against him.

'Thankfully, I also have contacts within Hutt space as well. The Empyrean may control them like a puppet state, but they are foolish to believe that they are able to stop any and all dissent from within.' Sidious thought to himself, believing that the Hutt's right now should be creating more of an uproar.

Most likely trying to take back their own stolen territories with whatever forces they may have built up since their subjugation. 'What a wonderful ally they are... Useful puppets they are...'

Palpatine never really cares about allies and stuff like that, preferring that he rules over them all, and once he is able to do so, he would immediately annex the Hutt's and place himself in power.

"Stop right there. Release those Jedi, Sith." Mace entered the building, alongside a few others as well. Meaning that a few other Jedi Masters from the Jedi High Council, alongside Shaak Ti as well.

Other Jedi that were not captured, killed or otherwise missing in action have been shipped off of the planet already and headed towards the Empyrean. "How nice of you to join us, Jedi Master Windu. And look! You brought along your friends as well, and what is this?" Palpatine moves his vision over towards Shaak. "Is the Empyrean getting involved as well? Is the Empyrean Emperor allying themselves with the renegade criminals of the Galactic Empire?"

Sidious is obviously taking advantage of the situation to its fullest, where on full display he has set up multiple ways to broadcast what is happening. He needs to fabricate evidence of the Empyrean standing up against the Galactic Empire, and thus allowing him to take full advantage of his position of power.

Easily being able to persuade, and probably blackmail others into his service against the Empyrean, if need be. But the emotional fallout should be significant enough, as within the Galactic Empire, Sidious is the one in control of the media, allowing him to portray things any which way he would like it to.

Even if his citizens and people dont trust him, they wouldn't know any better anyway.

"Don't worry, Sheev Palpatine, as your end is near." Said Shaak, making sure that even though heard, she used specific words that could be taken in any way possible. She is after all another Empress within the Empyrean, and any actions she takes could harm the reputation of the Skywalker household in some manner.

Not that it would matter much within the Empyrean, but instead matter alot for those outside of it, as its reputation would be of utmost importance to draw and pull in those from the outside, in.

"And how do you mean that?" Sidious asked, slightly irritated that his full name was used, but didn't show it.

"That is enough of your games, Sith Lord, Darth Sidious. The Jedi Order will destroy you and all you stand for, freeing the Republic." Mace declared, with all of the other Jedi ready, prepared to jump into action.

"Is that so?" Sidious looked around, seeing that it is true the few Jedi that had come were surrounding them. "Have you not learned by now?" As he said this, guards, droids and more Sith abominations appeared from the shadows, further cornering the Jedi in the Jedi temple.

Surrounded, Mace didn't seem worried, nor did any of the others as well. "The captured Jedi at the middle stand trial here today, but it would seem that their criminal buddies have decided to crash the hearing." Palpatine still making use of such deceit, made sure to continue the facade for the people.

"Do the Jedi not realize that they are over? That they are nothing more than child kidnapping criminals that has done more harm than good? Maybe a long time ago, their methods were of use to the Republic, but it is obvious that they have proven to be useless. Why continue and allow these tyrants to continue as they are?" Sidious played it up, but at the same time his words were and are correct.

Showing multiple articles by media, both under and not under his control, indicating how the treatment of the Jedi has lead to many disastrous things. Including the failures with multiple individuals, like the Sith of old as well.

Why wouldn't Palpatine use this to advantage? "The Jedi are but a gateway to the wrong, old ways of the Sith that are destructive. My way, is the way of the future..." Sidious didn't want an actual rebellion against just yet, especially with all the troubles cropping up within the galaxy.

Having had enough, Mace called out. "Release them now, Sith!"

"Threatening me? The great and imperious Emperor of the Galactic Republic!? Is this the way of the Jedi? Through fear, and violence!?" Palpatine is also slowly losing his patience as well, and would much rather get to the killing on time already.

Palpatine has learned that both fear and respect and the best tools to use in positions of power like his own. He may also be loathe to admit that he got this idea from Anakin Skywalker, as he originally was using just fear to fuel his sovereignty.

"Alright. That is enough." Palpatine whispered to himself, before doing a small signal, immediately cutting off the transmission signal throughout the Galactic Empire. "Now. It is time for the Jedi to die, but it is most unfortunate that the grandmaster, Yoda is not here as well. That would complete my dreams and then some." Palpatine motioned with his hands, building up electricity within the palms of his hands before firing out against Mace once again.

Chackling with made glee, Sidious continued to pour down on Mace, but Mace is able to defend against this and this prompted the Jedi to move.

Getting into action, a flurry of movement is seen and heard, if from the normal perspective and point of view that is.

Obi-Wan is presented with another opportunity to go up against the Sith lady, whom seems to have taken an interest in him. Alongside him is Shaak, whom has also had an interesting experience with Ventress as well.

"Miss me?" Ventress questioned, as everything started to go down once and again, with a flurry of things going on in the background.

"Know her?" Obi-Wan asked Shaak.

"Yes." Shaak answered.

"You two seem to want me? Is there something you would like from me? I am afraid that I cannot give away anything." Ventress ignited her own lightsabers, prepared to fight to the death.

Obi-Wan ignited his own as well, prepared as well to die for the Jedi. "Try and keep her alive." Shaak said all of a sudden, which surprised Obi-Wan.


"It is preferably that we return her to her proper home, possibly locking her up for some rehabilitation." Shaak explained a little.

"Once someone's gone to the dark side..." Obi-Wan at this point wasn't someone whom believed in redemption, especially more so that Yoda doesn't.

"No arguing right now. We should be taking care of our problem, no-lethally as possible." Shaak ignited her own lightsaber, prepared to face off against her same opponent she had sort of drew with long ago.

A battle, duel, long hard and fought happened not only with Ventress being outnumbered by Obi-Wan and Shaak, but also elsewhere as well.

"How do you like this...?" Palpatine stopped his chain lightning, as Mace finally had some room to breath.

"You will be stopped. You must feel it now... Or maybe you dont, for even I am unable to as well, but it is there and its coming." Mace said, taunting Sidious with the sense of assurance of his words.

"What could you ever mean? Is it your grandmaster, Yoda? I think not. I have felt it in the Force itself, as he will not be joining me here and is instead having another battle of his own." While Palpatine is no future seeing power, he does have some level of insight for things.

"And what do you know?" Mace questioned, ready in a stance to face off against whom is potentially one of the most dangerous Sith in existence.

"I know that the grandmaster will be having a hard time, but you know how the Force is. With the Jedi, your abilities are weak and meaningless, whilst for I, the embodiment of the dark and all that is evil within the galaxy, if not the universe is powerful and meaningful."

"All the fighting now is meaningless, for in the end, it is only I that shall remain the winner." Palpatine finished, before pulling out a lightsaber of his own, ready to fight against Mace.

"You are extremely cocky, Sidious. What makes you think you are to be victorious? What deludes you as such?" Mace asked, also playing on the emotions of his opponent just as Sidious is trying to do the same to him.

"I am very well aware of your plans, Windu. It will not work against me." Palpatine waited for his opponent to launch his attack.

"So be it." Mace was finished with his talking, and instead delved in trying to go for the killing blow, but relied on whatever emotions Palpatine may be feeling during this duel to empower himself.

All around, death, destruction and chaos is rampant, further illustrating that those with great power also inherit great responsibility.

Not in the sense that they may be tied down and restricted, but may be restrained in their approach to everything they do. Jedi and Sith alike are dying left and right, for none or either side spared the massacre against their sworn enemy.

The Jedi temple, desecrated and the Sith temple containing the nexus underneath started to come online again, for Palpatine has brought it back to life. Some small sparks remained, leading to Sidious taking advantage of such a thing to empower himself, quite literally.

He is much more powerful here, on Coruscant then he would be anywhere else. It is unlikely he would try to escape either, for his best chance at survival also comes from the revived dark side nexus underneath.

'In time, I shall be victorious...'