V.3-C.49│Sheev Palpatine IX│

Shimrra Jamaane, Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong and most certainly a driving factor in the war that has come. It would seem that they have decided to start the war on the galaxy early, believing in their current capabilities to overthrow and rule over completely this new place as their own domain.

Of course, Shimrra Jamaane is not even the actual power behind the Yuuzhan Vong, as there is someone else behind the scenes. Controlling and manipulating everything in the direction they want, made especially so now once the Yuuzhan Vong made their approach on the known galaxy full of Jedi and Sith.

Onimi was a male Yuuzhan Vong. A Shamed Shaper, and the only Force-sensitive of his species apart from another mysterious figure, making him an arguable exception.

It should be 7 to 8 years ago that Shimrra fell under the sway of the former Shaper Onimi, who used his powers to take control of Shimrra.

Under Onimi's direction, Shimrra overthrew Supreme Overlord Quoreal with the support of many warriors. He then announced the discovery of a new galaxy, and proclaimed that the Yuuzhan Vong were destined to conquer it, whereas Quoreal had made the decision to avoid the galaxy, due to the presence of the living planet Zonama Sekot, which he believed to be a portent of doom.

Shimrra spent most of the last six decades of his life under the control of Onimi, who used his Force powers to bend Shimrra to his will. During his time as Onimi's puppet, Shimrra was characterized by his cruelty, his desire to protect his power, and his ability to manipulate others.

Though the Yuuzhan Vong were a violent species, Shimrra had a reputation as being more vicious than most members of his species.

Shimrra sought to exterminate all infidels, believing it to be his duty as demanded by the gods. He was ruthless in this quest, and by the end of the this current war over one-third of the warrior caste had died to the Empyrean.

Despite reprimanding Tsavong Lah for wasting his troops, Shimrra was content to sacrifice a great number of Yuuzhan Vong in pursuit of his goals, namely the conquest of the galaxy.

As Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong, Shimrra was believed to be the species' sole link to the most important god, Yun-Yuuzhan, and consequently, had near-unlimited power over his people.

He served as the head of all castes, having the authority to command everything from the efforts of the warrior caste to the priests' worshiping.

Shimrra loved his power, and went to great lengths to protect it after overthrowing Quoreal. This included killing many thousands of heretics, as well anyone who opposed his will.

Shimrra suppressed all knowledge of Zonama Sekot, and killed anyone that may have discovered the planet during their voyage, so as to prevent others from learning of the world that supposedly foretold the Yuuzhan Vong's doom. He also kept from his species for decades the knowledge of the emptiness of the eighth cortex, knowing that if such knowledge ever spread, his authority would greatly weaken.

Modified by Yuuzhan Vong shapers, Shimrra grew to an extremely large size. It should be noted that the Supreme Overlord was the largest Yuuzhan Vong he had ever seen, and Nom Anor observed that he towered over the Elite in meetings.

The hau polyp creatures that made up his throne would occasionally burst due to the strain placed on them from supporting the Supreme Overlord's massive frame.

Shimrra had thin limbs and a large head, and his torso and head were covered in brands and tattoos honoring the gods. He wore gray robes made from the flesh of Steng, a rebellious Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster from millennia ago.

Shimrra had mqaaq'it-implant eyes that constantly shifted colors, although they were most often red. His eyes glittered when he was angry, and had the effect of causing anyone under his gaze to feel intimidated and as though the victim's mind was being read. Nom Anor feared the Supreme Overlord's eyes, finding the frequent color-changes to be unnerving.

After this, there is Shimrra's overseer and grand manipulator, Onimi.

Onimi was a Shaper and a member of the Elite. At some point he realized that the eighth cortex, supposedly holding the knowledge necessary to survive the decades of war that the Yuuzhan Vong had doomed themselves to, was empty.

After adding yammosk tissue to his brain, which was most likely the action that restored his connection to the Force, given the yammosk's natural telepathy, Onimi was marked as a Shamed One, taking the form of a mentally and physically twisted, demented creature.

He blamed the gods, especially Yun-Harla the Trickster goddess, for his afflictions.

While Onimi seemed weak, with his torso twisted, short limbs, small hands, and his wretched face being his worst feature, his repulsive physical features and lowly social status caused him to be underestimated; he was seen by the Royal Court as an annoyance, a Shamed One who Supreme Overlord Shimrra should not dirty his presence with. But for reasons unknown to them, Shimrra tolerated his pet.

This was because despite his diminutive and pitiful appearance, Onimi now possessed a connection to the Force that had been lost to the Yuuzhan Vong for many thousands of years. This gave him the power to manipulate the minds of others.

His experiments also gave him other powers; not only was he able to amplify the energy flowing through his mismatched form, but he could create deadly toxins and chemicals through his metabolism and release them through almost every bodily fluid he produced, such as his sweat or saliva.

He could even secrete toxins out of his nails.

Seeing an opportunity for redemption in the Intendant Supreme Overlord Shimrra, Onimi had influenced him into taking him as a familiar, becoming a jester for the new leader.

Using this proximity to the Supreme Overlord to his advantage, Onimi manipulated Shimrra and the other Yuuzhan Vong to mastermind the invasion of the galaxy that the species chose as their new home.

Onimi wished to be the salvation of his race.

The time had come, it had come indeed for Onimi to finally be that salvation for his race, just as he wished to be all those years ago. Even more so now that the Yuuzhan Vong had taken a few planets for themselves, completely reshaping a few to their own purposes to start mass producing more and more warrior caste as quickly as possible.

'But what is this feeling I am having?' The twisted thoughts of Onimi were present.


Still fighting, the battle is ongoing with multiple people, beings and machines having a drawn out fight with each other. Most significantly are the Jedi, whom are having the hardest time going up against their opponents, especially outnumbered.

Their backup comes in the form of a few other people or Jedi arriving to the scene, most importantly Zannah and Barriss arriving making the fighting a little bit easier on those here. The massacre continues however, with the amount of deaths or damage only being reduced a little with Zannah's and Barriss' presence.

Zannah because she is taking some heat off of other Jedi, whilst for Barriss she is healing and defending some people from dying through the Force. Both of their training and abilities coming in handy in this moment, to make sure that everything is going as smoothly as possible.

By now, most of the attacking droids have been put out of commission, meaning that they were no more, whilst alot of the other officers a part of Palpatine's reign are retreating instead of advancing. After all, the Sith abominations created by Sidious were created for the sole purpose of living and dying for him.

Thus leading to many people taking the chance to retreat as much as they could, but those were the few a part of Sidious' control. There are those that are smarter and wished to stay for longer, due to not wanting to be punished for their disobedience once everything is over.

Whom out of all of them would believe that Sidious is actually going to lose in this exchange, as the Jedi are not only outnumbered but also outgunned with a penalty due to the home advantage Palpatine now has.

"I think it is about time things get a little bit turned up." Sidious said, pointing his hands towards the sky in some sort of weird motion ,before blasting out and creating a hole through all of the Jedi temples ceiling.

At its utmost point, Sidious had managed to destroy and crave a hole out of the Jedi temple, leading to his powers and abilities within the Force to go on full display. Electricity and lightning pouring out of his fingertips, reaching right towards the atmosphere of Coruscant.

A sight to see, considering even more so now empowering Palpatine as some sort of godly figure to those within the planet. "Magnificent! Isn't it!" Sidious' display of power stunned alot of people within, as they didn't expect him to have such a strong ability. "This is the power of the dark side! This is the power of me! Sith Lord, Darth Sidious!"

Off to the side, Ventress stops her own fight with Shaak and Obi-Wan, instead quoting. "He seems to have gone mad with power."

"No kidding." Obi-Wan deadpanned, as it would seem like Ventress doesn't have too much or even any loyalty at all for Sidious. "Tell us, why are you even with him anyway? Is your master not Count Dooku?"

"He was, but I didn't know he didn't die. At this point, I just want to have my own revenge and whoever can give it to me is good enough to follow... That is until I have no more use of them." Answered Ventress, going over some things within.

"You believe yourself to have enough power to defy Sidious?" Asked Shaak.

"No, but the two of you, along with the rest of the Jedi also do not have that power." Ventress reengaged the two of them, once again going back into conflict with Obi-Wan and Shaak.

Ventress after all blamed the Jedi for all of the hurt and pain she has gone through, so she sided with Sidious easily, unlike some of her fellow inquisitors that came in line with Dooku once again, when he was revealed to have been alive all along.


"Interesting, everything happening, isn't it?" The voice of someone, a man, was heard, as there are two figures, cloaked and watching behind the scenes.

"Skyguy, I dont think this is the time to be waiting here." Another voice is heard again, this time that of a girl... or is it woman now?

"Maybe." Looking over, the two figures hiding decided to make best of their time and start entering the fray cautiously, undercover. The smaller of the two managed to evacuate the captured Jedi within the center, whilst the larger one made their way stealthily taking care of the non-Force-sensitives within the area.

'It would seem that Sidious has somehow managed to reignite the dark side nexus here...' The larger figure thought to themselves as they slowly took care of things on the outside, before deciding to make themselves known.

Specifically by entering the proper entrance at a languid pace.

"And who is this?" The Jedi had been backed up during this time, forced to be surrounded in a circle by the Sith abominations, whilst Palpatine had created a large lightning storm to destroy Dooku's fleets above them.

"Run! Leave now!" One of the Jedi at the center said, only to be shut down by Sidious as he managed to Force hold, and promptly start to choke the man to near death.

Dropping the unconscious man to the ground, Sidious showed his fierce yellow eyes towards the intruder. "A witness? You are not within the Force... In fact..." Sidious was getting a weird feeling by the individual, as the Force was telling him danger, his actual feelers couldn't even sense the person within the Force at all.

The figure that walked in revealed themselves, pulling down and throwing away their cloak. "Hello there."

"You!" Sidious pointed, all of the others confused and surprised by the appearance, except a few that is. Mace, Shaak, Zannah and Barriss among those that were not surprised, or confused.

"That isn't how you are supposed to respond..." It is Anakin, and as he said this he titled his head sideways a bit, further annoying Sidious.

"... How nice of the Empyrean Emperor to join us..." Sidious didn't know how to feel as of this moment, but he does feel some level of fear, as that very same presence he felt in the Force a long time ago, and even recently was starting to merge with Anakin's figure.

"I guess it is." Anakin nodded his head, before doing something strange as a suit manifested around his body. Around the suit, various colors seem to be exuded, and it looked as if he was coated in a lightsaber, all around his body. "Like it?"

"I do not care for your threats boy. I am at the height of my power now, more than ever!" Palpatine said, before directing everyone's attention to the destruction to Dooku's fleet. "See this! I am the darkness! Not you or anyone else!" Sidious exclaimed, declaring himself the superior.

"We shall see. It is time to execute order 96."