V.3-C.64│Approaching IV│

"Going to Coruscant unprotected is dangerous. I think I should come with you." Ahsoka said as she was with Eve, alongside Barriss and Aayla.

"I will not stop you from coming with me." Eve responded.

"Great!" Ahsoka exclaimed, linking arms with Eve. "You wont regret it."

"I dont know..." Aayla seemed hesitant in doing anything that would include herself in any danger. Not because she doesn't love her fellow 'sisters' per say, but because she is now with child. It would be irresponsible of her to join in on something like this especially only after giving birth.

She must place her and Anakin's child first, before the others. "We understand." Eve responded to Aayla's hesitation. "I understand at least."

"Zannah and Shaak are already on Coruscant, from what I remember." Barriss said, thinking of those two huntresses that journeyed into the unknown.

"That's right. We can get them to rendezvous with us. Then, with Skyguy, we can fully protect you." Ahsoka added.

"I am unsure..." Eve seemed to think about something before continuing. "Something tells me that whatever or whoever it is, they want Anakin to be near there and I am unsure if it is the wisest decision to bring him along."

"Did you not tell him to come? Or did you tell him to come?" Barriss asked.

"I asked him to stay, but he wouldn't. Others will be joining as well. From what I understand and sensed, it seems like Padme will be staying here for more than just keeping an eye on the Empyrean politics." Eve replied, thinking. 'Padme seems to be eating for more than just herself lately. I am surprised she hasn't noticed herself. Neither has anyone else.'

"What does that mean?" Ahsoka asked.

"It means we should leave Padme here for now. Aayla will be staying as well, caring for her child for now." Barriss responded.

"Right..." Ahsoka replied, before continuing. "Are you sure your ready? I also have a strange feeling about this place." Ahsoka and her visions haunted her and she was against brining Anakin along as well.

While happy to be with him, that doesn't mean she likes seeing him in danger. Neither does anyone else, and she supposed that this is only natural when you care for someone deeply enough, that you would wish for them to stay away from potential harm.

"Yes. I guess everyone is as ready as they could be. I was wanting to go there, even without those former Jedi interfering." Eve was getting the strangest feeling that she was in some way connected to what was happening.

Not only herself, but Anakin as well, but she cannot hide away from what is to come. Neither could Anakin either, not because they are unable to do so, but because they both sort of hold responsibilities related to their position.

Anakin being her new 'master,' like how her father was. His position of the Chosen One, the Emperor of the Empyrean and much, much more. In contrast to her position, taking up her brothers mantle and becoming the divide and two extremes between the Force, made her integral to events forthcoming.

"Good luck. All of you. Please stay safe, and make sure Ani doesn't do anything stupid and stays safe as well." Aayla hugged Eve and Ahsoka, where Barriss, herself and Padme would be staying behind, their duties here within the Empyrean.

All having their own roles to fulfil, as others go out and solve a future problem, preventing it from ever being a problem in the first place.


The Living Force was one of two complementary aspects of the Force, an all-encompassing and all-transcending energy field, present in and generated by all living beings, connecting all of life which fed into the Cosmic Force in death.

Thus, the life created the Force, as the Force created life. Sentience, consciousness and thought, could be added on to life.

Life was sustained by the midi-chlorians, which served as the biological vector between living beings and the will of the Force, and the greater quantity of which allowed a lifeform to have a greater connection to the Force to the extent of actively using the energy as a power.

The Living Force contained the duality of the light and the dark sides of the Force, the latter of which tempted Force-users, who must reject it by being mindful of their emotions.

The Unifying Force was thought to be present in all shining stars, surrounding and penetrating them, thus connecting all universal things.

The Unifying Force was believed to have neither the light nor the dark side. The light and dark sides were instead conceptualized in a metaphorical way, treating all beings equally.

In the end, following the way of the Unifying Force results in trying to fulfill a destiny rather than focusing on the present, which was one of the main tenets of the Living Force philosophy.

The Cosmic Force, also known as the greater Force, was an aspect of the Force, described as a 'unifying gestalt.' Through the Living Force, it made possible the phenomenon of Force ghosts.

The Physical Force was a facet of the Force that allowed Force-sensitives to manipulate objects in their surroundings. Such acts required the use of the Alter Jedi discipline, to which the Physical Force was connected in concept.

The Physical Force complemented the Living Force and the Unifying Force. These three plus the Cosmic Force were the four primary aspects of the Force.

Everything together formed a connection, and this connection filled in the holes of the universe. The holes of the soul and the spirit and the physical body with which life could exist and flow through.

Like a divine being above, directing and controlling, watching but not interacting, allowing free will but it just being an illusion. All of it was interconnected.

Though the Force was thought to flow through every living thing, its power could only be harnessed by beings described as 'Force-sensitive.'

This Force-sensitivity was correlated with, and sometimes attributed to, a high count of internal microorganisms called midi-chlorians that were found in a Force-sensitive's blood: the higher the count, the greater the being's potential Force ability, though there were some exceptions to this rule.

Force-sensitive beings were able to tap into the Force to perform acts of great skill and agility as well as control and shape the world around them.

One perspective on the Force were based on the Ones.

The Killiks believed that The Ones represented the Force. They believed that the Daughter represented the light side of the Force while the Son represented the dark side of the Force. Their Father tried to maintain the balance between them on the planet they called home.

Incredibly powerful, their fighting was destructive until another came to bring peace to the family, though this brought about the creation of Abeloth.


Also known as the Bringer of Chaos and Beloved Queen of the Stars, was an extremely powerful Force-sensitive entity.

Because she drank from the Well of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge, she was adept in using both the dark side of the Force and the light side of the Force.

She first lived as the Servant, a mortal woman who served the powerful Ones on an unknown jungle planet over a hundred thousand years before the Battle of Yavin.

Throughout her life, she became the Mother: she kept the peace between the Father's warring Son and Daughter and became a loving part of the family. But she was still mortal, she grew old while her ageless family lived on, and she feared she would lose her precious family.

In a desperate attempt to hold onto the life she so loved, she drank from the Font of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge.

Her actions corrupted her, transforming the Mother into the twisted, immortal entity known as Abeloth.

When the Father discovered her crime, he departed the planet with his children and left Abeloth stranded.

The Son and the Daughter enlisted the help of the Killik hives from Alderaan, using them as workers to create massive technological artifacts, such as Centerpoint Station and Sinkhole Station, to imprison Abeloth.

According to the Killik Thuruht hive, Abeloth managed to escape her prison whenever the Current of the Force was altered and the flow of time changed.

Each time she escaped, the Son and the Daughter would return to the Killiks and defeat Abeloth, locking her back in her prison. This cycle repeated itself for thousands of years.

Many, many things had changed. Many changes in what was happening, meant to happen and has happened, so obviously it has been a long time coming since the release of the one, once known as the Mother.


'And my... My 'Daughter' seems to have captured herself a rather fine specimen. A specimen that has also just so happened to help free me from my prison, distracting all those that would be looking from my prison...'


Setting themselves up, many people had been transported to Coruscant, but a few were also spread throughout other areas of interest.

They didn't want to miss what might or might not happen. A stillness in the Force seemed to indicate that things that were happening or going to happen would shape the way things are shaped.

Maybe even forever changing everything that is to be.

"This feels very wrong in some way. Like the entirety of my being is against what is happening." Obi-Wan stated as he was with his former master Qui-Gon Jinn.

Qui-Gon, while looking still young for his age, was actually pretty old by now and Obi-Wan was also starting to get along by now. If he didn't start making moves on Satine anytime soon, he would or could lose out on having something more.

"How's it going?" Anakin approached, everyone within their suits ready for what is to happen, Eve also was right next to him. Her beautiful face was covered by the mask, but Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were able to see some sort of shimmer from her being.

It was truly magical and they couldn't really believe this being would want to pair up with Anakin, but yet again, he was built different from the rest of them. Sometimes Obi-Wan was jealous of Anakin's passion.

Now, however, he could try and do something about his own passion.

"We are good. Are you good? Your majesty? Your highness?" Qui-Gon was respectful of these titles, even if he referred to Anakin as Anakin, most of the time in public he would use respectful titles.

"We aren't exactly in public right now, Qui-Gon." Anakin said, which made Qui-Gon rub the back of his head.

"Right. That is true. Anyway, are you two ready? Are you sure about this?" Qui-Gon asked Eve most of all.

"I am." Eve nodded her head.

"Enough of that. We are both ready. I am just worried. So, to take my mind off of things, how about Obi-Wan regale us with his tales of trying to woo a woman." Anakin smirked as he said this, and even though Obi-Wan couldn't really see, he could sense that Anakin was giving him that annoying smirk.

Sighing, Obi-Wan sat down. "I don't know. I don't know how you handle having this many relationships with women, but my luck is not that good." Obi-Wan replied honestly, hoping for some good advice from the suave pick up artist known as Anakin Skywalker.

"You seem like you want some advice? In a place like this?" Eve asked, giggling a little at her lovers friend being so different from himself. From what Eve knew, Obi-Wan and Anakin are practically like brothers.

A bit embarrassed, Obi-Wan nodded his head. "I must admit. I am not too good with things like this."

"Jedi teachings don't really help, now do they? That is fine, they help in other things." Anakin nodded his head as he said this, not too surprised at how Obi-Wan is handling himself.

Duchess Satine Kryze was the pacifistic leader of the New Mandalorians and the ruler of Mandalore. It had been a little while now that she had come to be accepted under the Empyrean, with Anakin easily being able to prove himself to the Mandalorians.

Especially since he had Vader are the same. After all, it was through the guise as Vader that he had gotten himself into their good books a long time ago, so it went a long way in getting them to accept him and his leadership.

After talking for a while, Anakin gave some basic advice, with some minor input from Eve, even with her limited romantic experience, only being with Anakin, she gave good enough advice. After that, the relationship between Satine and Obi-Wan would have to develop without their help.

There is no way everything they are or is or will be will coincide with what Anakin has with any or all of his own lovers.

"We are set up here." Qui-Gon said, now as they stood at the edge of the pit.

Even Yoda had come along, in his very own specially designed suit to fit his form. Well, not that it was specially designed but the suits were self adjusting to a person's form.

Anakin stood just beside and behind Eve as she was standing above the pit, both onboard of a vehicle that Anakin could take control over and get the two of them out of here if need be.

There was a silence, as the calm before the storm was happening.

Taking off her helmet, Eve was immediately bombarded by many things. Her protection came in the form of her own abilities, and enhanced traits from her Dyad with Anakin. She also borrowed from Anakin's mental defenses so that she may be clearer on things.

"It can't be..." Eve was surprised, seeing someone that she had thought was trapped.

'But considering everything that has happened, is happening and will be, don't you think this was the only path coming forward...?' A voice spoke to her.
