V.3-C.65│Approaching V│

"Mother...?" Eve voiced, alerting Anakin to what this may be.

"What is it?" Anakin was now aware of who this is and he should of pieced the dots together earlier.

Abeloth. Her very moniker was that of 'Mother of Chaos.'

"It is someone that shouldn't have escaped. My brother and I would have trapped her for a very long time now, however, it seems like she has managed to escape." Eve replied, before she put the helmet back on and the two left the area.

Not wanting to stay above the pit any longer. "What do you think she wants to do?" As they arrived back on land, outside of the pit, Anakin asked as Ahsoka came up to the two.

"Who? Who is it? Did you discover who it is?" Ahsoka seemed very interested in this subject, and going by Anakin's words, Ahsoka was fretting that this may be as she feared.

"Don't worry. Calm down. Explain to us some more." Anakin said as Eve sat down, her face confused but also understanding of why this has happened.

Anakin in on himself was an enigma, whether he was to become the being known as Darth Vader and destroy the Jedi and Sith or not, didn't matter. The Chosen One had a path, and that path was always balance within the Force.

To restore that balance whether it be lopsided for either the Sith or the Jedi.

"All right. Let's wait for the others to arrive..." Eve replied and the three did, allowing for a few more important figures to come over and discuss things.

Specifically discuss this person or being known as Abeloth.

Taking advantage of the chaos the galaxy was in, she immediately sought to maximize its effect, to wipe out civilization.

While Abeloth appeared as a humanoid female of indeterminate species to most.

Abeloth could command the native flora of her planet to do her bidding and also had the ability to influence the minds of Force-sensitive beings who had spent an extended period of time in the Maw, causing in them a psychosis which made them believe that everyone, except for other such psychotic beings, had been replaced by impostors and instilling in them a desire to find her.

Once the influenced being found her, she consumed their life energy, killing them and making herself stronger. The strength of her influence was formidable, even when learned what symptoms to look for, upon the onset of the psychosis they still believed that everyone they knew was an impostor.

She was also able to control the things that were so strong willed, that it was impossible to beat her out at this stage. Her powers, being able to overwhelming those of the Sith's and of the Jedi's, which was of course prevalent in the current situation.

Moreover, she could mind trick whole rooms of lesser beings into supporting her political statements and craft force imbued posters that would inspire those who looked at them, making people be swayed in her favor.

A living Force volcano, Abeloth's strength physical augmentation was a dozen times that of of someone like even Eve. Abeloth could probably be a match for Anakin, if only being a little weaker, as he is recognized as the most powerful Force user of the galaxy. Additionally, she could use Tutaminis, usually with ease.

Abeloth wielded exceptional telekinetic powers/ She was able to, with great effort, partly resist the powers of a control web, and was also able to teleport herself short distances from one place to another.

Abeloth had the most powerful use of Force Healing that anyone would have encountered, again only ever being rivaled by Anakin himself.

Abeloth was able to take on the physical appearances of beings that she had consumed, and she was also able to project images of other beings.

Abeloth was able to redirect Force lightning back at her. She was also more than capable of using Force lightning herself. Abeloth's sheer strength was extensive.

After any mental duel with Abeloth, an utterly enraged Abeloth could release waves of Force energy that caused the beings in her vicinity to implode, those farther away to be ripped to pieces, the buildings to melt to the ground, and glass and weaponry to fly through the city, looking for someone to hurt so that they could feel the pain she felt.

The heat of the burning debris set much of the city on fire.

She was known to feed on fear and death. She was also capable of compressing a huge amount of Dark Side power and using it to detonate a volcano. She was alleged to know Sever Force. Abeloth occasionally used Force Flight.

She posed some skill at a variant of Cryokinesis as well as Pyrokinesis and could disable lightsabers from a distance.

Abeloth was also able to possess or switch bodies. She was also capable of absorbing the consciousness of beings in order to enhance her power further.

However, her dependency on avatars was ultimately her greatest weakness: killing any amount of avatar bodies in her possession also resulting in her strength weakening rapidly, to the point of 'death' should all be destroyed.

Also, she preferred to inhabit the bodies of Force-sensitives, as non Force-sensitives' bodies failed to last for long before deteriorating.

Once feeding on the suffering of Coruscant, her powers grew to the point she caused random lava flows by her mere presence and could have three manifestations at once.

It was presumed she would become effectively all-powerful if allowed to feed on the suffering on Coruscant for long enough.

She could make monsters appear from the bodies of the dead and could inhabit a computer. She even was able to resist a Force Blast unleashed by someone in a state of Oneness that could have knocked a frigate out of the orbit of a planet.

She also used Technometry and Flow Walking in this state, though the latter power made her helpless while in the trance to use it. Her Force Scream could stagger Jedi Masters. Abeloth was capable of producing a Force-flash that could affect the visuals of many ships in an entire star system.

For all her power, even when boosted by the suffering of a whole world, she was not invincible as one of her manifestations could be annihilated by a Thermal detonator and she would suffer wounds from blades, lightsabers, blasters, and Force-thrown objects that made it past her guard, though she was not always harmed as much as a mortal would be by such an attack.

Also, she was nearly overcome by Vol when she attacked his dreams and he fought back with Mind Shards and insults.

Moreover, if need be, Anakin or someone else who knew the technique would be able to harm her by draining her life force. Though this hurt them. Despite these weaknesses, and the fact that each time a body died her power was reduced, she could not be truly slain except by the Mortis Dagger.

She had other skills, from being an intelligent manipulator, and good at combat based things, but that wasn't really important right now.

Everyone mostly wanted to know about her Force abilities and capabilities.


Abeloth had just spoken to her Daughter, someone that she had not seen or talked to in a long, long time.

Of course, ever since that day all those years ago, Abeloth has been carefully watching. Crafting and making everything just right so that she may be empowered.

Physically, she has no real body and instead has collected herself many, many forms that of which she may inhabit.

There was no one to stop her, no one to even know she had escaped, and instead of immediately doing anything and everything in her power to cause absolute chaos, she allowed things to go the way they were supposed.

She also located the original source of her awakening and subsequent release. All tracing back to the one known as the Chosen One, and his birth.

It was his birth that enabled her to come out into the world, and for some reason, she imprinted onto him. Her children. Her actual children did not want her, to be around her and even now that things have come to this, the Father is dead.

The Son, her son and child is dead, and the only ones left is herself and her daughter, the Daughter.

She has gone and found herself connected to the Chosen One in a way that was intimate. She could see this easily, but should could do nothing about it.

Not that she wanted to either way. She endorsed and didn't mind this pairing, believing that this is a way to have more family of her own. No longer would she need the Son as her Son, nor the Father as her partner.

No, that would not be needed any longer.

'All I will need is the Chosen One. He is meant to be the replacement for the Father anyway, and so too now that he has found himself a connection my daughter, it only makes sense that he become mine as well.'

Abeloth found herself however in a situation that was hard to explain. Anakin had some sort of defense surrounding him at all times and the Force itself she was using and manipulating was unable to penetrate.

In fact, there were multiple layers between her and her soon to be chosen one, the Chosen One. She wanted to form a Dyad connection herself, just as her daughter had but was unable to do so.

'I may have to use other methods...' Abeloth thought as the pit was clearly still accepting things to be taking into it.

She was using the suffering and chaos to empower herself, and because no one knew what was happening, they didn't stop it.

But now that things had been revealed, Abeloth very well couldn't stop the Force-sensitives in their protective suits, stop her monsters. Her creations from coming to the pit she formed to empower herself.

Dying and agony and all sorts of things, right now she had not chosen herself a permanent avatar with which she may potentially couple with the Chosen One. From what she had seen, it would also be rather easy to do so, since he seemed to have more than one lover for himself.

She would try to see if she could get into any one of them from such a distance, but she would be unable to do anything. There were just too many defenses, and the only way to secure her immortality, tried and true, so that she may not die to the Mortis Dagger, is through this Dyad.

The mother, Abeloth herself knew and sensed within the Force its favor for its favored child. It was very grating within herself to handle such a strange connection. She also was considered the mother at one point, with the Force sort of taking on this role as well.

So, it was not too strange that she would go in this direction based on all of the circumstances. Anakin's birth lead to her freedom. He is meant to be the replacement for the Father. Anakin is now connected through a Dyad to the Daughter, and most importantly is his status of being a major disruptor of things happening in the galaxy.

Timelines, events and merging of many things had been happening all because of him. Abeloth didn't even have to do much to regain her strength, reaching the current point she is at.

Some manipulation was needed on her end however, to get those Yuuzhan Vong to move and do things accordingly. She still wanted chaos, it was what empowered her after all.

Watching with interest, Abeloth listened to her daughter explain all of her powers. Her weaknesses and the only way to finally end her life, however... 'You don't realize my plans just yet.' Abeloth laughed within herself, her invisible form not sensed in this environment, in combination with their suits blocking their senses, it made perfect sense.

She was invisible, completely.

"What do we need to do now?" Obi-Wan questioned.

"Mortis is no longer an option, Anakin?" Eve stated, before turning her attention to Anakin, along with everyone else.

"Well... we do have the Mortis Dagger..." Anakin responded, shocking Abeloth as she didn't believe that he would have taken it.

Even if Eve would no longer die because of it, it would still be able to harm her in some fashion.

"When will she show herself?" Qui-Gon asked, wanting some more information.

"She already has. I have a feeling that we may go on a chase across the galaxy, but if I were to place where she is mainly hiding. It would be at the very core where the Yuuzhan Vong were. No one would want to go there, it has become incredibly dangerous." Mace speculated.

"The bodies of the Yuuzhan Vong surely have become great bodyguards for her." Anakin nodded his head as he responded.

"The Deep Core it is."