
Later that evening, Steve was sitting in his living room pondering about the bombshell his mother had dropped on him earlier. He couldn't stop thinking about it. He had managed not to think about it throughout the day, because he had kept trying to convince himself that Joan was right, and maybe his mother was trying to mess with them. But when he had called his mom and asked her about it again, she had sounded dead serious. She had repeated the same thing she had said earlier, that her and his father had both agreed on the decision of him getting married to Joan.

Why would his parents decide for him to get married? This was his life and he had every right to choose whoever he wanted to get married to, same way he had the right to decide to right time to get married.

How could his parents keep interfering in his life like he was a teenager? He was still pissed that his mother had barged into his home uninvited, yet he had to deal with this?

"Good evening. Why is your face looking like that?"

Steve looked up from his drink which he had been nursing for the past hour, and saw his Twenty-five years old younger sister, Lilian, standing in front of him.

"How did you get in here too? Can't a man have a minute to himself in his own home?" He grumbled.

"First of all, your door was open. And secondly, didn't we both agree that we were going to be meeting this evening? I have been trying to reach you on your phone, but your line hasn't been going through, so I decided to come over and check on you." She said as she joined him on the couch he was sitting on.

Steve had totally forgotten that he had promised to take his sister out this evening, to celebrate her new job, "Sorry, I had totally forgotten about our outing." He wiped his palm across his face.

"Apology accepted. So why is your face looking like that?" She asked again.

"Like what?" Steve asked as he turned in his seat to look at her. If there was one thing Lillian was good at, it was making funny descriptions.

"Like you just finished licking unripe agbalumo (Cherry)." Lillian said making a funny face at him which made Steve chuckle in amusement. Of course she hadn't disappointed him with the description.

"What is the problem?" She asked him.

"Is it not your mother?" Steve asked before taking a gulp of his drink, and winced at the burning sensation of the alcohol as it went down his throat.

Lillian giggled, "What has she done this time?"

It was not surprising to her since Steve and his mother were always at loggerheads, quareling about one thing or the other. Steve was always angry at his mother for always interfering in his private business. Coming to his place unannounced, having a spare key to his apartment, no matter how many times he changed the locks. His mother was just always a pain in his neck.

"Don't tell me she sneaked into your apartment again?" Lillian asked, laughing.

"You have no idea."

"So she did sneak into your apartment again then?" Lillian asked, unable to control her laughter now, "And let me guess, you had female company?"

Steve didn't reply, instead he poured more brandy into his glass, "Wait a minute, you had female company didn't you?"

The grim look on Steve's face said it all, making Lillian fall back on the couch, holding her stomach as she laughed really hard. She could very well imagine how embarrassing it had been since the exact same thing had happened to her a month ago.

Her boyfriend, Henry, had come visiting and they were making out in Lillian's living room, when suddenly the door to her living room opened, and her mother was standing at the entrance of her living room.

The moment Lillian saw her mother, she had quickly pushed Henry off her, and the poor guy had landed on the floor using his back to hit a sharp edge of the center table. And he ended up in the hospital treating back pain for days.

"I don't understand why this is so funny to you. Your mother keeps invading my privacy every opportunity she gets and you are finding it amusing."

"So now she is my mother, and no longer OUR mother? You are not the only one she keeps doing this to. She does it to me too. How she manages to get my spare key, is what I still don't know." Lillian said with a sigh as she wiped the tears off her eyes.

"Sometimes I wonder if she studied being a locksmith in the university, instead of business administration."

"Don't ever allow her hear you say that." Lillian warned.

Steve scoffed, "Like I really care right now."

"Is it just because she walked in on you when you had company, that got you into this mood, or there is something else bothering you?"

"She didn't just walk in on me when I had company, but I and my companion were completely naked and asleep when she came in. Like I opened my eyes to see her staring down at us for crying out loud!" Steve explained in frustration.

By now Lillian's mouth was hanging open in disbelief, "Oh my God!"

"You haven't even heard the half of it."

Lillian sat up, so she was facing Steve completely, "What else happened?"

"She didn't come alone, this time she came in the company of someone else." Steve said with a sigh, wondering what Lillian would think if he told her he had slept with Joan. He wasn't the type to kiss and tell, but this was not 'telling' was it? He needed to talk about it, and perhaps Lillian would understand since she knew just how close himself and Joan are.

"And who is that?"

"Joan's mom."

"I don't understand, why would she come with Joan's mom to your place?"

"You haven't even asked the person I was with, when they walked in." Steve said making Lillian's eyes widen in surprise.

"Joan?!" Lillian gasped.