
"Joan?!" Lilian gasped.

"Yes. So you can imagine how embarassed we both were to find our mothers staring at us, when we woke up." Steve said, covering his face with his palm.

"Wait a minute. Is it me, or this is just very one kind? First of all, I didn't know you and Joan had anything to do with each other, aside being just best friends. You always said your relationship with her, was just platonic."

"Which is true. It just happened last night. It wasn't planned for." Steve said, trying not to feel like an ass hole. He was beginning to feel like he had taken advantage of his best friend in her vulnerable state. His male best friend Tobi had always been of the opinion that peopIe of the opposite sex could never be just best friends.

"Hmmm, okay. But then, what did mom and Joan's mom come to do at your place in the first place?" She asked curiously.

"Why are you suddenly quiet? You don't drop something like this, and then just keep quiet." Lilian said impatiently when Steve didn't say anything after some time.

Steve exhaled sharply, as he went ahead to tell his sister everything that had happened, "My oh my! You are kidding right? There is no way this can be true."

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Steve asked with a scowl.

"So it's true then? What are you going to do?" She asked in concern.

"I don't know even know. This whole thing doesn't just make sense. I don't understand what these people are thinking."

"Have you spoken to daddy about this?" Lilian asked thoughtfully.

"Not yet."

"I think you should talk to daddy about it, he should be able to explain the situation of things better to you." She suggested.

"Explain? I don't need any explanation. I don't want to get married, at least not yet. I don't care whatever the reason for their decision is. I am not getting married to Joan, and that is it."

"I think you should first calm down. You should first go talk to daddy about this, and hear what he has to say. And then you can also tell him your mind." Lilian suggested.

"I should just call him..."

"Call ke? It's like this thing is not serious to you. Come let's just go and see him now. It's best you talk to him in person, and then we can both join forces and tell him they have no right to make such decisions in this modern age and time." Lilian said, and Steve got up.

"Alright. Let me just freshen up and then we can leave." Steve said and turned to leave, but then turned around again when he noticed the silly smile on Lillian's face.


Lilian giggled, "Nothing o. I'm just trying to imagine the drama that happened here this morning. I wish I was a mosquito or fly on the wall! Kai! Premium drama!" Lilian laughed as she spoke making Steve glare at her.

"I don't blame you. It's your parents I blame." He muttered as he walked away.

"Our parents!" She called after him as she picked up his glass and gulped down the remaining drink before taking both the bottle and glass to the kitchen.


"Of all outdated ideas to come up with, marriage? MARRIAGE? Like what the fuck? And of all people why did it have to be Steve? Why?" Joan half yelled like a lunatic as she drove out of her parents compound.

"Idiot! Don't you know how to use your useless trafficator?" Joan yelled at a driver as she stepped on her brake so she wouldn't hit his car.

"Stupid runsgirl! I nuh blame you, na the stupid old man were buy you motor I blame." The driver spat back as he drove off.

What was she going to do now? How was she going to talk to Steve? This whole thing was messed up. Just when she was worrying about how to face him after their sex, she now had to worry about facing him concerning their parent's crazy marriage idea. Just which of them had the devil possessed into bringing up such a crazy idea in the first place? What devil had possessed herself and Steve into having sex? Why did it have to be today? Oh God! She had so many whys right now and unfortunately she had no one to direct her questions to. Of course she knew it would have been much easier to reject the idea had their mothers not seen what they saw.

"Oh God! I need to buy something for this headache that is coming." Joan moaned as she raised a hand to her head which was beginning to throb. Now that Emeka was around, she knew that Victoria wouldn't be able to come over again, so she was going to have to be by herself unless she wanted to call any of her other friends, and she was seriously not sure she was in the mood to start recounting the tale from the beginning again.

Joan parked by the roadside and got out to get paracetamol from a roadside pharmacy. By the time she stepped out few minutes later she noticed that someone had scratched the side her car, "Is this one not temptation? What sort of temptation is this one? God I'm not Job. If this is a test, please stop testing me. I'm not Job o." Joan cried as she got into her car and rested her head on her steering wheel.

After she managed to compose herself she raised her head and straightened her back. Now that she knew her parents were serious, she was going to have to give Steve a call so they would both come up with a plan to rebel against their parents. They would both have to put what happened between them last night behind them if they wanted to get out of this marriage mess. Having come to that decision she started her car and drove off.