
"What if Dad doesn't listen to you, and insists that you and Joan must get married? What will you do?" Lillian asked her brother, as they pulled up in front of their father's house in Steve's car.

"What sort of question is that?" He asked, looking at her with anger in his eyes, as he waited for their father's gateman to come open the gate.

"What? Why are you glaring at me like I am the cause of your problems? Na question I ask, I nuh kill person (I only asked a question)." She said defensively.

"Why would you even be asking that type of question in the first place, as if you don't have sense? We don't even know for a fact if it's true, or whether they're just playing an expensive prank on us, and here you're saying nonsense." The gateman opened the gate, and Steve hissed, as he drove into the compound.

"Na wa o. See all the plenty insults, simply because I'm trying to help you make a plan B. Shey you were the one sounding not quite long ago, like you were very sure mummy wasn't joking? Either ways, I still think you should think of another way out of this, just in case it is true." Lillian insisted.

"I strongly doubt if it's true, besides you shouldn't be asking me such a negative question. Don't you know that you are supposed to have a positive attitude?" Steve growled at her as he parked the car.

"Sorry o. Nuh vex. I didn't know you have turned into a motivational speaker, because of this matter." She said laughing.

"Come this girl, if you are not going to be of any help to me in this matter, you had better start going back to your house." Steve snapped at her.

"Oya don't be angry, I'm sorry. I will be very supportive." She said, trying hard to hold back her laughter.

Steve hissed again, mumbling something about his sister always taking everything to be a joke, as he got down from his car, and went into the house.

It was a three bedroom duplex, and it was tastefully furnished and decorated in a contemporary style. Tunde's parents got divorced when he was in his first year in the university. And when their divorce was final, his father had allowed his mother take the house they lived in, and used to call home. And then had moved into one of his smaller properties.

They couldn't help wondering why the house was quiet, like there was no one in it, since their father likes to play music whenever he was around, and Steve had called his father to confirm if he was at home, before leaving his own house.

"Are you sure he hasn't gone out?" Lilian asked Steve, as he called out to their father, while she moved from the sitting room, to the dinning, and then the kitchen, without any sign of their father.

"He is probably upstairs. Besides, all his cars are parked outside, he couldn't have gone out without his car." Steve pointed out.

"Point of correction, his cars that you know, are parked outside. He could have bought a new car since the last time you visited, and probably he drove out in that one."

Steve knew his sister was right, their father was known for always buying cars at the slightest whim he got. "Let me check upstairs." He climbed the stairs leading to the bedroom.

"Dad? Dad?" Steve called out as he climbed the stairs.

When he got to the top of the stairs, he heard muffled sounds coming from his father's bedroom. He walked closer and was about to open the door, when he heard a female voice; "oh baby, that was hot...., you are such a bull dog." The female voice giggled.

So his father had company, that was why he didn't hear when they came in, and from their conversation, it was obvious, he just finished having sex with whomever was in his room.

Steve grinned to himself, and stuck his tongue in his cheek, he wasn't surprised. This has always been his father's ways since he got divorced. At fifty five, he looked forty. He had always been a gym enthusiast, exercising and eating healthy, making him look way younger than his age. And this made women, both young and old, to always frolick themselves around him. He was the idea Zaddy goal.

Steve had once introduced girl he was seeing at a time to his father, and after his father left, she had opened up to Steve, that she considered his father to be hotter than him, and was attracted to his father. After that day, Steve had never joked with his exercise routine, nor his diet ever again. Never would it be heard, that his girlfriend left him for his father, because she considered him to be hotter.

"Did you find him upstairs?" Lillian asked as Steve came back to join her in the sitting room.


"Why are you alone then? Where is he?" She asked looking over his shoulder.

"He will be with us shortly." he said making her narrow her eyes suspiciously.

Few minutes later, their father who was ignorant of their presence, came downstairs in nothing but briefs, and his female companion who was wearing his shirt clung to his arm as they both walked down stairs.

"Ah!" The girl shrieked, the moment she saw Steve and Lillian sitting in the sitting room, "Intruders!" She screamed pointing at them.

"It is you and your family that are intruders. Infact your whole village peopIe are intruders!" Lillian shouted at the girl, as she stood up from her seat.

"Lillian!!" Steve and his father both called her at the same time.