
Victoria lay on her bed, unable to sleep or do anything that could take her mind off Emeka's betrayal. Every time she shut her eyes all she could see was the picture of Emeka holding his wife. Each time this happened she felt a sharp piercing pain in her heart. She had always heard tales of betrayal in the past, but never in a million years would she have imagined that something like this would happen to a person like her. Judging by the African standard, she was the perfect wife material. She was beautiful inside out, intelligent, from a decent family background, hardworking, submissive, respectful, very homely, etcetera. So what could have gone so wrong in their relationship that Emeka had to do this to her? If he wanted out of their relationship he should have just said so, not that it she wouldn't have felt hurt, but it would hurt a less than what she is feeling right now. She sighed loudly as she buried her face in her pillow hoping sleep will finally come.