At the base of the iron stairs Alexander dabbed the blood from his nose. The once white was now stained red. In the other room was Stella explaining the whole ordeal of the plan to Isabelle. Muffled voices could be heard from where he was.
Until now Alexander hadn't noticed just how big the house was. It was no mansion but it seemed a little too big for only one person to live in it. It seemed more of a home designed for a small family to live in, not a teenage girl.
After an hour long conversation between Isabelle and Stella both of them exited the room to find Alexander sitting cross legged staring contently at a blank television screen, both hands propped below his chin.
"You know you have to actually turn on the television set, not just wait for it to magically turn itself on," Stella quipped.
"You don't say," Alexander replied sarcastically and sauntered over to the couch to accompany the two girls.
He looked at Isabelle who was now clad in a flannel shirt that was somewhat to similar to Stella's, her previous white dress nowhere to be seen. Long dark coils were now in an extravagant braid that reached till her back. Alexander supposed she had done the hairstyle herself considering he had never seen Stella put her hair up in anything besides a simple ponytail once in a while. But he could be wrong considering the fact he had only spent a little over twenty four hours with Stella.
"So you know about the whole plan then?" Alexander queried.
"You mean the plan where we find the other two teenagers that could be dead for all we know and ask them to join us and form some sort of superhero team to overthrow the government and save all humanity? Yeah I know about that plan," Isabelle replied.
"God, I hope the other two kids are just as optimistic as you," Stella muttered under her breath. This remark was met by a glare by Isabelle.
"So Isabelle what powers do you have?" Alexander asked in order to diffuse the tension.
"Super senses"
"Does that mean you're really strong too?"
Alexander stayed silent for a moment before asking again, "On a scale of one to ten, one being strength slightly above the average and ten being you a literally She Hulk how would you rate your powers?"
"An eight I guess"
"Impressive," Alexander nodded.
"What about you, what's yours," Isabelle questioned.
"I can control fire, sometimes"
"Yeah last time he tried to "control" fire he burned his previous house down," Stella backfired.
"Hey I'm a work in progress," Alexander defended himself. The trio settled into a comfortable silence for about two minutes. All of them knew what was next. The hunt for the fourth child would need to happen as soon as possible before someone else got to him or her before them first. Hopefully that wouldn't be the case. Alexander thought about the absurdity of this situation. Five kids saving the world. It seemed to big and dramatic, something that deserved to be the plot of a fantasy storybook rather than the reality for him. The plan was too quick, too sudden but it was hope. Hope that he wouldn't have to live in the shadows for the entirety of his life.
Once again the trio held hands and Stella focused her mind into creating the same bluish grey portal that Alexander had stepped in one times too many. One second they were in the living room, the other second they were transported in front of a barren road the only thing to be seen was a sign reading, "Welcome" the real name of the area scribbled out and over it was written Ghost town. And Alexander couldn't agree more. It truly looked like one.