Urgent clan meeting

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As I was returning to konoha , Itachi and Shisui were also going back in the path few minutes ahead of me , and they are currently questioning what I told them.

"I never thought that a kid could be so scary" Shisui joked with the silent Itachi beside him to lighten the mood as they ran through the plains.

"Indeed , he hid his abilities very well , and its weird how he knows a lot of secrets" replied Itachi as he looked directly at Shisui."

Shisui sighed " I know what you mean but I can't tell you right now, honestly its better if you never have to find out. And you are right , if all what he said is true , it seems like we need to rethink our actions , we have been far too naive and trusting in the Hokage"

Itachi sadly replied " yes , if everyone works for their benefits and doesn't apply punishment on the people close to them when they do wrong , this village will be ruined even without the conflict with our clan"

"I wonder if what he said about planning something to bring peace with Fugaku-san and solve the situation in the village is true or not" Shisui said to lift Itachi's mood and it worked because the haze that was covering Itachi's heart faded a little.

"I am looking forward to find out , I hope it's true but either way , it won't change the question that's troubling me. What will we do if the conflict is inevitable? Will we side with the clan or the village" Itachi asked hoping he will get an answer from his closest friend.

Shisui smiled in a reassuring matter and said " If our dream of keeping peace in the village is impossible , we just have to make sure we bring it back when it's lost , after all together, I believe we can do anything".

Itachi kept repeating those words in his mind 'if we lose it just bring it back' and the haze in his heart was completely dispelled and he smiled brightly at Shisui " thanks".

And their journey continued unknown of the undercurrents causing many changes in the village...


Back at konoha , I arrived in front of the Uchiha clan entrance and I sensed that the surveillance increased all around making me frown a little.

Originally , under the accusations that the Uchiha clan caused the nine tails incident , Danzo ordered for all the Uchiha to be grouped at the outskirts of the village to make it easy to keep them under watch but they only spied on the main entrance of the clan. Now however , I can feel that the range of their spying increased a lot.

As I entered, I can see that most of the faces of the Uchiha ninja and even some civilians weren't looking that well, probably because of what I just noticed so I went directly to Fugaku's house to ask for the reason while thinking ' the story is changing..' But I didn't find him there.

Itachi wasn't here either probably reporting his failed mission and even Sasuke wasn't here so I asked Mikoto the only person available which I noticed was worried about something concerning me and seemed like she wants to tell me but hesitated "Mikoto-san where's Fugaku-san and Sasuke?"

Mikoto heaved a sigh of relief when I gave her something to talk about so she smiled and said " its 3:50 PM right now and there's an urgent clan meeting that will happen at 4 at the naka shrine and Fugaku took Sasuke there with him".

'Oh is the situation this bad ? I wish I didn't dispel the clone that was with Sasuke and Naruto' I thought.

As for Mikoto she seemed to hesitate a little but she said in the end " Fugaku wanted to take you to the meeting too but when he didn't find you he went ahead with Sasuke alone".

"I see thank you for telling me , then I will be going there to see what's going on and .." I stopped and looked at her with a smile " don't worry everything will be fine".

Mikoto was dazed a little , looking at the kid that was trying to comfort her she felt warm inside her heart so she squeezed his cheeks and said with a smile " make sure to come have dinner with us later".

"Sure" I said as I ran away making her laugh and her heavy heart to lighten a little.

As I left the house my expression froze and I walked directly in the direction of the shrine which won't take long.

As I arrived there , no one obstructed me and they seemed to be looking at me with complicated looks in their eyes .

'Usually , only Genin and above attend clan meetings, there's no exception I know of that, this apply to Itachi even with all his talent , he was only allowed (forced by Fugaku) to attend after he became a Genin , so for Sasuke to be brought here means it's something related to him , was it because of me or Naruto' I thought quickly as I entered the naka shrine.

The moment I was inside the shrine's main hall , everyone looked at me including Fugaku and the two people beside him which I believe are his assistants and high ranking members of the Uchiha police force.

On the left was Yoshiro Uchiha. He was a man with ash-grey hair and squinted eyes while on the right was seated Inabi Uchiha. He has shoulder length black hair and dark eyes.

I didn't care about these gazes and saw that Sasuke was sitting on the front row so I directly went and sat beside him and my frozen face finally melted a little when I saw Sasuke's happy look " you are finally here" Sasuke said before he got a stern look from Fugaku to shut up.

I patted the now sad Sasuke and signaled to him that we will talk later before I turned back to Fugaku and my face froze again as I simply said " what happened?".

"KID , who do you think you are talking to?" Yoshiro said , trying to suck up to Fugaku but it only caused my eyes to turn a shade colder.

"Talk to me like this again and you will lose your head" I said as killing intent started oozing out of my body and my eyes quickly turned into three tomoe Sharingan.

Of course I wasn't angry , but it's better to establish your position from the start with people like this or they will keep bullying you the next time they see you and this guy really deserve to die ...

Everyone was surprised at my Sharingan but didn't think too much of it since there's another case of someone else awakening it at the age of 5 , she was Izumi Uchiha Itachi's girlfriend but they were shocked at the amount of killing intent I was releasing.

As Yoshiro tried to retort "What did yo-" but Fugaku quickly cut him off "ENOUGH YASHIRO, you too Bakorio".

I gave that man one last look before my eyes turned back to normal and I asked Fugaku again a very simple question "what happened?".

I noticed someone in the crowd looking at me curiously but I didn't look at him ' Shisui is here huh' I thought.

"I will explain once Itachi comes , I already notified someone to invite him here and he should be done with reporting his mission " Fugaku said as he looked at me weirdly when he said the last part.

'Oh they told you , that's good' I thought as I gestured for him secretly that I got the message and just at this moment Itachi entered with the person sent to invite him here ...