Fed up with unfairness

You can support me and read up to 12 chapters ahead of the current releases.

- link https://www.p@treon.com/Bakorio

Additional releases :

- If this novel reaches top 15 in the rankings I will release one additional chapter.

- If this novel reaches top 10 in the rankings I will release two additional chapters.

- If this novel reaches top 5 in the rankings I will release three additional chapters.


The moment Itachi entered, he quickly noticed me sitting beside Sasuke at the front row and also noticed the nasty look Yashiro was giving me causing a frown to appear on his face but he didn't say anything and simply took a seat at the back.

Seeing that everyone was here Fugaku started speaking with his always stoic face distorted in anger " I am sure a lot of people are wondering why the village increased the surveillance around our compound".

He posed for a moment looking that everyone was at full attention with most having faces filled with anger before he continued "As you all know , I recently proposed to the village elders to allow us to accept other clans into the Uchiha police force. This would be beneficial to those clans since this is a 'prestigious work' and we can mend our relation with the village by getting in close terms with other clans but those rotten elders directly refused and said that they can't allow such a thing and made the excuse that it would dishonor the second Hokage because he bestowed the task of protecting the civilians specifically to us"

Everyone looked at this in disbelief since the village isn't willing to trust them one bit , not even give them a chance to prove their innocence, and this hit especially hard at Shisui and Itachi's hearts because just when they got back they heard about Fugaku's plan to try to mend this broken relationship one last time yet the village was adamant on rejecting him...


-Earlier Before I got back-

Itachi and Shisui directly went to search for Fugaku and noticed the increased surveillance along the way causing them to frown but they ignored it for now " Father , I heard that you are trying to make peace with the village , is that true?" Itachi asked excited.

Fugaku looked at him in surprise before he asked him doubtfully "Who told you this?".

Itachi went silent feeling that it was a lie but Shisui didn't lose hope quickly and said "We met Bakorio during Itachi's mission and he told us about it , he also ruined Itachi's mission by saving the traitor for some reason".

Fugaku just nodded at the first half of what Shisui said but looked surprised at what he said in the end " So Bakorio told you huh? Yes it's true he suggested that we accept other clans inside our police force and raise our reputation in the village even more through some businesses he created but ...".

Fugaku's face turned full of anger with bloodlust oozing out of his body " but those elders including Hiruzen used every reason they could find and rejected my offer , they even went as far as making a big deal of your brother's friendship with the jinchuriki and accused us again of attempting to betray the village"

Both Itachi and Shisui became angry at this since they knew that the last chance for the situation to be solved peacefully was crushed by the village before they heard Fugaku continue saying " They already started taking actions against us by increasing the surveillance around the clan and ordering for the death of any member of our clan that gets close to the jinchuriki"

Fugaku quickly calmed down and said to Itachi seriously " Itachi , I need you to keep an eye on the village , go report your mission for now and don't worry about Bakorio he can be trusted"

Itachi said "Yes" before he turned to leave and heard his friend saying " I have something to talk to you about ,Fugaku-san"

Fugaku nodded at him and they had a private conversation which shocked him.


-Back at the shrine-

Fugaku continued with even more anger" Never mind this , some of you might not know this but Bakorio and Sasuke here both got close to Naruto Uzumaki; The nine tails jinchuriki. But just because they became friends with him, the elders didn't like it and now they accused us of possibly trying to manipulate the jinchuriki which is in no way true , but they used it as a reason to attack Bakorio's business and now they forcefully closed his shop and even the other shops that were about to open are denied permission and they gave an order that any Uchiha that gets close to the jinchuriki will be executed".

As everyone in the room listened to what Fugaku said , they couldn't help but look at him in disbelief at the absurdity of the elders views of their clan , which turned to anger at this blatant disrespect, which turned to rage at the treatment they are receiving , which turned to wrath when hearing that even their kids can't escape this cursed life.

Everyone in the crowd that unlocked the Sharingan found them activating on their own and their vision turning red including Itachi since now his precious little brother was one of the people mistreated and a huge commotion broke out.

Fugaku looked at everyone's expression. Most people were wrathful and some were even releasing their killing intent wildly. When he saw Itachi's face he felt glad that his son can finally see the terrible reality of their clan.

As the saying goes ,only the one burned by the flame will know how painful it is.

Fugaku continued observing the crowd before his eyes ended at the kid sitting beside his son Sasuke , throughout his speech , he kept observing him and he gave him even more attention after he heard about his weirdness from Itachi and Shisui.

True to his expectations , the kid that seemed easily provoked by his subordinate Yashiro didn't show any reaction even though he was greatly implicated , not even activating the Sharingan he showed to possess.

'Just what are you thinking' Fugaku thought before he gestured for the crowd to be quite and continued " Itachi , did the Hokage tell you anything when you met him?".

Itachi calmed down and stood up from his seat "No, but Danzo ordered me to keep an eye on the clan in case you try to do something , they especially asked me to keep an eye on Bakorio saying he's the cause of all of this".

Different from how Itachi used to be in the original getting angry at his clan's distrust towards the village. This time he truly followed Fugaku's orders to work as a double agent for the clan and reported everything the village elders said to him when he went to report his failed mission.

'Sigh, in the end I am no different than Mukai..' Itachi thought and couldn't help but remember the talented man that only wanted to save his kid.

Meanwhile, many people in the crowd who already knew about me getting close to Naruto started whispering with the people that just heard about it.

"Do you think Fugaku-sama ordered him to approach the jinchuriki?" Uchiha 1 whispered to Uchiha 2 beside him.

"I don't think so after all he's been trying to fix the relationship with the village, not ruin it" Uchiha 2 answered.

"Everyone in the clan knows we can't approach the jinchuriki carelessly or it will increase the suspicions around us" Uchiha 3 spoke from behind them.

"Tch , just because of one kid our situation worsened he should be punished" Uchiha 4 spoke with an angry face.

Slowly the whispers turned into conversation and these conversations turned into complaints which I could hear very clearly without relying on my superior senses.

"Enough, if it was a kid from another clan that approached the jinchuriki , nothing like this would have happened . They keep humiliating our Uchiha clan and they won't even give us a chance to prove we are innocent , today the Uchiha won't bow their heads to their tyranny anymore" Fugaku said with some anger before he yelled "WHO'S WITH ME ?".

Everyone cheered as a sea of red eyes lit up the dim shrine , with only Shisui and Itachi having sad faces.


AN : Guess what's going to happen next !