Dealing with a coward

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- If this novel reaches top 15 in the rankings I will release one additional chapter.

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- If this novel reaches top 5 in the rankings I will release three additional chapters.


"GOOD!" Replied Fugaku calming everyone down " Today we will start preparing for a coup d'état anyone disagrees?"

"NO!" a united yell echoed before two voices said at the same time «Yes Fugaku-san/father». They belonged to Itachi and Shisui causing everyone to look at them in anger.

Shisui quickly stepped beside Itachi and the latter quickly said "Father please reconsider. If we start a revolution, many innocent lives will be lost" and Shisui nodded in agreement showing his support.

But Fugaku calmly shook his head «I am not planning to harm the civilians but the situation is simply beyond solving at this moment, either we fight or they will come asking for our lives next"

"Bu-" Itachi tried to say but Fugaku cut him off "Enough Itachi just do your job and relay any information you hear from the elders" causing Itachi to clench his fists and nod reluctantly.

Sasuke looked at his father and brother arguing and felt scared at how the situation escalated. Not knowing what to do he looked at me.

I patted his head and said "don't worry" before I locked eyes with Fugaku and said " Fugaku-san , I wouldn't mind it if this was 100% your idea but unfortunately, a little bird kept telling me that someone is pushing you a lot in this direction because he's afraid to bear the responsibility for it himself".

Fugaku was perplexed but I quickly turned to the man that likes to scream a lot " Yashiro, care to explain why you keep suggesting a coup d'état every time and never going for a bloodless solution?"

The man in question looked at me in shock because this is something only his captain Fugaku and the other high ranking officials knows.

'Let see how close you are with your masked friend' I thought as I looked coldly at Yashiro.

Yashiro became shocked when he saw the huge responsibility of the clan rebelling being tied to him, which was true since he always tries to manipulate Fugaku to initiate a rebellion.

Since Fugaku was present, he can't lie so he quickly said full of courage and pride " My heart is burning from all the suffering our clan is going through that's why I rather die than live in humiliation like this so I suggested we rebel."

Many people in the crowd nodded at his words because they felt the same thing, but what they didn't know is Yashiro is probably the biggest coward in the Uchiha clan and maybe the entirety of konoha.

This was such a coward to the point that when Itachi in the original story started the Uchiha massacre, he killed Yashiro's wife and kids in front of him, yet Yashiro only fled to save his life and left them behind.

And when Itachi caught up to him he revealed that his masked friend will get revenge for him but was disappointed when Itachi told him that his masked friend was helping him in the massacre.

Indeed that masked man was Obito Uchiha; he manipulated Yashiro which in turn manipulated Fugaku and the rest of the clan to start the coup d'etat.

When Yashiro understood that he was betrayed , he started begging Itachi to leave him alive promising that he will end the rebellion but he only got his head severed by Itachi as an answer causing to meet his end ...

Now this coward is speaking with a face full of pride and courage almost making puke at the level of hypocrisy.

So I quickly said «I see, how noble of you , how about you explain to us then about the masked man that promised you with his help and gave you the intel you used to entice Fugaku to make this decision"

This time Yashiro wasn't shocked but horrified instead when he heard the kid revealing his involvement with the 'masked man'.

'How does he know about my relation with the masked man , I am sure we left no traces of our meetings with that man's weird teleporting ability' Yashiro thought as his fear increased when he saw everyone looking at him especially Itachi.

Itachi getting used to Bakorio's weird information didn't like the mention of a masked man so he asked " Bakorio what do you mean by a masked man".

I pretended to be surprised at his question and said «Oh, I forgot you met him before but your guess is correct, it's the same man that caused you to awaken your Sharingans".

Itachi hearing this started looking at Yashiro like a hawk stalking its prey.

The nervous Yashiro quickly regained his cool but his weird reaction didn't go unnoticed by many people including Fugaku, Shisui, Inabi, and Tekka.

Tekka had shoulder-length, dull-black hair and dark eyes and also had a dot in the centre of his forehead and he was considered the strongest Uchiha after Fugaku (considering Shisui doesn't use his Mangekyo Sharingan).

As Yashiro calmed down he said with anger «I don't know what you are talking about".

"Oh really" I couldn't help but smile before I called out someone «Shisui!"

"Yes?" Shisui replied while looking at me curiously.

"Go with Yashiro and Fugaku-san and confirm if what I said is true or not please, it's important" I said.

"Okay" Seeing that my goal is stop the coup d'état, Shisui gladly agreed and didn't doubt that I understood what his secret is anymore.

Fugaku also didn't question this decision after he saw Yashior's reaction and understanding what Shisui's ability is after they had their conversation earlier so he ordered with a cold look «Yashiro, Shisui, follow me to the adjacent room".

No one like to be manipulated so Fugaku was really angry and gave Yashiro a look that he wasn't accepting no as an answer and so they quickly entered a room on their own where Shisui's Kotoamatsukami will do its magic.

Meanwhile the rest of the crowd was agitated at this sequence of events finding the situation weird but Tekka stepped up and said "I am sure the captain knows what he's doing trust him" while giving me a weird look and they calmed down because they respected him.

I felt an intense gaze on my back and I found that it was Itachi giving me grateful look for helping solve this miss and I nodded at him with a smile. While thinking ' how should I solve this mess'.

Just a few minutes after, Fugaku and Shisui returned with dark looks on their faces and an unconscious Yashiro, probably still under the effect of Kotoamatsukami.

Fugaku quickly returned to his position and bowed to everyone shocking them «Everyone I am sorry, as your leader I allowed someone with ulterior motives manipulate me"

But they quickly tried to deny it and said that he was an amazing leader and doesn't need to apologize since he always thinks about what's best for the clan only then did Fugaku rise from his bow and looked straight at me.

"Bakorio , thank you for finding out about Yashiro involvement with this masked man but even he didn't know much about him and his motive , if you know anything about it , please explain it to us" Fugaku said.

"That's a very dangerous man " I said to him " After all he single handedly caused the nine tails incident and the death of the fourth Hokage and his wife" everyone was shocked at this information before I continued with a heartless smile sending shivers down everyone's spine

"Do you think he cares about helping our clan?"