Meetings and dissapointment

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Looking at everyone's shocked faces, I couldn't help but shake my head at how emotional the Uchiha are, even though they hide it behind a cold façade most of the time.

"Impossible , are you saying that the incident 5 years ago was manmade and the one behind it tried to manipulate Yashiro" Fugaku said in both shock and anger, a terrible anger that started building inside his chest the moment the council rejected his good intentions.

Then his anger increased even more once he knew how Yashiro was trying to manipulate him, not knowing that he himself was merely a puppet.

"This is the truth, I don't know much about this masked man but I know that we shouldn't involve ourselves with him too much" I said, before I continued

"Fugaku-san, I know you are angry but even if we get our hands on the nine tails it still won't be enough to deal with village and we will only sacrifice many people pointlessly".

Fugaku sighed and said "I know this but, we have no other choice".

"We can relocate outside the village" I said, causing Fugaku to shake his head along with everyone else.

"If we leave the village, we will become the target of all the other villages, the same way the Uzumaki clan was targeted and even konoha might target us and won't just sit on the sidelines the way they did to the Uzumaki clan, not to mention we originated from this shrine, we can't leave our home just like that".

I thought for a little before I said "I have a plan..."


Inside the Hokage tower, the various clan heads were having an urgent meeting issued by Fugaku Uchiha.

They were sitting in a long table at the head of which was sitting the third Hokage and close to him were the old fossils Danzo, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane along with the rest of the heads of the different clans.

Everyone was currently looking at the kid standing behind Fugaku with a friendly smile on his face nodding at people from time to time when he catch them looking at him.

Of course that kid was me and as everyone sat down we heard Danzo say with his usual cold voice and darkness in his eyes "What's the meaning of this meeting, Fugaku?".

Fugaku looked at him coldly with no more pretenses because he was really ready to kill him right here right now but a small hand holding his shirt calmed him down.

'His time will come very soon' thought Fugaku while looking at Danzo , indeed he was really angry when Bakorio told him that under all those bandages on Danzo's hand and eye were Sharingans from his clan , but currently he only has 2 in his hand because the Uchiha massacre didn't happen yet but he's pushing for it real hard.

"Didn't you just accuse my clan of trying to manipulate the jinchuriki using Bakorio here behind me? Well I came to prove our innocence once and for all since I can" Fugaku said coldly while looking at the Hokage and the three council members beside him.

"Hmph" Danzo snorted and continued "We don't need proof , we can already see the hatred in your eyes towards the village"

Many people frowned at how Danzo isn't even trying to give Fugaku a chance but this time Fugaku wasn't going to step down even if war starts and they were ready for that possibility too " Hiruzen, are you going to listen to what the Uchiha clan has to say or you will just keep accusing us however you see fit and we can't even feel anger for it?".

"Show some respect Fugaku!" The only women from the council Koharu, snarled at Fugaku for calling the Hokage by his name directly.

"Shut your mouth" Said Fugaku as his killing intent erupted at her causing her to shake on fear.

'This is Wicked eye Fugaku ' everyone thought, in awe of his aura us many Anbu surrounded us.

"Enough Danzo, Koharu. You too Fugaku calm down, I understand your frustrations. If the Uchiha really have proof like you said, we will gladly hear it"

As Fugaku retracted his killing intent and the Anbu retreated leaving only Danzo and Koharu glaring at him.

"It's simple, bring Naruto here" Fugaku said.

"Hmph, you think we will allow you near the jinchuriki?" said Danzo.

"I didn't talk to you I am talking to Hiruzen, or did you become the Hokage without everyone here knowing?" Fugaku retorted.

Danzo was angry because Fugaku really hit his soft spot since because he couldn't become the Hokage , he always try to act as one "Yu-" but Hiruzen raised his hand and cut him off causing his anger to raise but it wasn't apparent on his face but his eyes were different as the darkness inside of them became deeper.

"Will you really be able to prove your innocence if we bring Naruto here?" Said Hiruzen seriously.

"Yes" Said Fugaku and Hiruzen quickly ordered Kakashi to bring Naruto over.

Fugaku crossed his hands and closed his eyes and waited for the scene that's about to happen which he still feel doubtful about but still decided to trust the mysterious kid...

Very quickly Naruto was brought in and we felt the guard around us increased and Danzo said mockingly "Prove your innocence now".

This time Fugaku didn't speak but I did "Yo, Naruto how have you been?"

When Naruto noticed me in the room he quickly tried to come towards me but an Anbu member held him back no matter how much he struggled he wasn't released so I said with a confident smile" Naruto calm down , we will talk later"

"Um" Naruto nodded believing what I said, but the people in the room thought otherwise but I didn't care.

I finally looked at the council members. This time, with only coldness in my face different with my previous friendly smile and said " Hokage; you asked us for proof of our innocence while you didn't provide any behind your accusations, you said I tried to manipulate Naruto, go enter his seal space, you will understand a lot"

"YOU! You aren't allowed to leak this information in front of the jinchuriki!!" Danzo yelled but I didn't even glance at him and only looked at Hiruzen.

'What cold eyes' Hiruzen thought before he heard "Quickly check it, you will get your answers"

"Fine" Said Hiruzen as he got close to Naruto and poured some chakra into the seal and when he did he was shocked at the scene in front of him and felt terrible guilt.

He saw a very familiar couple looking at him with disappointed looks clearly visible even with the dim lights in this seal space, the woman had bright red long hair and violet eyes while the man has spiky blond hair and ocean blue eyes.

'How's this possible, why are they here' Hiruzen thought in a daze but a voice quickly broke him out of it.

It was the melancholic voice of his successor, the man that sacrificed himself and his family for the village and the same man he betrayed the trust of and didn't follow his last wish uttered with his dying breath.

"Minato..." Hiruzen said feeling an unknown fear and guilt and Minato responded " It's been a while Hiruzen, I never thought we would meet again like this"