Meeting and politics

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While Bakorio's real body was getting treated inside Konoha's hospital, the clone that accompanied Fugaku and Hiashi to the meeting was coldly observing the council members and the politics they want to play...

"I am sorry everyone, I was really incompetent as a ninja and a leader and ended up causing the current situation." Said Hiruzen with a sad face.

And someone in the crowd quickly said " Hokage-sama it's not your fault, no one thought Danzo would go that far".

'Oh so Hiruzen starts by playing the sad card to gain some sympathy and one of his supporters quickly interjects by shifting the blame from him and the council to Danzo alone, Tch I really just want to kill all of them' I thought as I signaled to Fugaku secretly to start as planned.

"Hmph" Fugaku snorted and said in anger " Not his fault? He's the Hokage, he approved of every decision Danzo made and even granted him too much power by letting him create his own Anbu division, and you say it's not his fault? indeed, IT'S THE FAULT OF ALL THE COUNCIL MEMBERS!"

Most people in the crowd were already disappointed in the Hokage so they agreed with Fugaku and nodded their heads. His show of power helped since if it was before they would still hesitate to side with him, add to that the Hyuga taking the lead in supporting the Uchiha, their decision wasn't that difficult.

Hearing what Fugaku said and seeing the people agreeing with him Hiruzen thought ' it seems we won't be able to diffuse the situation, let at least try to maintain the position of the council' and said " Indeed, I trusted Danzo a lot and we ended in this position because of it especially the Uchiha clan, they suffered a lot from this, that's why I hope to get them away from the outskirts of the village back to the center so they can do their job better in protecting the civilians like everyone saw today resulting in a miracle of zero casualties".

'hahahahaha' I laughed so hard inside my head that my mouth started twitching and my cold facial expression almost broke ' he truly think that tempting Fugaku with this will solve everything, indeed the Uchiha always wanted to go back to the center of the village but it lost its meaning now you old fool, oh wait he's probably younger than me never mind...'I thought.

Fugaku felt the same and wasn't moved at all by this offer " The Uchiha clan doesn't care about going to the village center, we want the people behind our suffering to be punished and replaced by competent people, this requires the immediate execution of Danzo and you three leaving your power".

This time Fugaku looked at them coldly and said " This village doesn't need a Hokage without power the way you did with the fourth".

Homura the man that wears glasses slapped the table and said " How dare you refuse us when we gave you what you always wanted and you even want to remove us from power, it seems your Uchiha clan wants to take over Konoha".

'Ho, what a smart man, pretending to be angry to trap Fugaku, now he can't say yes we want to rule Konoha since it will cause us to become the enemy of anyone greedy for power, meaning it will make most clan heads wary of us and lose their support and if he says no then no matter what we won't be able to gain too much power after this is over' I thought while waiting for Fugaku's reply.

This reply will determine how the meeting is going to continue so everyone was also waiting for it and Fugaku didn't take long and said " an elder with your same position decided to betray the village for his own selfish desires, kill its citizens and ninja for his experiments and doesn't care about the consequences of his actions at all. All this under your supervision and his matter wasn't settled yet, and all you think about is who gets power after you? Do you care at all about this village ?"

'Good choice Fugaku, pick the third choice and divert the topic to their incompetence' I thought.

Homura looked coldly at Fugaku but didn't say anything and the people around them started whispering to each other.

"He's right". Said Jonin 1.

"Yea, The fourth wanted to do many things to make the village better and stop conflicts but he always faced obstacles from the elders" Jonin 2.

,"Yea they are still thinking about keeping their power and didn't even apologize or admit their wrongs one bit" Jonin 3.

" Hmph, they have been in their positions for too long" Jonin 4.


Hearing the whispers, the councils faces changed and Hiruzen too was the same so he quickly tried to diffuse the situation " Everyone, we all make mistakes, of course the elders aren't thinking about keeping their power and authority, they are just worried about the village and they don't want it to be in the wrong hands".

I finally couldn't hold it anymore and laughed out loud " hahahaha, let me guess, by the wrong hands you mean anyone but them or what?".

Koharu the only woman from the council secretly signaled for one of the clan heads that support them causing him to say " Kid know your place, this isn't a place for you to talk".

"Aaah these people really think I won't kill them or what?' I thought as my anger almost blinded me when I heard what this puppet said.

I looked at Koharu coldly and said " Next time use a sneakier signal when you ask your puppet to act in your place ".

The man tried to retort again but he quickly shut his mouth when he felt the killing intent directed at him from Hiashi and Fugaku causing him to feel a chill down his spine.

"We are still waiting for your answer Hiruzen, and let not waste any more time, are you willing to execute Danzo and step down from your position as a Hokage along with the two rotten mummies behind you or not?" I said directly.

The people here didn't know what to think about the boldness of this kid but they also wanted to hear the answer so they remained silent.

"Sigh" Hiruzen sighed and said sadly" I can do anything as long as it's for the benefits of the village but to dismiss the council is too much since they really weren't aware of the darkness inside of Danzo's heart and it would cause a huge gap in the administration system of the village and finding a replacement would be very hard, I hope th-".

I rudely cut off his emotional BS speech and said " Don't worry the village is filled with talented people that can fill their shoes and more, as for why they deserve it? Simple they are showing no remorse and even now they didn't apologize for it, so their chance for repentance is gone now"

Koharu and Homura were shaking in anger and Hiruzen was about to get mad too but seeing that what I said was true and those two didn't apologize at all caused him to swallow his words ' damn this kid, those two probably don't feel in the wrong at all and should be since they did nothing in the first place but he used their egos against them, sigh it seems we are really too old for this' Hiruzen thought before he said "Everyone, please raise your hand if you want the council members to be dismissed"

'Finally showing your last hand' I thought as I looked around the room...