New Hokage

You can check out my Pàtreon and read advanced chapters ahead of the current release.

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Hiruzen not wanting to be the one to make the decision of dismissing the council decided to make it a vote and results were very clear because the moment his voice died down almost everyone in the room raised their hands with the exception of few clan heads that are close to the council members.

Looking at the inevitable result. Hiruzen with a sad face said "Today, the council consisting of its remaining members Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane is dismissed and I as the third Hokage shall step down from my position".

Everyone felt like they were dreaming when they heard what Hiruzen said, after all these 4 along with Danzo held most of the power in Konoha.

Who would have thought that just one of them will bring the fall of the rest with him? But then they remembered the ones that played the biggest role in this, a big Uchiha monster nicknamed Wicked eye that lived up to his name along with a small Uchiha monster that survived a Kage level attack and saved the Hyuga clan head.

As everyone was dazed, a serene voice broke this silence. It was Fugaku back to his famous stoic face "It's time for Danzo's execution before we start thinking about appointing the next Hokage and council members".

Hearing what he said, both Koharu and Homura just snorted stormed out of the room in anger while Hiruzen stayed looking at their backs and sighed ' we truly aren't as good as we thought...', meanwhile the people that supported their stay shrunk back on their seat and didn't say anything else.

Shikaku said "I agree with Fugaku, what Danzo did deserve the death penalty, and we need to hurry so we can come to an agreement on whom to be the next Hokage and council members to not let the other hidden villages take advantage of our unstable situation".

Choza Akimichi a tall, plump man with naturally brown hair, but seems to wear a long, spiky red hairpiece. He has purple markings on his cheeks and wears a samurai-like outfit which entails a black suit complete with armor that has the kanji for "food" on it. He also wears a rope belt, hand-guards, and instead of a forehead protector; a hachimaki tied around his head.

This was Choji's father and the head of the Akimichi clan and now he had a cruel look on his face when said "Indeed, let make it quick, who wants to witness it?"

Fugaku said with a cold look "I will go".

"Same here" I said with a smile.

And soon many others wanted to witness it, these people are the ones that suffered from Danzo and wanted to make sure that he gets what he deserves.

Hiruzen kept looking at this sadly before he said "I will also follow you" while thinking 'At least I will say goodbye, old friend...'

And so just like that, a group of people went in the direction of Konoha's Torture and Interrogation Building where the criminals are imprisoned.

To their surprise when they arrived, they noticed a huge disturbance inside the building with guards rushing everywhere as if searching for someone causing everyone to have a bad feeling.

Fugaku quickly got hold of a guard and started questioning him

"What happened here, why is everyone rushing around?" the guard looked reluctant to reveal what happened but when he saw Hiruzen also approach and nod at him he let out a sigh and started talking while I thought ' Hiruzen still has his authority huh, this needs to change quickly' before I started listening to what the guard said.

"Shimura Danzo, the highest level criminal recently caught was rescued by a masked man, we don't know what ability he used but from what we saw in our surveillance camera he seemed to appear out of swirling vortex directly inside the cell where Danzo was held before he used that same ability to disappear again, this time taking Danzo with him and we could get there to stop him in time".

The people present were shocked before they remembered what Hiruzen told them about Minato's encounter with the masked man and his weird abilities.

Hiruzen quickly got out of his shock and ordered forgetting he wasn't the Hokage anymore "Lock all the exits around Konoha and search for any traces of the masked man and Danzo quickly!!"

This was a big hit to the pride of everyone, especially Fugaku, after all this someone came in and just stole his hard-earned prize, while Hiruzen was worried about Danzo leaking information to Konoha's enemies since he didn't trust him anymore.

Yet no matter how much they are going to search, they will never find him, after all by now Danzo was in a whole different dimension...

Every Ninja in the village started searching inside and outside the village, especially those with sensor abilities like the Uchiha the Hyuga the Inuzuka the Aburame, and those that have sensor summons like Kakashi's dogs all sprinted into action.

Meanwhile, the clan heads regrouped quickly inside the Hokage tower to decide on the Hokage and the new council members and Hiruzen simply acted as moderator "From the people present, I believe that the ones qualified to be the Hokage are Fugaku Uchiha, Hiashi Hyuga, and Shikaku Nara. There's also my two students Jiraya and Tsunade but right now the situation is urgent so we need to choose from the people present"

Some people felt disappointed at not being qualified, but the people Hiruzen chose are truly the best Konoha can afford currently so they agreed.

Still, someone didn't agree, to the shock of everyone it was Hiashi who said with a weird look "I do not want to be Hokage and my support will be for the Uchiha".

The people looked perplexed at Hiashi before they noticed that he was looking at the kid behind Fugaku and when they saw his smile they felt a chill and thought 'what a scary kid'. Indeed, Bakorio was ready to beat the crap out of Hiashi if didn't get the message.

But people quickly accepted his choice knowing that these two clans somehow got closer and Hiruzen too nodded "that's fine" while thinking 'there's still Shikaku to contend for the positio-'

But before he could finish this thought Shikaku simply rubbed the back of his head with his hand and said with the famous bored look of the Nara clan "Sorry but being a Hokage is just a huge drag, being the Jonin commander is already killing me so I decline".

Everyone's jaw almost dropped to the floor, including mine since I didn't expect this at all and was preparing many moves in the case they chose him instead of Fugaku including going back to the past to change their mind but in the end everything happened like we wanted.

"Are you sure?" Hiruzen this time asked for confirmation unlike the case with Hiashi and Shikaku simply yawned and said disinterestedly "Yea yea I'm sure".

People thought that he wasted a huge chance with his laziness but only those that knew him better like the head of the Yamanaka clan and Choza understood the true thoughts of this strategist ' let hope these stupid internal conflicts end with this, after all, they deserve it' Shikaku thought before he closed his eyes.

Hiruzen sighed for the thousandth time today before he said "then it's decided, Fugaku Uchiha is officially the fifth HOKAGE!"...


How do you think the story should develop from here?