New undercurrents

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Hearing Hiruzen says Fugaku Uchiha you are the fifth Hokage no one had any complaints and they started applauding while looking at Fugaku's dazed face.

As for Fugaku himself, he didn't know how to feel about this, after all, this is his dream, a dream he gave up on a long time ago because of the terrible situation and the pressure his clan was under.

Now however he was living that impossible childhood dream of becoming the first Uchiha Hokage and can help the Uchiha clan rise again and it was all thanks to the kid standing behind him with his weird information network and ingenious planning.

Without him knowing, a tear slid down his face, but different from the blood that dripped from his eyes when he was fighting Danzo from using his Mangekyo Sharingan. This was a tear of happiness.

No one expected the stoic Fugaku to shed a tear, but it only made them warm up to him even more and understand just what kind of pressure this man was under. After all, if clan heads like them can't understand him, no one will.

Meanwhile seeing Fugaku shed a tear made Hiruzen think ' maybe this change is what the village needed' before he too accepted him as the new Hokage from in heart and not just because of the situation.

Looking at the reactions around me and their understanding looks toward Fugaku; I couldn't help but think 'people truly accept others more when they show their human side...'

Fugaku finally regained his calm, but he still smiled when he spoke "Thank you, everyone, for agreeing with this decision, I will make sure to live up to the expectations of the village and its people".

Everyone nodded in approval with some saying

"We will be counting on you fifth Hokage-sama"

Fugaku almost didn't react to what that man said because being called Hokage-sama was unbelievable to him but Hiruzen quickly helped to set the conversation back on track " we will hold a celebration later, but now we need to think about who will replace Danzo, Koharu, and Homura as council members";

At this, Fugaku quickly regained his stoic look and said "indeed, first we need to make sure that the root hideout is cleared and retrieve all the information and research that's there and see if we can integrate them into normal Anbu or keep them as separate unite.

As for the other two, Homura was responsible for our relations with the nobles of the land of fire while Koharu was responsible for the logistics so we need two competent people in these two areas to replace them, I personally think that the third Hokage will play a good role as a coordinator with the nobles of the land of fire as for the logistics I think the Hatake clan would be perfect for this because even though they are mostly civilians, their management skills are top-notch".

The people here were surprised at Fugaku giving Hiruzen the spot of being responsible with the nobles since they are basically enemies, but a tactician like Shikaku quickly understood something and thought ' he's trying to distance Hiruzen even more from Koharu and Homura by leaving him some power, plus with Hiruzen having good relations with the nobles including the daimyo, the change in the Hokage won't cause a huge disturbance, not to mention that with this he can keep an eye on Hiruzen and his clan under the pretense of his duties, what a smart move'.

As for Hiruzen he simply said " I don't mind" without showing anything on his face while the others also accepted but as for the second proposition some had their complaints immediately " Hokage-sama, the Hatake clan is weak, and this might cause them to have issues when interacting with outsiders" said Choza Akimichi while thinking that his clan that's experienced in selling pills is a better choice but someone didn't take too kindly to what he said.

This man is Kakashi Hatake, the most famous ninja from the Hatake clan even though he doesn't visit the clan after his father's death...

Fugaku calmly said "If you are worried about their strength, I am sorry but I don't think many people here can beat Kakashi. And I believe what they lack in strength, they make for in management skills".

At this time Hiruzen decided to insert his opinion "I think it's a good idea, but we will have to get their opinion on it first, after all, I don't think Kakashi is a fit representative for the Hatake clan"

Kakashi nodded since it was the truth and Fugaku decided to take a step back for now and asked for the people's opinion on who is a good choice for this position and they ended up with: Hatake clan head Noka Hatake, Choza Akimichi, Hiashi Hyuga and surprisingly Hiruzen proposed Tsunade while saying that even though she likes gambling she has very good management skills, which is true seeing how she didn't suck like him as a Hokage...

Hiashi was chosen because the Hyuga clan has many businesses, especially in creating all kinds of medicine and ointments...

Before long, Noka Hatake was invited to the meeting and liked the idea, he was a tall white-haired man with a muscular body despite his old age and he has a friendly and natural aura that caused people around him to subconsciously relax. His eyes almost never left Kakashi when he entered making him avert his eyes.

With all three present, all of them started proposing business plans to convince the people around them to vote for them, and very quickly it was decided with Noka winning by a landslide...

As most were satisfied and some were disappointed, the meeting was finally getting to the main point that needs to be addressed. Danzo's kidnapping, so Fugaku said "Congratulations to the two new council members, but now it's not time to celebrate. We need to quickly locate Danzo and prepare countermeasures in case he leaks information about us to other villages we also...."

As the meeting was going on, unknown to everyone in the village, two old people were currently angrily discussing" Hmph, How dare they humiliate us and dismiss us like that after all we did to the village, those brats have no respect for their elders" Koharu said.

Homura slammed the table and said "They will regret it very soon, it won't be long before they mess it up and come begging for our help, Tch damn that Danzo and the useless Hiruzen, just some pressure, and he caves in".

As they were venting their frustration and the hatred building inside their hearts a servant came rushing in and said "Homura-sama, Koharu-sama, something urgent happened, Danzo was kidnapped by a masked man from his jail and his whereabouts are unknown right now".

"ha ha ha" Koharu and Homura started laughing " serves them right, Danzo will sure come back for revenge, you can leave now" Homura said to the servant before Koharu said with curiosity " I wonder who that masked man is, I will gladly reward him for such a slick move ha ha--".

"Oh, how nice of you, I will gladly accept your reward" a voice interrupted her as a vortex appeared in front of them, and from within it, a masked man slowly emerged, his intentions unknown...


AN: Sorry everyone for the lack of release yesterday, today I am releasing two chapters to make up for it //// ENJOY.