Birthday and mission

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- If this novel reaches top 5 in the rankings I will release three additional chapters.


As I entered my house and saw that it was as good inside as it is outside I thought ' I need to bring Naruto to live with me here'

After all, why leave that kid alone when I don't need to worry about bringing him to the Uchiha compound anymore.

Done with my inspection, I started thinking about what to do for the future now that the Uchiha situation is better ' First, I need to deal with Danzo, I can go back in time and try to stop his kidnapping but we won't have this situation and get rid of those flies easily. Plus I want to see how this situation develops and gather as much information as possible from it, especially on the Akatsuki, I will also have to take care of Mukai's family as promised, Fugaku will certainly not like the bills...'

I spent the rest of the morning adjusting my body and checking how well it recovered and I found that I was back at 100% of my previous power and fully healed, I also noticed that when my bones were broken, I got many debuffs like things that slowed down my recovery so I didn't heal just like my stats said which disappointed me a little.

I thought that after an hour I would heal from anything but it seems I was wrong but at least I know most people would have been crippled from these injuries, not to mention heal them in few days, so I concluded that I can always heal from almost anything but the healing factor will be affected by the condition of my body and the outside factors I use to help to heal it like medical ninjutsu, Kurama's chakraة medicine, etc...

Seeing that it was close to lunchtime, I sent a clone to bring Naruto over so he can eat with us rather than alone and depressed and Mikoto gladly accepted and even kept apologizing to him.

Mikoto and Kushina were close friends and she always wanted to take care of Naruto, but the situation in the village never allowed it, unfortunately...

It was rare for Fugaku and Itachi to be available at lunch, but today both of them were present, and surprisingly Shisui, Hiashi, and his family were also here so I curiously asked when I saw them looking at me weirdly "what's going on?"

Naruto and Sasuke yelled at the same time excited "Happy birthday Bakorio" and the rest of the people also started congratulating me while helplessly looking at the two kids that likes to compete at everything.

'So today is the 9th of June huh? I totally forgot that this is my new body's birthday'

Not wanting to appear rude I thanked everyone first before I started enjoying the happy atmosphere "Bakorio-kun, come blow on this cake and make a wish" I was dragged by Naruto and Sasuke towards the cake, Sasuke truly wanted me to make a wish while Naruto just wanted to get this over with to eat the cake.

'little brat, I will deal with you later' I thought as I stood in front of the cake thinking what I should wish for before I remembered the wish that I always had causing a feeling of melancholy to raise in my chest and I blew the six candles on the cake 'I hope this new life free my chained heart from its shackles...'

"What did you wish for, Bakorio?" said the excited Sasuke causing everyone to show curiosity including the stoic Fugaku.

I thought about saying the truth for an instant but I didn't think it was worth it to ruin this atmosphere so I smiled and said " I wished for my life to be even more enjoyable along with the people I care for" as I looked at the people in the room.

Everyone smiled at my wish, especially Mikoto and Himawari whose eyes started shining in happiness...

And just like that, the birthday continued with people giving me gifts including the shy Hinata and everyone enjoyed their time before they left.

At this time, Fugaku called me along with Shisui and Itachi to talk privately. 'here it comes' I thought, and indeed once we were alone in the room Fugaku started talking

"I am sure you three heard about the clans that deserted the village right?"

All three of us nodded and he continued

"We suspect that the reason they left isn't simply because they are dissatisfied with me being the Hokage or the previous council members being dismissed, no, we believe that the masked man that kidnapped Danzo is responsible for this"

Fugaku stopped here and looked at our reactions and he saw that Shisui simply frowned while Itachi looked fearful for some reason, as for me, I didn't react because I already guessed this much so both my reaction and Shisui's didn't surprise him.

What surprised him is Itachi's reaction so he asked him "what's wrong Itachi?"

Itachi who quickly calmed down said "I believe this masked man is the person that killed my teammate Tenma Izumo when we were sent on our mission to protect the daimyo, he had a weird ability that allowed him to pass through things and I guess he used it to infiltrate the village and kidnap Danzo"

Fugaku remembered this incident that happened around 3 years ago and frowned a little ' it seems this guy is targeting our village for a long time' thought Fugaku before he saw Itachi hesitating to say something so he asked "don't worry and say what's on your mind".

"During that incident, the Anbu protecting the daimyo and his 12 other guards were all caught inside a genjutsu by this man so he's very skillful at it but what perplexed me is that he knew my name and what's surprising even more than that is that when he was about to kill me he felt Kakashi Hatake approaching and he knew him just from his chakra signature which I found weird at the time so Kakashi might have information on who he is or he faced him before" said Itachi with a thoughtful look.

Fugaku also grew thoughtful before he said " I will have to ask Kakashi directly later, it's good we have an idea on what he's good at in terms of abilities as for why I called you here, I want you three to go on a mission and help Shisui use his ability on either Koharu or Homura and control them to act as spies for us".

Itachi was surprised " Shisui's ability? Father, is it something like what you did in your fight with Danzo?"

Even though Itachi wasn't present, he heard about his father's eyes changing to something different from the normal Sharingan.

Fugaku sighed at this question before he turned to Shisui who nodded at him before he looked at Itachi "Itachi, our clan's eye powers can evolve to something more than just the Sharingan when a person from our clan experiences huge emotions they unlock their Sharingan, but when they experience even deeper emotions, they unlock the Mangekyo Sharingan, the abilities of the Mangekyo Sharingan differ from one person to another and my ability is Kotoamatsukami"

Itachi asked while surprised at this information " Kotoamatsukami?".

"Yes, this ability allows me to manipulate a person's senses and basically have complete control over them without them even realizing, this is... The ultimate Genjutsu" said Shisui seriously as his normal three tomoe Sharingan started transforming to a four-point pinwheel shape leaving Itachi shocked at his best friend.

Suddenly the back he always chased after and thought was close, seemed so far away...


AN :The main character is born in the 9th of june making him around a month and half older than Sasuke and 4 months older than Naruto.