Mangekyo Sharingan and request

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- If this novel reaches top 15 in the rankings I will release one additional chapter.

- If this novel reaches top 10 in the rankings I will release two additional chapters.

- If this novel reaches top 5 in the rankings I will release three additional chapters.


Seeing how shocked Itachi was, I thought 'originally Itachi got his Mangekyo Sharingan because of Shisui's death, but now Shisui is still alive, and it's a waste to let him die while still having so much unexplored potential so Itachi might never awaken his Mangekyo Sharingan unless someone can trick him with something like Shisui's Kotoamatsukami or ... Nah he's not worth it'.

At this moment Fugaku's eyes also started changing to his Mangekyo Sharingan form, which is three dots followed by three curves spiraling counter-clockwise around the pupil and said "My Mangekyo ability allows me to shrink and expand space, but the Mangekyo Sharingan also grants huge improvements to the normal Sharingan abilities ' Eye Of Insight' and 'Eye Of Hypnotism'"

The Eye Of Insight grants the user the ability to see chakra and detect irregularities in its flow, incredible clarity of perception that allows the user to mimic what they see and even predict movement in a fight when it reaches a high level.

The Eye Of Hypnotism grants the user the ability to perform Genjutsu: Sharingan. By establishing eye contact with a target, the Sharingan user traps them within a Genjutsu which can be exploited for one of the various purposes, such as: causing instantaneous but temporary loss of consciousness or paralysis in the target, forceful extraction of information, relaying memories, erasing memories, removing Genjutsu placed on the target by others, and controlling a target's actions.

People are usually fearful of the Uchiha because of the second ability as it forces you to fight them while making sure you won't make eye contact with them accidentally and at the same time the terrifying aspect that it can control people but especially tailed beasts the same way Madara did, using Kurama against Hashirama.

As Itachi digested this new information, Fugaku started talking about the main point "I want you three to quickly follow those clans and complete this mission as soon as possible and you are not allowed to divulge any information about it no matter what before or after the mission, understood?"

"Yes" "Yes" Both Itachi and Shisui said before they looked at me and Shisui asked doubtfully" But why are we taking Bakorio with us?"

I looked back at him and shrugged indicating I don't know but Fugaku was quick with the explanation as he gave me a deep look and said "Bakorio is very good at both tracking and stealth and he has the most information on that masked man so if anything unexpected happens, he might have a solution for it".

Hearing his explanation and remembering how weird I was especially how I tracked them on their mission to capture Mukai resulted in them accepting but I had other opinions.

"I didn't say I was going to do it did I?" I said with a smile while Shisui and Itachi frowned a little at my attitude at such a serious moment.

Fugaku narrowed his eyes at me and said "the village is under a huge threat we really need to ensure the success of this mission, are you really going to sit back and watch it failing?"

I also narrowed my eyes at him and said "Oh how scary, maybe I should tell Mikoto-san that her husband is threatening an inexperienced kid and trying to send him on such a dangerous mission"

'Better play nice little brat or you will pay for it' I thought.

Fugaku felt embarrassed getting threatened by his wife but he indeed forgot that this was just a kid in the end, no matter how abnormal his actions are, so he didn't push too hard on him, and to the shock of both Itachi and Shisui he relented and said "tell me what will make you want to go on this mission?"

'Got you bitch' I thought before I said "I want you to take care of the bills of a sick three years old kid that's currently being treated inside of Konoha's hospital".

Fugaku and the other two were surprised at my request since it seemed easy so he asked "Sure that's easy, what's the name of this kid?"

"Glad to hear that's easy, the kid's name is Murata Kohinata, please make sure that all his treatment expenses are taking care off" I said with a mischievous smile, and Fugaku's mouth couldn't help but twitch knowing that he just shot himself in the foot "Is he the son of that famous Mukai? Why are you helping the family of a traitor?"

"Why would you call my subordinate a traitor, that's not nice" I said with an innocent look that didn't work on these three that knew me but my words shocked them especially Shisui and Itachi that fought Mukai just a few days ago.

Fugaku had an idea on how I got him to work for me and started rubbing his forehead "And where is he now?"

"I asked him to search for Tsunade, actually this is another thing I want you to do, find her as soon as possible and it's better if you task Jiraya with this since he's good at locating people, Orochimaru not included, and tell them both to get back to the village as soon as possible " I said seriously.

"Why do you want them both back" Fugaku too got serious.

"I don't like where the situation is heading, so let's just try to prepare for the worst" I said thoughtfully.

Fugaku started to worry seeing me come to the same guess Shikaku had but he didn't say anything for now and decided to wait until he sees the results of this mission.

As for Itachi and Shisui, they felt both worry and admiration seeing that I didn't ask for anything for myself and felt a little guilty for misunderstanding my behavior.

"Okay, I will make sure to fulfill your requests. Now go and make your preparations and depart as soon as possible" Said Fugaku and I left with Shisui and Itachi to prepare some weapons and supplies for the mission.

I had everything ready on my inventory so I simply strapped my short swords to my back and went to meet Naruto which was still in the Uchiha compound fighting with Sasuke but lost every time.

As I approached them, no greetings were exchanged as they quickly stopped their fighting and rushed at me, Naruto simply jumped and threw a kick at me while Sasuke threw a stone first to act as a distraction before he crouched down and tried to kick me on my leg.

'Ho, their teamwork is improving' I thought looking at these attacks in slow motion before I simply jumped and caught the stone with my right hand and Naruto's leg with my left hand evading and blocking all the attacks but Sasuke quickly tried to follow up his attack sending an up kick after stabilizing his crouching position.

Unfortunately, what greeted his kick was Naruto's stomach which I dragged below me by the leg I was still grabbing causing his eyes to almost bulge from his face comically, and before Sasuke could react I threw the stone right back at him hitting him on his forehead making him wince in pain next I used Naruto's body to leap away from them causing Naruto to fall harder on Sasuke.

"Oh, you guys improved" I said, as I looked at the two kids still in pain "But you still have a long way to land a punch on me".

"You never go easy on us" Said Sasuke and pouted and Naruto just held his stomach and glared at Sasuke and was about to fight him again but I had to stop him.

"Okay okay stop I need to talk with Naruto for a while, follow me" I said as I walked in the direction of my new house.