Preparations before the mission

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- If this novel reaches top 5 in the rankings I will release three additional chapters.


Inside the house, I looked at Naruto and asked "How have you been lately? I am sorry I couldn't take care of you properly"

I noticed that Naruto's eyes started getting a little bit wet but I didn't say anything and waited for his answer " I was scared at first, especially when they told me I can't meet you again and threatened to kill you if you get close to me but mom and dad kept telling me to not worry and that you would solve it, in the past few days ...."

Naruto kept telling me about his experiences these days when he wasn't with me especially when that made it a crime if an Uchiha approaches him before I said "what do you think about living with me from now on?"

Naruto looked surprised at first before his teary look quickly turned into excitement and said" r-really, can I really live with you?"

I smiled at him and nodded " Yes you can, it would be lonely to live alone in such a big house don't you think?"

Naruto nodded excitedly "um um" he was really happy hearing he won't be living alone anymore, after all even though he can talk with his parents in the seal space, it's still not the same as living with them where they can really take care of you.

So I gave him a spare key to my house and said "Go bring your belongings from your house, I will ask Mikoto-san and Sasuke to help you, but first let me talk with your parents real quick".

I said and he nodded so I entered the seal space like usual and found Minato and Kushina sitting there talking with Kurama.

"Oh welcome Bakorio-kun, come over here quickly" said Kushina happily.

"Hi, Kushina-san, Minato-san you too Kurama" I said with a smile.

"Grrrr, what are you here for kid, are you after my chakra again" said Kurama in annoyance.

I smiled embarrassedly at my intentions getting known but denied them "Of course not I am here to thank you guys for helping me out dealing with those elders and giving enough chakra to recover quicker".

"Hmph" Kurama just snorted not believing me at all.

"No, we should be the ones thanking you for taking care of Naruto and stopping a disaster from happening in the village because of those elders" said Minato with a sigh.

"Well I am sure you know about those clans deserting the village and we believe there's someone behind them, so I will be going on a mission to gather some information and might not be back for a while, Ahum so yea Kurama, I want some of your chakra" I said with a weak smile.

"I knew it, you were after my chakra again, Tch I am not giving you any more chakra scram away" said Kurama in anger.

This angered me as well so I rushed at him and started yelling" You huge dumb fox, you have this huge reserve of chakra and yet you are still being stingy with me. You can shove it up your ass".

"What did you say" Kurama started releasing an ominous aura as he brought his giant head in front of my face.

"What, you want to fight?" I said not retreating in the slightest.

Minato and Kushina looked at this helplessly and tried to mediate the situation "Relax you two, don't start fighting over nothing".

"Tch well he's acting like a kid" I said in anger.

Causing both Kushina and Minato to almost burst out laughing as they thought 'As if you are not'.

"GRRRR, who's acting like a kid?" said Kurama.

"Hmph!" I snorted at him before I turned to Minato and Kushina "how are you guys doing with your research on Kurama's seals and the recovery seal?"

Kurama was about to retort about how I dare ignore him but he stopped when he heard what I said and Kushina quickly replied proudly before she deflated again" We are done with the anti-control seal and progressed a lot on creating a way to stop him from being sealed but we still couldn't find a way to make something that could recover a human body from scratch, So we stopped and decided to focus on the other two seals and wait until you find lady Tsunade and work on it again with her".

I was happy that they found a way to help Kurama resist getting controlled and soon will find a way to make sealing him harder "I see, well this is good news, we can get Kurama out of Naruto soon, and don't worry, I asked Fugaku to task Jiraya with searching for Tsunade and I also instructed a friend of mine to search for her so we should be able to find her soon".

"That's good to hear" said Minato with a smile while Kurama just looked the other way when he saw how happy I was for him going to get free soon and touched my shoulder with his finger transferring some of his chakra to me without saying anything.

'A tsundere like always' I thought as I patted his head when he was done before I said "Minato-san, do you have any advice on how to deal with that masked man if I happen to meet him?"

Everyone looked at me seriously and Minato narrowed his eyes and said "always wait for when he's about to attack before you make your move and be careful, he might be even stronger than when I fought him 5 years ago so don't let your guard down and it's better to retreat than fight him"

"Mmm okay, I will make sure to be extra careful. Oh by the way I think you should make contact with Kakashi soon and help him deal with his Sharingan, If he continues like this he will simply waste his future potential and fall deeper and deeper into his pit of despair, after all, you are his teacher" I said with a sigh.

Minato looked sad and disappointed in himself and said "Yes, I was planning to do so but the situation was just too unstable with people like Danzo in power and I didn't want to draw too many eyes to Naruto, but now it's different".

"Good, well then take care you guys, you too Kurama" I said and waved them goodbye.

"Be careful Bakorio-kun" Kushina waved worriedly and Minato simply nodded.

After I almost disappeared I heard Kurama's voice "come back alive" which brought a smile to my face...

After I left, I felt my body and felt satisfied when I saw that I had enough of Kurama's chakra to generate three tails of version 1 transformation.

Next, I took Naruto to Mikoto and told her that he was going to live with me from now on causing her to look at me as if I stole something from her before she took him with Sasuke to retrieve his belongings while I went into the direction of Konoha's Huge entrance and waited for Itachi and Shisui to finish their preparations.

I didn't wait for long and after just half an hour they both arrived together "Are you guys ready" said Shisui "Yes" "Yea".

As the oldest of the group he was given the Intel on the path the 7 clans were using to leave the land of fire and so he quickly said "Follow me, I will explain the information I have as we move".

And so just like that, I left the hidden leaf village again, this time on my birthday...


AN: Sorry for the late release /// Enjoy.