Awakening the demon

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As the Akatsuki were stirring trouble for Konoha by informing the other hidden villages about the current situation and the upcoming war. In Konoha, the situation was drastically evolving for the worst.

When the Uchiha trio returned from their top-secret mission and reported their findings of the clan's intentions and the identity of the spies left behind in the village.

Fugaku quickly notified the trustworthy clans and Anbu members and quickly mobilized all of Konoha's forces to apprehend the spies.

Many fights and skirmishes happened everywhere but the casualties were surprisingly low... that's until some people got involved and if you don't look at the Uchiha clan's losses.

Apparently, those spies weren't willing to fight other clan members to the death and most of the time they were apprehended after a small-scale battle.

However, the situation was different for the Uchiha, especially those that worked on the Uchiha police force and tried to protect the civilians during the ongoing chaos.

Those spies would viciously attack the Uchiha members even if they didn't provoke them and only did their jobs protecting the civilians which caused many casualties among the police force ranks which in turn enraged the Uchiha clan and they started massacring those spies even if they surrendered resulting in a bloody situation...

Two kids looked at the several losses all around the village with blank eyes before those eyes turned crimson and they started dealing with anyone that was attacking the police force viciously and effectively to the point that the situation started calming down after their involvement. They were Itachi and Shisui Uchiha

You might think about how the situation ended up like this, after all, Fugaku should have planned this perfectly to not alarm those clans before they capture them and the answer is simple. Fugaku trusted in Shisui's ability, and because Homura was one of the leaders of this 'rebellion', Fugaku believed that the list of spies that he received was complete.

So pressured by the urgent situation he gathered all the clans and ninja that weren't part of that list and told them about his intentions to apprehend the spies as quickly as possible.

However what he didn't expect, nor did Homura and Koharu; was that more people will join their cause after some of the spies invited their closest friends and one of them happened to be the clan head of the Tatami clan which was a small clan and also one of the bodyguards of the previous Hokage.

Just like that before the people in the meeting took action, those spies were quickly informed and chaos quickly descended on Konoha resulting in the current bloody situation.

When this situation started I wasn't sitting still, rather I brought Naruto that was now living with me to visit Mikoto and Sasuke, and the moment she opened the door with Sasuke following behind her, I saw that she had a worried look that quickly turned relieved when she saw us and said as she hugged both me and Naruto " Thank god you two are okay, I was just about to visit you and see how you are doing"

Naruto enjoyed the warmth from her hug while I said with a warm smile "We are fine, but the situation is really bad and I have a bad feeling so I wanted to invite you and Sasuke to my house just in case someone tries to attack you and use you to threaten Fugaku-san".

Mikoto's opened her eyes in shock at this possibility and quickly agreed to follow me to my house just in case.

As we walked inside my house Mikoto finally heaved a sigh of relief and said "We should be fine now".

But I thought otherwise because just at this moment I heard a few people land on top of Mikoto's house and they seemed to be looking for something before they started walking in our direction.

'Tch, a sensor?' I thought as I started thinking quickly before I looked at Mikoto remembering she used to be a Jonin so I signaled for her with my finger that someone was coming and she quickly understood my meaning along with the observant Sasuke leaving only the clueless Naruto in the dark who was still probably thinking about Mikoto's hug.

Meanwhile, Mikoto frowned before she looked at the kids reluctantly, and soon her eyes shone with resolve as she smiled warmly and said to me " Bakorio-kun, make sure to take care of Sasuke and Naruto okay?".

"Mom what are you talking about?" asked Sasuke worriedly.

"Sasuke I love you, please tell Itachi that I love him too no matter what" she smiled warmly and gave me one last look almost pleading to take the kids away before she turned around and walked in the direction of the door and I felt the ninja outside stopping as if waiting for her to come out.

At this point, Naruto started understanding that something wasn't right and was about to say something but Sasuke was faster.

"Mom where are y-" Sasuke tried to hold her hand and stop her but I held him back.

He angrily turned to me and was about to yell at me but froze in fear when he saw my face and quickly lowered his head.

Even I didn't know what kind of face I was making right now. What I know for sure is whenever someone tries to harm those close to me I would snap and lose all reason and that's what I was feeling right now as I saw the first person I cared for in this world walking to her death.

Rage, insanity, heartlessness nothing could describe how I was feeling as I saw that woman trying to sacrifice herself to give us a chance on escaping.

I didn't know when but the world in front of me turned crimson and Sasuke that was looking at my distorted face and crazed smile saw a strange pattern in my eyes, something he never thought was possible only when he heard recently that his father had different eyes, something called Mangekyo Sharingan.

Sasuke wasn't the only one shocked. No, Naruto, Kurama, Minato, and Kushina were all in deep shock at my transformation; an awakening of a demon...

However, Sasuke's daze didn't last long because he heard a voice that seemed to be coming from hell "Take Naruto and leave" I said as I walked after Mikoto that had already opened the door and jumped to face the people outside with her Sharingan activated.

Sasuke almost didn't comply but it was Naruto that stopped him this time "Father said to believe in them, not to mention if we stay behind we will only burden them and might result in their deaths"

Sasuke reluctantly agreed while feeling helpless at his weakness and he remembered how he always complained when Bakorio trained them and said he never goes easy on them. But now he wished he trained even harder to be of some use.

While thinking this he quickly ran away with Naruto through the back of the house with tears in their eyes while saying with determination "We need to grow stronger to protect those dear to us" and Naruto replied with a sad face worried about the first person that gave him more than he could ever pay back in his whole life "Yes".

Meanwhile, outside there were 5 people in total, 2 Jonin, and 3 Chunin, and one of those Jonin was actually a member of the Anbu so it was impossible for Mikoto to face them alone and her death was certain... that is if no one interferes.


AN: Never let your trust in something make you careless...