No mercy

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The moment Mikoto jumped out of the door, She quickly started the hand seals for the Great Fireball Jutsu and she sent a huge fireball at the ninjas, however, they expected this famous Uchiha attack so the fireball was intercepted by the second Jonin that wasn't an Anbu member as He quickly did some hand seals before he put his hand on the ground casting a giant Earth Wall Jutsu.

This Jutsu created a huge wall made of earth that blocked the fireball keeping his comrades safe. However, Mikoto never intended to take them out with her Jutsu, instead, it was only a distraction as her true attack was in the form of a dozen shurikens she threw at them which were connected to invisible chakra strings she uses to change their direction mid-air.

However, as if knowing her fighting style. The Jonin Anbu quickly weaved some hand seals and cast a Wind Tornado Jutsu which created a violent tornado that caused huge turbulences in the air that made controlling her Shurikens almost impossible even with her strong mastery.

Meanwhile, the other Chunins didn't waste any time and quickly worked together to attack her as one of them started casting a Fire Wave Jutsu that has a huge range, clearly to force her to protect the house behind her while the other two used wind Jutsu to strengthen the fire...

This combination attack created a huge sea of fire that threatened to swallow Mikoto and the house containing the kids she dearly loved behind her.

Mikoto was panicking as she could clearly see the two Jonin were planning to attack her the moment she doesn't evade and tries to defend this huge fire attack but she had no other choice as she thought 'it seems this is the end' and a tear fell from her eyes as her determination solidified and whispered "Goodbye..." and started casting a huge earth wall that would protect the house behind her.

Meanwhile, the two Jonin quickly attacked her from two different locations as the Anbu Shot a very sharp air blade at her while the other one created a quagmire under here so she can't escape.

But Mikoto didn't react to these attacks and accepted her fate as she simply finished her Jutsu and placed her hands on the ground that was now a quagmire creating a huge earth wall that blocked the fire wave just enough so that it doesn't affect the house behind her while it continued devouring the surrounding houses.

And then, she simply closed her eyes since she didn't have any time to block or evade these deadly attacks with both her hands and legs stuck inside the quagmire and would take her time to retrieve them which she doesn't have as her attackers didn't give her any.

And even with their huge advantage, the normal Jonin was still casting another Jutsu just in case to harden the quagmire and completely lock her inside and he should be thankful he did because the moment the air blade was about to cut her, a kid with crimson eyes and holding a short sword quickly flickered in its path while enveloped in a red chakra.

What happened next was one of the weirdest scenes they ever experienced because that kid simply looked at the attack that should have been impossible for him to block at his age and his eyes slightly contracted as he simply used his short sword and slashed that air blade making it dissipate.

At the same time thanks to his Mangekyo Sharingan's very strong eye of insight ability, he quickly understood what Jutsu the other Jonin was trying to cast so he quickly picked Mikoto with his free hand and jumped away from the quagmire that quickly turned into hard stone.

Mikoto was shocked at the kid in front of her that just saved her life while enveloped in the chakra of a tailed beast that created three tails extending from his lower back, a transformation that usually only happens to those that have a tailed beast sealed in them resulting in them called Jinchuriki.

Yet this kid wasn't one, which confused her but that confusion was quickly drowned at the sensation of being alive and felt at peace with the kid in front of her in a protecting posture yet still having a distorted face that made him appear like a demon but she only looked at it with her usual warm expression while muttering in her heart 'thanks'.

Of course, right now I wasn't concerned with what she felt because I was still very angry while looking at the five ninja showing shocked and wary faces while looking at me and saying "how does this Uchiha kid have the power of the nine tails"

"It seems they were really the ones behind the incident 5 years ago and can already use the chakra of the nine tails"

"Be careful, he's more troublesome than that woman and his weapon seems very hard and sharp since my Jutsu didn't leave a scratch on it" said the Anbu ninja in wariness.

Adding to their surprise, I took out another short sword from my inventory and looked at them coldly with my killing intent casting an ominous atmosphere on the area surrounding me.

My anger at seeing Mikoto almost killed instinctively moved my body as I quickly flickered in front of one of the Chunins while Mikoto quickly got ready to offer her assistance when needed.

I arrived in front of them at a very fast speed and one of the Jonin made an earth wall to block my way and hinder my vision, but my senses were far too strong for me to be hindered by a simple lack of vision and quickly understood that they were all casting many Jutsu for when I break through the wall recklessly and so I used their plan against them...

As my vision was obstructed, theirs was the same so I simply kicked a big stone from one of the previously destroyed earth walls that were made at this new stone wall.

Meanwhile, those five ninjas were preparing different Ninjutsu to attack me when I break the wall, and the wall indeed broke but as they were about to throw their prepared Ninjutsu. One of the Chunins which was a sensor ninja quickly tried to warn them but it was too late.

The two experienced Jonin and sensor quickly jumped away when they felt something was wrong, but that wasn't the case for the last two Chunins as they found themselves swallowed by a huge fireball that came out of the ground under them causing them to scream from the pain of being burned alive and i followed behind it attacking the three that avoided my sneak attack.

They mistook my anger and craziness for carelessness, and they paid the price for it with two lives and three more were coming as my bloodlust increased.

Those three had ugly looks on their faces seeing what happened to their comrades but they didn't have time to mourn them because a shower of shurikens was raining on them and they couldn't react in time to cast a Jutsu so they quickly took out kunai's and started deflecting them quickly.

But Mikoto wasn't a Jonin for nothing and those shurikens quickly started ricocheting from one another mid-air making their paths very unpredictable and dodging them almost impossible and surprisingly the one that quickly fell victim to them was the Jonin that was good with earth style as he became a human porcupine.

This is a fight without mercy...


AN: I can't believe we've reached CHAPTER 50!!

Huge THANKS to everyone that's been reading so far and SPECIAL THANKS to those supporting me on pàtreon may the will of fire never shine upon you....