Begining of the war

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-Three days later-

Konoha's forces were deployed as planned with the only difference being Tsunade and Shizune who joined Iwa's battlefield since they lacked in Kage level ninja.

I was currently inside a camp in the land of hot water; this land was the battlefield where the war between Konoha and Kumo was going to take place.

The land of hot water has its own hidden village named Yugakure (Which literally means the village hidden in hot water).

Like the country in which it resides, this hidden village is also famous for having a strong inclination for pacifism and they pride themselves as 'the village that forgotten wars'.

This is also the village Hidan, a future member of the Akatsuki and also a follower of Jashin that believed in violence originated from and became a missing-nin of after they decided to keep on following their peaceful ways...

Clearly, they decided not to be involved in the war to the displeasure of Kumo under the condition that they don't fight in places populated with civilians which Konoha gladly agreed to as they already have plenty of enemies.

As for the daimyo of the land of hot water, he knew he couldn't afford to provoke either Kumo or Konoha so he reluctantly turned a blind eye as long as they followed with Yuga's condition.

Currently, I was inside the biggest tent in the camp which is used for meetings, strategizing, and relaying orders along with the other Jonin.

Hiashi as the leader of this mission was addressing how to deal with the current situation "According to the reports, Kumo's forces already passed the land of frost and they are already in the territory of the land of hot waters. Our scouts reported spotting at least 8000 ninjas in total led by the fourth Raikage A and the eight-tails current Jinchuriki B"

Everyone took a deep breath when they heard this news and remembering their pathetic 2000 shinobi forces compared to 8000...

Hiashi quickly continued reporting the current situation "The two-tails Jinchuriki; Yugito Nii wasn't seen among the forces so we believe they left her behind to protect Kumo so at least we won't have to deal with her"

This news didn't raise anyone's morale as they are still shaken by their enemy's forces, however Hiashi knew what he was doing and now he was planning to tell them the real good news" I am sure everyone is feeling distressed by the difference in power but do not worry we are not alone"

Everyone in the tent looked at him perplexed but they soon heard some noise coming from outside the tent and could see from the open curtains that a huge fox was walking in their direction accompanied by some Jonins from the Hyuga clan causing fear in the hearts of everyone.

"W-w-when was this monster freed?"

"Wasn't it sealed by the fourth Hokage?"

"How is it here? WE ARE DOOMED!!"

Panic and fear started traveling throughout the camp, but Hiashi quickly stepped outside the tent and yelled at the top of his voice so that everyone could hear him.


Disbelief was written on the faces of every single ninja, but soon that disbelief turned into unimaginable happiness, a happiness that can only come from having your worst nightmare turning into your ally.

The morale of all of Konoha's ninjas in the camp soared to the sky when they saw Kurama standing proudly beside the commanding tent clearly not here to be their enemy validating what Hiashi their commander just said making their adrenaline rise to dangerous levels.

Soon enough a booming war cry echoed throughout the camp and continued to travel in the land of hot water "THE WILL OF FIRE WILL NEVER BURN OUT!!!!"

Inside the tent, I closed my ears to not let them get tainted by that BS slogan. But still, I have to say that this atmosphere was contagious and I also felt my body filled with energy and a strong will to fight.

'So this is a battlefield huh' I immersed myself in this priceless experience filled with camaraderie hope and sacrifice which I knew will turn bloody very soon...

After the ninjas calmed down a little, Hiashi returned to the tent and looked at the now excited captains, and started to explain to them the plan Shikaku came up with to facilitate for them stalling for time as much as possible...

This news of Kurama joining the battlefield was broadcasted on all the fronts resulting in Konoha's morale reaching the highest possible which was the intended effect.

However, what wasn't intended is for Zetsu who's spreading his clones on every battlefield to get hold of this news. As for how it's going to change the state of events, only the future will show...

-One hour later-

The scouts finally detected a shift in Kumo's movement and we quickly received the news that they are finally initiating their attack.

The plan that Shikaku came up with was simple but very effective. He ordered for the Fuinjutsu specialists to not only try to set up a barrier to trap the Raikage or the eight tails Jinchuriki inside of it, but to also take advantage of the land of waters which is a heavily forested territory.

They already set up all kinds of traps on the way Kumo's ninjas will be traveling to reach here which will cause some disturbances to appear among their ranks.

Konoha's forces that were sent here and specialize in wind release have the advantage over Kumo's lightning release are of course going to take advantage of the opportunities these traps are going to open and use guerilla tactics to chip away at Kumo's forces bit by bit.

However, for those to succeed, both the Raikage and killer B needs to be drawn out from the main forces and that's going to be easily achieved by Kurama and me.

Hiashi issued the command to attack and Konoha's forces quickly rushed out in small teams consisting of a Taijutsu specialist, a Fuinjutsu specialist, and a wind release specialist to initiate their guerilla tactics while I jumped on top of Kurama's head and we rushed together outside the forest.

I activated my Sharingan and using it along with my strong senses, I quickly found the location of the enemy forces. However, Kurama was even quicker than me! and without even saying anything he opened his mouth and started gathering positive black chakra and negative white chakra in a ratio of 8 : 2.

Soon a Huge black orb of almost 10 meters in diameter appeared in front of Kurama's still open mouth and without hesitation, he sent in the direction of Kumo's forces.

"Kid, watch the power of the strongest tailed beast" said Kurama smugly as that bomb traveled at a very fast speed unstoppable as it destroyed everything in its way leaving a long trail behind it...

'Indeed, I really want to see the extent of your power' I thought as I watched intently at the tailed beast bomb flying through the air officially declaring the start of the war...