Gyuki and the impatient Raikage

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At Kumo's Army, the Raikage was issuing orders to the troops and instructing the sensors to keep a lookout for any traps or enemies hiding in the trees and beside him stood his brother Killer B, The eight-tails Jinchuriki.

Killer B didn't agree with this war and even tried to not join it saying that he wanted to stay back at Kumo to protect it. However, his big brother denied his request and said that Yugito will be taking care of Kumo in their absence and his presence in the war is necessary to minimize their casualties...

He closed his eyes and appeared inside a dark space where he saw a huge octopus-like creature. This was Gyuki, or better known as the eight tails.

Gyuki is a Ushi-oni (A Yokai from Japanese folklore) with four long horns on its head, similar to that of a Jacob sheep. As a tailed beast, it is extremely massive in size to the point that it dwarfs entire forests.

The lower left part of its horns was sliced off in a battle with A. This battle was caused by Orochimaru who orchestrated the events that led to Blue B's death (Gyuki's previous Jinchuriki) by posing as his doctor and giving him Genjutsu-inducing pills to paralyze him and proceeded to use the Five Elements Unsealing Jutsu to draw out the tailed beast.

This resulted in Gyuki going berserk killing eight Kumo ninjas in the process and forcing A the current Raikage to stop it on his own and then seal it in the Kohaku no Johei (Amber purifying pot).

The Kohaku no Johei is revered as one of the treasured tools of the Sage of Six Paths. It's a large orange pot with a stylized kanji for "lightning" that has the ability to seal anyone within it if the target responds when called by the wielder of the pot. If the person responds, the pot records their voice and then seals them.

Even Kurama described it as a powerful tool that whatever is sealed into it cannot escape. However, it's very demanding to use and consumes an enormous amount of chakra resulting most of the time in its wielder's death.

Gyuki also has a muscular upper-body structure, with a hunched back similar to an American bison, arms with spiked protrusions on the elbows, and hands with opposable thumbs like that of a human.

Instead of hind legs, its lower half consists of its eight tails, which resemble the cephalopod arms of an octopus. These tails will grow back in the event they are sliced off without taking a long time unlike its horns.

Killer B entered his mind space to rant on his frustrations to Gyuki so he said while rapping

"Yo Gyuki, I want to ask a question .... Do you have any objection?"

"What's wrong B, are you still worried about the war" asked Gyuki with a deep voice.

Killer B responded again while rapping "Yes,

Indeed you're absolutely right ..... So I will be upfront with ya and ask it outright

I am troubled by this war ..... It's ripping my heart ajar

My heart isn't made of ice ..... That's why the pain I feel is twice

More than any could feel ..... I wish this situation was not real"

"I can understand how you feel" Gyuki sighed before he continued" let's just hope there will be fewer wars in the future"

Killer B lowered his head and was contemplating his brother's choice in joining this war and to 'strike while the iron is still hot' as he put it, but soon something broke his concentration and both he and Gyuki raised their heads and looked in a direction some slight distance away from Konoha's camp.

'This chakra!' they looked at each other worriedly and they had the same ominous feeling that something bad was going to happen and they were right because out of nowhere they felt a huge amount of chakra rushing towards the direction of their army.

"B QUICKLY INTERCEPT IT, IT'S A TAILED BEAST BOMB!!!!" Gyuki yelled inside of B's mind and didn't hesitate as he transformed into his massive 8 tails form then quickly planted his muscular hands on the ground and swung all of his 8 tentacles at the huge bomb to try to redirect its flying path.

Meanwhile, the rest of Kumo's ninja were looking at this attack in despair as it didn't leave them any time to respond; arriving in front of them in the blink of an eye.

Only the strongest Jonin and sensors were capable of detecting it beforehand and now they were witnessing their Jinchuriki struggling to redirect it away.

After some struggle B roared and used all of his physical strength along with the support of Gyuki before he was capable of redirecting this massive attack leaving him slightly panting while the bomb continued its flight, now in a different direction heading towards a mountain.

As for the result?


The sound of a huge explosion echoed as a spherical blue explosion emanated from the mountain that was hit erasing it in the process and creating huge winds affecting everyone in the vicinity.

The sight of a mountain getting erased made everyone stop for a second, and they soon saw the cause of this incident.

A 100 meters tall Fox appeared in the distance and was eying their army with its crimson eyes and 9 tails swirling behind its back with a not so noticeable kid was standing on top of its right shoulder.

"Was that all you've got Kurama?" I said in a voice that only Kurama could hear wanting to confirm something.

However, his response was heard by everyone as he laughed in a loud voice "HAHAHAHA, Kid I am barely warming up"

'I could guess so much' I thought before I looked at the enemy army and yelled in a loud voice "Raikage and Killer B, come over here if you don't want your army slaughtered"

A looked at me and veins started popping on his head as he thought while gnashing his teeth ' A kid actually dares to provoke me' but he knew that the nine tails must be dealt with a soon as possible 'Just when did Konoha gain control of this monster'.

He thought in anger at this fatal lack of information that even those creepy Akatsuki members didn't know but he quickly calmed down and activated his ruthless fight mode.

His body started getting enveloped in lightning nature chakra increasing his physical attributes (strength, agility) as well as stimulating his nervous system, enhancing its speed and its reaction time. And also works as a very strong armor to defend against attack.

This was A's famous Ninjutsu, Lightning Release Chakra Mode which thanks to his huge amount of chakra that equaled to that of a tailed beast, allowed him to perform NinTaijutsu and made him arguably the strongest living ninja currently.

Seeing his big brother like this, Killer B knew he was getting serious and he quickly got his confirmation "Let's go seal that big fox and see what makes that kid so arrogant to provoke us, and don't be reckless "Said A as lightning crackled around him.

However, he was the first to act recklessly as before B could respond, he transformed into a bolt of lightning instantly appearing in front of the kid

"Say that again kid" said A while sending a terrifying punch at the kid's face showing no mercy.

For an instant, the crimson glow from the kid's eyes clashed with the lightning from the Raikage's eyes...


AN : Man, rapping ain't easy so no more air time for B, and one more thing, it was confirmed that I have covid today and the headaches and fever are killing me but I will try to keep up the releases, pray for me :(