Bakorio vs Killer B

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I was shocked at the terrifying speed the Raikage could reach as he took no time to appear in front of me, truly like a bolt of lightning.

Even Kurama couldn't react in time not to mention me as I could simply look at his lightning-encased punch approaching my face slowly and it hit him right on the nose; breaking it and causing blood to splatter everywhere from my face and sending me flying off of Kurama's shoulder.

Falling from something that's a hundred meters tall is no joke especially when you are punched by someone like the Raikage so the kid ended up going through many trees before he finally smashed into the ground caving it in and raising a huge cloud of dust in the process.

Seeing me getting damaged, the slit in Kurama's pupils contracted and a vicious aura started radiating from him as he tried to use his left claw to tear A into pieces.

However, A saw his attack coming from a mile away and stepped on Kurama's shoulder using it to jump back to the ground dodging his attack in the process while thinking 'one down, one more to go'

This is war, and A wasn't going to let any unknown variable get in his way especially in the presence of such a dangerous opponent like the nine tails.

Unfortunately for him, as much caution as he wants to take. The kid he attacked wasn't that easy to deal with either and unknown to A who was now preoccupied with fighting the nine tails. That same kid appeared in front of his brother's way!

"Yo, kiddo scram to the side before I kill you" said B who was still in his eight tails form and was trying to rush to help his brother fight against the nine tails.

"I am not going anywhere Killer B" I said as my eyes turned into my Mangekyo Sharingan making Gyuki quickly warn B.

"B be careful, this kid is not normal, he actually used a shadow clone to draw your brother to fight Kurama meaning he's probably confident to fight us and is very good at scheming, but more importantly, be careful of his eyes"

"His eyes you say? What worry is there for me haaay?" replied Killer B who also wasn't going to underestimate this kid that was capable of tricking his brother.

"These eyes are the Mangekyo Sharingan of the Uchiha clan and they gain them when they suffer very strong emotional trauma granting them different abilities from one member to another.

I can also feel a strong unnatural aura of death emanating from this kid so be extra careful" said Gyuki who was ready to help B at any moment.

"Gotcha" said B before he left his mind space and observed the kid and the weird atmosphere around him with a frown especially when he heard that he must have gone through a terrible life resulting in the awakening of his Mangekyo Sharingan.

However, he can't show sympathy especially with his brother fighting the strongest tailed beast on his own so he reverted back from his full tailed beast transformation to not exhaust his chakra back to a simple tailed beast mode covered with a red bubbling chakra and 8 tails stretching behind him.

'This should be enough to deal with this kid and check out his powers' thought B and during all this, the kid didn't move at all only and waited for B to finish his preparations that's when he said.

"Killer B, have a taste of death, Yomi No Kuni" Blood started dripping from my left eye and suddenly 4 black chains covered in a heavy aura of death appeared out of thin air.

These chains didn't reflect light or maybe they simply brought it to a different realm; a realm of death...

"B DODGE THOSE CHAINS AT ANY COST" Yelled Gyuki at the top of his voice when he saw how creepy those chains were and they quickly attacked B at a terrifying speed.

B could barely hear his friend's voice because he was overwhelmed with a feeling of fear, a feeling that surprisingly started at the same time the kid's other eye started bleeding so he used his great speed and agility to barely dodge the 4 chains that were heading to his vital areas.

The aura of death emanating from those chains was so powerful and ominous to the point that even A felt it while fighting Kurama causing him to look at it, and this small distraction caused him to get smashed to the ground but one of Kurama's attacks.

My attacks were relentless as the chains of death kept following B wherever he went, but surprisingly he was always able to dodge them making me frown at how strong and fast this guy is so I decided to add more pressure.

I took out 3 lethal Kunai and encased them in chakra before I threw them at Killer B 'even if the Poisson doesn't affect you, you will still be distracted enough for my chains to get you' I thought as I quickly did some hand signs "Shuriken Shadow clone Jutsu"

My 3 lethal Kunai started multiplying in the air from 3 to 6 and then they became 12 which was my limit with this Jutsu then I took a deep breath before I exhaled casting the Wind release: Great Breakthrough Jutsu creating a very strong wind which helped raise the speed of my Kunais dramatically 'Good enough' I thought and I was prepared to manipulate them with my Slithering Throwing Jutsu to take B by surprise.

However, B wasn't fazed at all and took out seven short blades that have a red handle and he held them in a very weird posture because surprisingly, none of them was held directly in his hands instead they were held in between the joints of his arms, under his armpits, bending his knees and another one in his mouth.

Then, he simply started spinning in a very calculated way and no matter how I tried to change the direction of the kunais, his terrifying reaction speed and agility allowed him to deflect all of them while dodging my chains at the same time.

I started feeling the stress from extensively using my chains of death and I was annoyed even more because I can tell that he also noticed these changes and was waiting for the opportunity when I am too tired and end up messing up.

Meanwhile, Killer B was looking at one of his short blades which he allowed to make a very brief contact with one of the chains and he noticed that part became so rusted it seemed that it might disintegrate at any moment.

"Yo Gyuki you're right I better be careful

If those chains touch me the outcome would be dreadful"

Killer B rapped while feeling some fear and thanking his luck that he reverted back to this form which makes it easier for him to dodge such attacks, unlike his full transformation.

"Yes B, and I can see that this kid's body is simply too weak and it's taking a huge toll on him to manipulate those chains. Otherwise, they might have been much stronger "Gyuki replied seriously but more relaxed as he now saw that B can deal with this danger.

"You are right I-" Before B could reply he noticed the kid clutching his left eye and he seemed to lose control of the chains and was about to fall down 'Good chance' thought B.

Suddenly he used the Lightning Release: Chakra Mode Jutsu similar to the Raikage raising his speed to terrifying levels and in the blink of an eye, he appeared behind Bakorio and used a chopping hand motion to the back of his neck 'sorry kid, that's the best I can do' thought B.

However, what B couldn't see is that there was no fear in the kid's eye only more blood dripping from them...


An : I'm really grateful for everyone that showed me concern, thank you. I am fine currently :D

What do you guys think of Bakorio's second ability 'Yomi no kuni' (land of the dead in japanese mythologie).