Extreme power vs absolute defense

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The human senses have their own limits. For example, eyesight is only useful for things that are in your range of vision, smelling is only useful when your target is emitting a smell, and let's not talk about taste and touch because they require contact. As for hearing, it's only reliable when your target isn't moving faster than the speed of the sound.

In this instant, Killer B used some kind of clone Jutsu to hide his real presence and he did it perfectly, I didn't know when he did this, maybe when I was distracted during my power-up.... however it may be, he did it perfectly.

And now, using his very high experience he was capable of completely hiding his presence and shifting my attention to that small hill while tricking my eye which I started to heavily rely on into believing that he was still behind his attack but when that clone disappeared I understood... I fked up.

Finding my strong senses useless, I had no time to react, I only had one thing left to rely on. My INSTINCTS!

Instincts that were recently strengthened by my hunter talent and previously by Kurama's inheritance, so the moment I felt danger coming from above me, I did the only thing I could in this situation and that is to summon my Susanoo.

Different from the previous time however where I could barely summon its rib cage, this time both the rib cage and the hand appeared guarding directly above me and Killer B was finally capable of taking a good look at this weird ability.

'Tch this kid is really fast at reacting and what's this dark structure?' thought B in his mind.

Killer B was using his Lightning Release Chakra Mode to its full power appearing like a lightning bolt in the air above me and when he was near my head. his hand transformed into one of Gyuki's huge hands and he smashed his fist right on top of my Susanoo's hand.


This was an attack that had Speed, power, and Weight! All pushed to the extreme and combined in one, and to my surprise. The result was the hand of my Susanoo breaking into pieces followed by the rib cage and finally my crossed arms which I barely had the time to cross in front of my chest thanks to the few moments bought by the Susanoo.


I was smashed into the ground creating a huge crater in it, and both my hands kept creating some weird sounds but in the end, they didn't crack thanks to my huge physique attribute which was no joke, and I quickly jumped away from Killer B and looked at this dangerous man in wariness who was looking at me in absolute shock in his face!

"Y-you actually survived this" finally the shock caused Killer B to forget to rap as he exclaimed!

'Tch this hurts a lot but I believe my hands will recover in no time' I thought while looking at my slightly bruised hands that didn't break from such a terrifying attack that could put a hole in a mountain. However, I couldn't feel proud of my achievement because the reality is that I was tricked and I almost paid for by my life...

"Kid you really surprise me ..... but I will beat you, this I guarantee" said B back to his rapping... meanwhile he was talking inside with Gyuki with a frown on his face.

"YO, comrade what was that..... I am getting tired of the abilities of this brat"

Gyuki seriously said "That is Susanoo, it's an ability of the Mangekyo Sharingan that puts a huge burden on the body and the eyes. This kid doesn't seem to be so proficient in using it that's why he could barely summon a hand which we are lucky for. This ability is famously called the ultimate offense and defense so be careful"

"Yes, this I know .... did you see how tough that kid though" Replied B again.

"Yes, his body is abnormally tough, even with how weakened your attack got it should have still been enough to destroy any person hit with it without any protection. yet that kid took it on with his bare body and only got some bruises. you should be really careful"

Killer B nodded before he exited his mind space and saw the kid getting enveloped in the first tailed beast transformation with four tails behind him.

'He's really using Kurama's chakra, how did he convince him?' thought Gyuki in wonder at the event unfolding in front of his eyes...

And then the terrible fight between these two continued...

Meanwhile, on the rest of this battlefield, Konoha's forces were barely holding back Kumo's forces using Shikaku's tactics and taking advantage of the terrain.

However, they were slowly getting pushed back because of the sheer difference in numbers and many casualties started appearing on the ranks of both sides.

Meanwhile, the ongoing fight between Kurama and the Raikage was getting more and more intense with A inflicting some cuts on Kurama's sturdy body and some bruises started appearing on the body of the now angry Raikage from getting smashed many times and he noticed his brother getting injured during his fight but the Nine tails never gave him the chance to go help him so their stalemate continued...

On the other fronts, each of Konoha's forces were following their assigned plans.

Against Suna, Shisui issued a final command to the controlled Homura to bring some chaos on the forces of the deserters making it easier for Konoha's forces to deal with them.

Then he released his control over him to focus on trying to take control of the one tail who he found was sealed inside the son of the current Kazekage, but they had to first force them to use it on this battlefield and it wasn't easy as they also had to deal with all of their 6000 strong forces along with the Kazekage.

Against Iwa, Kushina and Tsunade were working together to repel Onoki and try to unseal or seal their Jinchuriki which they weren't successful in doing yet and Konoha's forces were barely able to handle the pressure from Iwa's huge number of forces which reached 9000 the biggest number so far and even with the help of Tsunade's summon Katsuyu, the number of casualties was getting higher and higher...

Against Kiri, Jiraiya was using his incomplete sage mode and fighting against the manipulated Mizukage Yagura Karatachi who already transformed into his second tailed beast mode and was trying to find an opportunity to release him from the control of Obito's Genjutsu.

Meanwhile, his toad summon Gamabunta was helping Konoha's forces to deal with Kiri's forces to make up for the difference in numbers.

And finally, Hiruzen, Minato, Mukai, Kakashi, and Fugaku were confronting the Akatsuki trio of Tobi, Kakuzu, and Kisame along with Orochimaru and Danzo.

Orochimaru summoned his snake Manda while Danzo summoned Baku and they were currently in a very heated fight against Hiruzen and his summon Enma in a 4 vs 2 fight but Hiruzen was handling it very well.

Minato on the other hand didn't engage Tobi right away and they were talking about past events ...

Kisame laughed when he saw Kakashi and Mukai were his opponent s they were surprisingly similar with both of them having a Dojutsu in their left eyes, one with a Sharingan and the other a Byakugan!

And this fight started right away with Mukai taking the lead while Kakashi assisting him in many ways and quickly pressuring Kisame and putting him on a tough spot as he found Samehada was hard to use against the skilled Mukai ...

As for Fugaku and Kakuzu... well Kakuzu was already missing two hearts as blood dripped from Fugaku's eyes reminding everyone of his nickname 'Wicked eye'...

All in all, the situation on each battlefield was going as planned but it didn't take long for it to change with the involvement of a dangerous group of people...


An: Thank you to everyone that's wishing me well :D