Feel the pain

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The first change in the war happened in the front with Kiri!

Currently, Jiraiya was fighting Yagura in a very heated battle with two old male and female frogs standing on each of his shoulders and red marking covering his face.

The two small frogs were Jiraiya's master Fukasaku and his wife Shima.

These more than 800 years old frogs were offering their assistance to Jiraiya to allow him to enter Sage Mode because he couldn't maintain it on his own otherwise, and to help him recover his natural energy.

Normally a ninja's chakra is made when a balance is reached between spiritual and physical energies. However Sage Mode is different, it's a specialized field of Jutsu that involves the use of natural energy.

Senjutsu practitioners, known as Sages, learn to draw natural energy inside their bodies, blending it with their own chakra to create Senjutsu chakra.

This chakra adds a new dimension of power to the user's techniques, while also allowing for the use of techniques that would not otherwise be possible. It also allows the user to enter Sage Mode, in which their physical parameters and sensing capabilities are dramatically enhanced for as long as the mode is active.

However, drawing nature's energy and reaching a balance between it and physical and spiritual energies is not easy and this is just the case when out of combat.

When in a fight, it is much harder because drawing natural energy requires for both the body and the mind to be still.

To learn Senjutsu. First, the practitioner is required to learn how to sense nature energy and this is easier to do in places filled with it like Mount Myoboku under the teaching of toads or Ryuchi cave under the teaching of snakes.

Second, the learners must have a very strong chakra to begin with. Otherwise, the moment they try to draw in nature energy, it might overwhelm them and the result? In the best case scenario turns into the shape of the animal you are learning it from and in a bad case, you will directly turn into stone.

A talented person like Jiraiya was barely capable of reaching that balance and entering Sage mode on his own but he couldn't keep it up in a fight because he can't draw natural energy without being in a meditative state, that's why he needs the assistance of his master and his wife.

-Back to the fight-

Yagura rushed at Jiraiya with incredible speed trying to use his Coral Palm Jutsu on him. This Jutsu causes corals to grow on any surface he touches!

When used on opponents, it restricts their movement and eventually immobilizes them making it a very deadly Jutsu!

Jiraiya however wasn't nice enough to allow himself to get caught in such a thing so, the moment Yagura came close to him, his long spiky white hair became even bigger and sharp like spears and he attacked Yagura directly with it forcing him to retreat.

Yagura already experienced how dangerous Jiraiya's hair is as it can even penetrate and injure his currently strong form so he wasn't going to let it happen again and after he stabilized himself, He started charging a tailed beast mode.

Jiraiya noticing this, quickly used a swamp Jutsu that could cover a huge surface trying to disrupt Yagura's tailed beast bomb and it worked because he was forced to stop what he was doing and felt like it was time to get serious and started transforming into his full tailed beast form.

'Finally, he transformed' thought Jiraiya as he gave a quick look to both Fukasaku and Shima and they understood what to do right away

"Sage Art: Goemon!!" in an instant Jiraiya started spewing a huge amount of oil from his mouth followed by Fukasaku performing a large Wind Release Jutsu to propel the oil, and Shima performing a large Fire Release Jutsu to ignite it.

In an instant, Yagura who transformed into the three tails Isobu's huge form and was still stuck in the swamp suddenly found himself covered in oil, and before he could understand what was happening. He saw a wind and fire Jutsu coming his way causing him to widen his eyes in surprise as he knew that he will end up heavily injured if such a combination attack hit him.

His instincts screamed at him and told him that within an instant, the area will be filled with oil burning at temperatures of thousands of degrees creating an inferno of such magnitude that, within an instant, the target and the surrounding area will be reduced to cinders.

'Not good, he was waiting for me to transform from the start Tch' thought Yagura in worry but just when Jiraiya was starting to get smug with the success of his plan and felt like his mission was soon to be over, a huge patch of sand and earth started raising from the ground and intercepted his attack just in time protecting Yagura behind it.

Yagura without hesitating used both wind and water release on himself to remove all the oil from his body before he stopped and looked at the man that saved him ... or thing.

It was a hunched person that resembled a scorpion wearing a black robe with red cloud markings on it, with a long metallic tail that ended with a very sharp tip extending from under his robe.

It was Sasori from the Akatsuki and the missing-nin from Suna!

Jiraiya instantly understood he was in trouble because the person in front of him was a member of the Akatsuki and at that moment he hoped, hoped that at least only his battlefield was interfered with...

However, his hopes were in vain because all the other fronts had similar situations.

In Suna, Juzo appeared intercepting Itachi and Shisui who were already struggling to fight the Kazekage to the point that Shisui was forced to use his Susanoo and now they were going to get forced into a much worse situation.

In the Iwa front, Tsunade was having an intense fight with the Tsuchikage Onoki already activating her strongest Jutsu Ninja Art Creation Rebirth - Strength of a Hundred Technique! which made markings appear not only on her face but all over her body.

She was having a very bloody fight with Onoki and some of the ninjas helping him and had no regard for her injuries which kept healing constantly and only dodged attacks like Onoki's dust release which she can't regenerate from the damage it could cause as it literally disintegrates anything into particles...

Meanwhile, Kushina was using her Uzumaki clan's Adamantine Sealing Chains and was trapping Han, the Jinchuriki of the five tails with them and using the support of Konoha's forces and Tsunade trying to buy her time to unseal the five tails.

She was about to succeed in freeing the five tails and make him go berserk inside the battlefield, but just as she was about to succeed the sun suddenly was hidden behind something, and when everyone raised their heads.

They saw a blue-haired woman in black robes and white wings like that of an angel hovering in the sky above the battlefield and behind her was a sea of small pieces of paper which covered the sun! and quickly, those pieces of paper started descending and either exploding among the ranks of Konoha's forces or penetrating them like sharp knives causing that image of an angel to turn into a bloody devil!

This was Konan...

And finally, there was the Kumo battlefield. Not just one person appeared; instead, six orange-haired people wearing Akatsuki robes with weird eyes appeared at the same time.

They were the six paths of pain!!

And now, their leader Pain was hovering above the battlefield looking at the fight between Kurama and A as well as me and Killer B before he turned his attention to Konoha's struggling forces and said without emotions in his voice...

"Feel the pain!"