Six paths of Pain

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A boy and a humanoid beast were facing each other in a very intense battle. The boy had 4 black chains revolving around him with a very ominous aura which he continuously attacked the beast with.

He also carried two short swords in his hands and the manifestation of a black skeletal rib cage with a skeletal hand surrounding him defended his body.

Meanwhile, the beast tried all kinds of ways to injure the kid or trick him like he previously did but nothing worked again making them reach a stalemate.

"B! stop holding back" said Gyuki to the frustrated killer B.

"Tch, okay" replied B before he hastily retreated to make some distance between himself and the kid's chains which he already understood how long their range is.

'What's he doing' I thought as I had a bad feeling of what Killer B was going to do and my worries soon came true as he opened his mouth and started drawing positive and negative energies creating a tailed beast bomb as tall as me.

Killer B is the most perfect living Jinchuriki currently in the world and his cooperation with his tailed beast is almost seamless allowing him to create this tailed beast bomb in a very short time.

Of course, before this, he calculated the distance to retreat properly so that even if I try to rush at him, I won't reach him in time with my speed and range but what's more disturbing is he also calculated the direction and positioned himself to face Konoha's camp.

'Tch this is really troublesome now I can't dodge or they are going to be doomed' I thought as I quickly bit off the thumbs of both of my right and left hands and put them on the ground 'Summoning Jutsu: Quintuple Rashomon'

I don't like using this Jutsu because it uses so much chakra as much as 4000 for each gate and even though currently, this Jutsu reached level 9, its chakra consumption only lowered by 160.

I remembered from the anime that Orochimaru only needed 3 gates to block Naruto's tailed beast bomb. However, Naruto at that time only had 4 tails in his second tailed beast mode so he can't be compared to the current killer B with 8 tails so I planned to use 4 gates.

As my hands touched the ground, Killer B already started compressing the huge bomb to a smaller but even more dangerous bomb as huge gates started emerging from the ground in front of me.

4 huge Rashomon gates that had demon-like faces appeared with different colors similar to those of the different elements.

The color of the first gate was red, the second gate was green, the third was blue and the fourth was yellow, and with them appearing I lost a massive 15000 chakra which is almost half of my current chakra reserves.

'Tch I can't let him use this again or I will simply die of exhaustion' I thought and just as I ended this thought Killer B sent the ball in my direction.

People fighting all around us already noticed the emergence of the huge gates and when they saw the reason for them everyone standing behind me quickly retreated from their location while Kurama looked at me worriedly and even started preparing a bomb of his own to attack Killer B with but he was interrupted by A.

The bomb arrived in no time and made contact with the first gate which it destroyed before it reached the second gate and when it hit it. A huge explosion was created that was weakened by the third and fourth gates before it reached my location in the shape of strong wind that did me no damage.

"Tch he blocked even this attack but I can tell that he exhausted a huge amount of chakra doing it so if we hit him again he's going to be completely drained" Said Gyuki to B.

"Yo don't worry ..... We're gonna make him sorry" Replied B but just as he was about to attack again he heard Gyuki yell in his head "B!! a very dangerous group is approaching this battlefield from the sky"

Gyuki wasn't the only one who noticed them. Me, Kurama, Killer B, and the Raikage and many sensors from both hidden villages like the members of the Hyuga clan using their Byakugan also noticed the same huge chakra coming our way...

It was as if we had a mutual agreement and we stopped our fights as we looked at what appeared in the air a few seconds later.

It was an unusual green bird. Not only does it demonstrate a prominent and jagged yellow-colored beak, but it also features three distinct legs and light purple eyes with circles inside of them. They were the Rinnegan indicating Nagato was controlling it!

It also has one giant chakra receiver sticking through the right side of its back and another one sticking through the left side of its neck.

I instantly recognized this bird as Nagato's Animal path's summon and I had a terrible feeling when I saw the six people standing on top of it.

They were the six paths of pain!

They consisted of the Deva path which is Nagato's favorite and used the body of his friend Yahiko and it has the power to manipulate attractive and repulsive forces, but it cannot be performed in rapid succession and require some time to recharge (minimum 5 seconds).

It also grants the use of the Jutsu Chibaku Tensei which allows the user to create a huge makeshift terrestrial body from all the surrounding matter that is attracted to a black sphere released by this Jutsu (This's how the moon of the current Naruto world was created and how Kaguya was sealed).

The Asura path is a bold man with an unusual body shape which used to be a wandering puppeteer before he was captured by Nagato. He had a distinctively wide neck and no ears.

It grants the user the ability to augment their own body to summon mechanized armor and various ballistic and mechanical weaponry.

The Human path is a man with long orange hair that used to be a ninja from the village hidden in the waterfalls.

It grants a Rinnegan user the ability to read the mind of any target by placing his hand on the target's head or chest and yanking the soul out of the body resulting in the inevitable death of the target afterward.

The Naraka path is a short-haired man who used to be a priest before he was killed by Nagato and made into one of his paths, the most important one, as it grants the user two main abilities. Interrogation and restoration by summoning the king of hell.

The Animal path is a man with long hair tied into a ponytail with a fringe hanging down from the right side of his head who used to be a ninja from the Fuma clan that resided in the land of sound.

It grants the user the ability to summon various animals and creatures to aid in battle which appears to be immortal as even if they die they can be summoned again and it can even summon humans.

The Preta path is a stocky man with beady brown eyes with his hair tied in a short ponytail. It grants the user the ability to absorb chakra in any shape or form, making any Ninjutsu ineffective against it.

My heart sank when I saw them and then the feeling increased, even more when I saw Pain glance at us before he said "Feel the pain" and the green bird they were riding on top of started diving directly towards the center of Konoha's ninjas with the Preta path absorbing any attacks heading towards it.

What followed when they landed is simply a huge massacre...