The spy related to Dark chakra

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The link is also in the synopsis


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"Bakorio, do you know where I got my regeneration Jutsu?" Asked Orochimaru all of sudden and Bakorio couldn't help but say "I always thought you probably created it by yourself or got it from Tsunade, is this not the case?"

Orochimaru shook his head before he said "You couldn't be any more mistaken"

Bakorio was surprised so he asked "Where did you get it from then? Did you steal it from some ninja you killed?"

Orochimaru seemed to be recollecting some memories before he said "No, I got it from a trade I made with a traveling doctor some time ago, I exchanged it for some intel about Konoha since I was already planning to leave it…"

Orochimaru paused here trying to see if Bakorio was showing any signs of anger but the latter kept simply listening coldly waiting for him to get to the main point…

"Of course, I wouldn't trade with someone if I could simply get it by force so I tried to kill that guy, and surprisingly, he used a type of chakra that I never saw before, it was a dark chakra!"

Bakorio's eyes suddenly turned eerily cold and Orochimaru who was dreaming to become immortal suddenly started smelling death! Which made his heart shake in fear… 'What's this feeling, it reminds me of when I tried to establish a contract with the dead using Edo Tensei! Just what's this kid hiding...' was all Orochimaru could think.

Meanwhile, Bakorio's mind was racing as he started to connect the dots together 'Don't tell me… that annoying spy we've been searching for… we actually couldn't find him because of this bastard giving him all kinds of intel about Konoha… But at least now I have some clues about his identity'

After calming down, Orochimaru smiled nervously and said "What was that?". He really wanted to know what was that terrible aura he just felt emanating from Bakorio…

"Continue the explanation" Said Bakorio, ignoring his question since he wasn't going to expose his secrets just to anyone, especially not to this snake

Orochimaru seeing that it wasn't the time to ask about this continued by saying "Fine… After I attacked that guy, I was surprised to see that his previously normal-looking body transformed into a perfect specimen, in an instant I couldn't contend against him anymore in both speed and strength and had to resort to my arsenal of Jutsu to force him into retreating… But I didn't want to chase after him since I didn't know what kind of trump cards he still had…"

Hearing Orochimaru describing this guy using dark chakra to transform into a superhuman, Bakorio couldn't help but recall the people Hiruzen talked about that Hashirama and Tobirama fought and the latter had to use his impure reincarnation Jutsu just so he could barely hold them back…

'Don't tell me, someone is actually trying to revive the monster that Hashirama and Tobirama fought?' Bakorio's heart was shaken at the thought of this grave danger and he quickly asked Orochimaru "What's the identity of this guy, and why did you say that I should avoid this darkness otherwise it might consume me? Orochimaru… You didn't try to experiment on this type of chakra did you?"

Orochimaru simply shrugged before true to Bakorio's worries, he said "I did, I sealed some of it in my body when that guy attacked me using some kind of dark orb that resembled the fourth Hokage's Rasengan, and after failing to find a way to control it or use it the way he did to enhance my body, I had to stop. Especially since I noticed that it had a very bad influence on the mind like some kind of hypnotic Genjutsu that forces people to follow their dark desires until they became a slave to them…"

Bakorio was surprised as he felt that this was the same way he felt when that dark orb in his heart tried to influence him subconsciously to fall into despair during the war but he knew the guy in front of him was a huge liar and didn't tell him the complete truth so he asked him with a doubtful look on his face "Did you really find no way to use it? you the great genius Orochimaru?"

'This kid is hard to mislead' thought Orochimaru who tried to hide his lies by telling a lot of truth but to his surprise, Bakorio still saw through it easily so he let out a smirk and said " Well I won't lie to you, I found a way to integrate it inside a forbidden Jutsu I'm mastering… The impure world reincarnation"

Bakorio grew thoughtful before he asked "What do you mean?"

Orochimaru smiled eerily and said "You don't need to know how that Jutsu works for now since it's too complicated for you, all you need to know is that the main way this Jutsu uses to create a contract with the dead is by using their feelings of regret and longing for something in their lives"

Bakorio nodded as he understood a little about this Jutsu from his knowledge of Naruto but Orochimaru's next words really startled him "The way I found to integrate this dark chakra into it is by modifying the bodies of those I want to reincarnate with it, and if they are revived while having some vengeance in their hearts, I believe they could use this dark chakra to its fullest potential and would make them very strong. Especially since the summoner can have complete control over his summons so he wouldn't risk losing control of them from the effect of the dark chakra"

Bakorio was left speechless by this guy's twisted ideas but he couldn't help but admire his talent "You really are an evil genius"

Hearing Bakorio's praise, Orochimaru let out a chuckle before he said with a smirk "Now, do you want to know the identity of that guy?"

Bakorio's eyes started to shine brightly and he knew Orochimaru was trying to make a deal here since he saw how much Bakorio wanted to know the identity of this person.

"What do you want?" Asked Bakorio calmly and he could see Orochimaru's eyes flickering around the room before they landed on him and said with a greedy look in his eyes "You said you want to add Hashirama's bloodline to your body…. I want you to give me your DNA if that experiment succeeds, I also want your help in the future in case something goes wrong and Konoha hunts me down"

Bakorio considered his words for a while before he said "I can agree to the first one, but for the second one, you need to promise to stop dreaming about attacking Konoha otherwise I won't be able to help you… deal?"

Bakorio extended his hand and Orochimaru looked at it silently before he shook it with a weird look in his eyes that creeped Bakorio out so he quickly retrieved it and said

"Now, tell me, who's this traveling doctor you met?"

Orochimaru recollected his memories silently before he said " That doctor's name is Shinno, from the information I gathered, he's a famous doctor that resides in a village to the east of the land of fire called Cloud village, he has a very good reputation for being a kind-hearted individual that would help people whether they had the money to pay him or not… You can't imagine my surprise when he approached me for intel…"

'Shinno huh? Cloud village?' A murderous aura suddenly started gushing out of Bakorio's body startling Orochimaru and at this moment, the clueless Shinno didn't know that death will soon come knocking on his door… and through his throat!