Mukai back in Konoha

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


If Bakorio watched the Naruto movie about the land of the sky, he could have understood right away that this wandering doctor Shinno's the one responsible for the resurrection of the zero tails.

He was originally from the village hidden in the sky. This village was very unique and feared by the various hidden villages because it was a literal flying fortress! They had very advanced technology that allowed them to create tools for their ninja to fly through the air and they could bombard their enemies from the sky while they themselves get very few casualties…

As for the flying fortress, it was actually a special type of technology that works with dark chakra… and they probably had a way to create it even without Zero tails, or maybe they still had some reserves of it from the time the monster that fought with Hashirama existed…

This village held some kind of grudge against Konoha, and during the second ninja war, they decided to attack Konoha… Which resulted in their destruction!

That's why the saying, a starving camel is still bigger than a horse is true, and Konoha at the time had many talented individuals such Hiruzen and Kakashi's father Sakumo, as well as Fugaku's father…

After that incident, some remaining forces of the village hidden in the sky decided to remain hidden and bide their time to make their reveal when they recover the monster they worshiped, the Zero tail.

For this, they sent a man named Shinno. He was a very skilled doctor so he was easily able to gain the trust of the people he meets by appearing as a kind man that likes to help people. What he was truly doing, however, is first creating a simple base in cloud village since they were near the remains of where the fortress of the village hidden in the sky was hidden as well as try to find a way to infiltrate Konoha to get the scroll that was sealing the zero tails.

That's how he came to know Orochimaru since the latter heard of his fame as a great doctor and decided to add him to his collection but he failed and ended up simply making a trade with him since Shinno was simply too careful.

But he got what he wanted from Orochimaru and found a way to slowly infiltrate Konoha, his first move was to get acquainted with people there, so he made multiple visits using his identity as a doctor to easily enter and leave. This was so that he could confirm the information that Orochimaru gave him and at the same time, he didn't want to take action right away as he was still preparing a vessel for the Zero tails because it's going to be in a very weak state when it's revived deprived of most of its dark chakra.

So, he and the remaining sky ninja were planning to torture the people of the cloud village and feed their negative emotions to Zero tails so that it creates dark chakra for them. In the end, of course, their plan failed as they miscalculated the power of the newly resurrected beast and ended up getting wiped up completely by Konoha, although the fate of the zero tails was never shown…


After Bakorio organized his thoughts, he called for Mukai who was training the Hyuga's Jutsus and he appeared to be bored as he approached him before he directly said "I want you to go back to Konoha"

Mukai's eyes lit up slightly since this was a good time to go meet his family, but he still asked just in case what this little monster in front of him wanted "What for?"

Bakorio quickly recounted everything he gathered so far to Mukai, and in the end, Mukai was left both horrified and speechless as he let out a sigh and said "And here I was expecting I will be going on a small break…"

Bakorio glared at Mukai as he said "As if I'm taking breaks… Anyways, only tell Fugaku and Minato about this, and tell them to do their best to catch this man alive, I have some plans for him"

Mukai could see an eerie light flashing through Bakorio's eyes and he couldn't help but gulp down and think 'I better not mess this up' before he said "Don't worry, I shall complete this mission perfectly… Ahum, now then goodbye" Before he immediately ran away leaving Bakorio speechless for a while…

"It seems I need to leave going to Ryuchi cave for sometime later" muttered Bakorio silently and he started making some special preparations for a moment he was fearing… 'What's your next move…' thought Bakorio. Only he knew who this thought was directed at…


Inside Konoha, the place was getting more and more livelier, Naruto and Sasuke who were both 6 years old entered the civilian academy to learn how to read and write and they ended up making many friends … Naruto got along with Shikamaru Nara and Kiba Inuzuka and many others while Sasuke was working his legs running from the girls chasing after him.

This was because he showed great potential by awakening his clan's Sharingan as well as being a very strong fighter even without it. Not to mention his good looks as well as being the son of the current Hokage so many people ended up fawning for him.

But thankfully, he had Naruto with him that always kept his ego from going out of control and didn't let him develop a bad character, not to mention the shadow of Bakorio always appears in his head whenever he sees the admiring gazes the people keep sending him while saying…

"Waa, he's probably the most promising ninja in the village right now" said person number 1

"I agree, he's so strong for his age" said person number 2

But Sasuke would quickly refute these claims saying that Bakorio was way stronger than him, and even Naruto who he never agrees with, would back him up on this, yet the people simply didn't want to believe such a thing.

After all, the higherups made sure to keep this information hidden as much as possible, and the kids that never met Bakorio simply decided to regard these rumors as false until they see him with their own eyes…

"Hey Naruto, you always talk about your brother Bakorio, when are you going to introduce us to him" Asked Sakura with a mocking look in her eyes, and Naruto couldn't help but snort at her "Hmph, just wait until he returns from his training, you guys will see by that point how cool brother Bakorio is"

"Heh, no one's cooler than my Sasuke" said Sakura with unfocused eyes, clearly she was daydreaming which made the people around her laugh and the girls get jealous as they started fighting in the playground…

But that's when a man that they didn't recognize entered suddenly making the kids grow silent, but when Naruto and Sasuke saw this man, their eyes suddenly started shining as they both ran at him and said at the same time "Mukai-san! You are back"

Mukai smiled warmly at them and he couldn't help but think 'It has been a while huh?' he noticed how Naruto and Sasuke kept looking around in excitement and he understood what they were searching for so he said with a regretful sigh

"Sorry kids, Bakorio didn't come back with me"

Naruto and Sasuke's faces suddenly grew disappointed and Mukai could hear the kids whispering around him "So this man is the one that could beat the cruel Anbu captain Kakashi and the Uchiha monster duo at the same time!"

"He doesn't look that strong" said Kiba while observing Mukai from top to bottom which brought a dark look to the latter's face until he noticed a certain kid was looking at him with a weird look in his eyes… Eyes that were as white as snow

'This Kid's eyes…' Mukai's eyes narrowed slightly while looking at none other than Neji Hyuga!